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Build: mope build [<target>|pull|status]

We currently have 4 builds:

  1. Browser renderer (React)
  2. Server renderer (React)
  3. Vendor lib bundle (DLL)
  4. TRN module generation

Browser and server builds vary between dev and production, e.g. the dev build supports hot module reloading, while the prod build is minified.

This script does not clean the target directories - that behavior must be managed by the CLI consumer.

Synopsis (build targets)

$ mope build [browser|server|vendor|trn]
  1. Browser target: (mope build browser): Browser renderer to /build/browser-app/*/app.js
  2. Server renderer target (mope build server): Server renderer to /build/server-app/*/server-app.js
  3. Vendor target (mope build vendor): Javascript DDL bundles to /build/browser-app/* and manifest files to build/vendor
  4. Trn target (mope build trn): Generate trn content modules to /src/trns/modules/

Browser and server targets also support specifying locales

Synopsis (build pull)

$ mope build pull --versionId=12345 --s3Bucket=s3-bucket-name --tags foo bar baz

Pull the build artifacts with the supplied tags for the supplied version from AWS S3 storage. Unpack them into the current directory.

Synopsis (build status)

$ mope build status [--id=12345] [--auto-cancel] [--min-interval=5000] [--repo=meetup/mup-web] [--token=asdf]

Check the Travis build status for the specified build ID, and optionally cancel the build if another one has started within the min-interval. Defaults for most options come from standard Travis environment variables - auto-cancel defaults to false.

Synopsis (build report)

$ mope build report --application=myapplication --build=mybuildID --key=DDAPIKey

When a web platform application is built (using mope build [browser|vendor]), run this command to log built asset size statistics to DataDog.

The reported metrics are

  • mwp.bundle.size (total JS asset size)
  • mwp.bundle.chunk_size (individual chunk size)

Use the metric tags to filter by chunk name, application (e.g. mup-web or pro-web), and build number

The build

We are using Webpack to bundle our static assets.

The configuration for the Webpack builds are created by node-runnable scripts in the scripts/webpack/ directory. The configuration modules export functions that take a localeCode and produce a corresponding Webpack configuration object.


The application comprises 4 basic components:

  1. The browser-executed React rendering bundle (Browser-Render)
  2. The server-executed React rendering bundle (Server-Render)
  3. The application server bundle (App-Server)
  4. The asset file server (Asset-Server)

The isomorphic/universal codebase is part of 1 and 2, but each bundle includes some wrapping logic to package it for the target execution environment.

Dev vs Prod behavior

The best way to manage the dev/prod distinction is with the NODE_ENV environment variable - most Node tools assume that it is the single source of truth about dev vs prod, so no need to try to override it with a build script.


In production, we need to build artifacts - on-disk JavaScript files that can be run/served by Node. We also need to version the Browser-Render filename to enable long-term browser caching.

Other static assets are generated as a side-effect of the Browser-Render build.

Browser vs Server Render bundle

The browser-executed React bundle runs entirely inside a <div> provided by the server-rendered HTML, while the server-executed React bundle must produce a complete HTML document, from <!DOCTYPE html> to </body>. The server-executed React bundle therefore includes the <script> tag that loads the browser- executed bundle (so meta!), as well as <link> tags for any CSS assets produced by the browser build.


The bundles have a linear runtime dependency chain:

Server (3) <- Server-Render (2) <- Browser-Render (1)

We use custom Node-executable scripts to coordinate the Webpack build rather than using the Webpack CLI directly, primarily to generate language-specific bundles that can be defined programmatically (more info below).

At a high level, the build routine does the following:

  1. Build a Browser-Render bundle for a single language
  2. Pass the resulting bundle filename to step 3
  3. Build a Server-Render bundle that injects the Browser-Render filename into the built files so that they will render the corresponding <script>/ <link> tags.
  4. (in parallel with 1) Build the server, which will consume the Server-Render bundles from an import path defined as a constant before the build.

Steps 1-3 are run multiple times in parallel child processes - once for each supported language.

Each build step has a corresponding Node script in scripts/, although because of the current build-time dependency, only the Server-Render script (build-server-app) and the App-Server script (build-server) are directly executable - the Server-Render script manages the Browser-Render dependency internally.

Possible optimizations

  1. Consolidate the separate language-specific build processes into a single process that still produces separate bundles, but can leverage in-process build caching to improve overall performance while (potentially) simplifying the build script, which would no longer have to coordinate spawned child processes. WP-364

Bundling translated message modules

We have 2 primary requirements for bundling translated message content:

  1. Only load translated messages for the current localeCode.
  2. Only load translated messages that the currently-loaded app code can render, i.e. avoid loading translations for components that are not available.

The first challenge is defining the translated message import path in a way that is localeCode-aware.

A naive approach would simply require the modules based on a runtime localeCode variable, e.g.:

// naive import (bad)
const messages = require(`trns/${localeCode}/path/to/messages`);

However, since this dependency path can't be resolved at build time, Webpack will bundle all potentially-matching modules into the same chunk to guarantee that they will be available at runtime. This means that the translations for all languages would be put together into a single chunk, violating goal 2.

We therefore have to use a static module path, e.g.

// static import (good)
import messages from 'trns/path/to/messages';

There are 3 strategies for bundling in a way that allows the correct language to be imported using this 'static' import syntax;

  1. Build the application once for each language, and use a different resolve.alias rule for each build, bundling the language dependencies into the app code.
  2. Build language-specific 'external' bundles that each export the same global 'trns/path/to/messages' variable, tell Webpack to look for 'trns/path/to/messages' imports in the global namespace, and ensure that only the relevant language bundle has been loaded.
  3. Build app-independent language bundles, but import them all dynamically using async import() calls.

We are using option 1, using resolve.alias to resolve the language- specific modules for each build.

resolve.alias allows us to correctly resolve the language imports at build time and have them automatically honor code-split points defined by dynamic import() calls at the cost of requiring multiple build passes on the full app, most of which doesn't change based on localeCode. An integrated build routine that still produced multiple bundles from a single compile process might improve the build time, but would not affect the output bundle content.

Option 2, using externals, has a couple of major disadvantages - first, it doesn't work very well in Node, where you can't easily swap out globals on a per-request basis, and second, the language bundles don't have any awareness of code split points within the application because they are bundled independently of the application.

Option 3, using dynamic import() might technically work, but would require a request-per-trn'ed-component in the browser, which result in dozens of separate calls, and would require some pretty sophisticated (read: complex) async rendering throughout the application.

More considerations:

There are three ways to build translated message modules:

  1. Standalone trns module - assume that all existing translated messages in all languages can be bundle together into a single chunk

    Problem: huge bundle - tens of thousands of translated messages per chunk

  2. Standalone language-specific module bundle - assume all translated messages for each language can be bundled together into language-specific chunks

    Problem: large bundle - thousands of translated messages per chunk

  3. Bundle trn modules with app code - split translated messages by language and follow application-defined code split points

    Problem: must bundle the app once-per-language in order to correctly bundle the chunks

We are bundling trn modules with the app code (option 3), which again is slower than 1 or 2, but produces the optimal chunk contents.


In dev, we typically don't need a complete build of the application, e.g. we don't need versioned static assets, multiple language builds, and minification.

We can also activate some dev-friendly features like Hot Module Reloading (HMR) and rebuilding/restarting the app server when files change. These features are all bundled into a single yarn command:

yarn start:dev

This command clears the build/ directory, and starts the dev servers, logging all output to a single terminal window. Killing the process also stops the servers.

Dev build diagram


The complete application requires 3 bundles:

A. Browser application B. Server application (mostly the same as A) C. Node app server

Each of these bundles has its own configuration, and both (A) and (B) can be split into multiple independent languages bundles that resolve TRN dependencies independently.

In dev, each bundle is compiled by Webpack in 'watch mode', meaning that the entry script and its dependencies will be watched for changes, and the bundle will be rebuilt immediately.

In addition to bundling, the bundles must be served.

The Browser application (A) is compiled, watched, and served by the Webpack Dev Server. The Server application and Node app server are bundled by separate compilers, and then served by a process that can be restarted when a new bundle is created.

This script manages all aspects of the dev server:

  1. Start the Webpack Dev Server for the Browser application bundle (A)*
  2. Start the Webpack watch-mode compiler for the Server application (B)
  3. Start the Webpack watch-mode compiler for the Node app server (C)
  4. Start the Node app server when (B) is built*
  5. Start the Node app server when (C) is built*
  6. Re-start the Node app server when (B) is re-built
  7. Re-start the Node app server when (C) is re-built

*: Child process


  1. You only want to build a single language (This could probably be enabled)
  2. The bundle filenames are not hashed (This might be allowable if we work out ManifestPlugin)
  3. You will not be adding new translations (not relevant to the starter kit, but we'll need to account for it in mup-web - shouldn't be too difficult)
  4. You don't want to build the service worker script (fine for now, and relatively easy to enable in the future)


Analyzing the bundle

Webpack is configured to write its build stats to a file alongside each bundle. These stats JSON files can be analyzed with various tools.
