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File metadata and controls

220 lines (182 loc) · 15.8 KB

Data Files

Download the data files (download here):

  • firefox.img - Memory snapshot
  • firefox_places.sqlite - Places database

In case you want to reproduce this, here are the steps taken to generate the data files:

  1. Boot an Ubuntu VM.
  2. Open firefox and go to "".
  3. Take memory snapshot.
  4. Copy places.sqlite in the firefox profile directory.

Finding Table Schemas

Each database stores an sqlite_master table that contains, among other things, the schema for each table. Use sqlitefindtables command to find sqlite_master tables and extract the schema:

$ python -f firefox.img sqlitefindtables
Name                    Needle Size Column Type String
uri                               1 id:primarykey; value:null,string
interpretation                    1 id:primarykey; value:null,string
manifestation                     1 id:primarykey; value:null,string
payload                           1 id:primarykey; value:blob,null
storage                           1 id:primarykey; value:null,string; state:null,int; icon:null,string; display_name:null,string
text                              1 id:primarykey; value:null,string
mimetype                          1 id:primarykey; value:null,string
actor                             1 id:primarykey; value:null,string
schema_version                    2 schema:primarykey; version:null,int
moz_downloads                     3 id:primarykey; name:null,string; source:null,string; target:null,string; tempPath:null...eferredApplication:null,string; preferredAction:int; autoResume:int; guid:null,string
moz_deleted_logins                1 id:primarykey; guid:null,string; timeDeleted:null,int
moz_disabledHosts                 1 id:primarykey; hostname:null,string
moz_logins                        5 id:primarykey; hostname:string; httpRealm:null,string; formSubmitURL:null,string; user...ted:null,int; timeLastUsed:null,int; timePasswordChanged:null,int; timesUsed:null,int
moz_keywords                      1 id:primarykey; keyword:null,string
moz_bookmarks                     5 id:primarykey; type:null,int; fk:null,int; parent:null,int; position:null,int; title:n... folder_type:null,string; dateAdded:null,int; lastModified:null,int; guid:null,string
moz_hosts                         2 id:primarykey; host:string; frecency:null,int; typed:int; prefix:null,string
moz_historyvisits                 6 id:primarykey; from_visit:null,int; place_id:null,int; visit_date:null,int; visit_type:null,int; session:null,int
moz_places                        6 id:primarykey; url:null,string; title:null,string; rev_host:null,string; visit_count:n...ed:int; favicon_id:null,int; frecency:int; last_visit_date:null,int; guid:null,string
expiration_notify                 3 id:primarykey; v_id:null,int; p_id:null,int; url:string; guid:string; visit_date:null,int; expected_results:int
prefs                             3 id:primarykey; groupID:null,int; settingID:int; value:blob,null
settings                          1 id:primarykey; name:string
groups                            1 id:primarykey; name:string
webappsstore2                     1 scope:null,string; key:null,string; value:null,string; secure:null,int; owner:null,string
mappings                          1 timestamp:null,int; device:null,string; profile:null,string
properties                        0 device_id:null,string; property:null,string; value:null,string
devices                           1 device_id:primarykey; device:null,string
moz_deleted_formhistory           2 id:primarykey; timeDeleted:null,int; guid:null,string
moz_formhistory                   3 id:primarykey; fieldname:string; value:string; timesUsed:null,int; firstUsed:null,int; lastUsed:null,int; guid:null,string
moz_openpages_temp                2 url:primarykey; open_count:null,int
moz_hosts                         5 id:primarykey; host:null,string; type:null,string; permission:null,int; expireType:null,int; expireTime:null,int; appId:null,int; isInBrowserElement:null,int

For each table found, the output contains:

  • Name: The name of the table. The ones that start with "moz_" are the firefox tables we're interested in.
  • Needle Size: How many bytes the search string will be if we want to find this column. Usually, the larger it is, the faster the search will be, but the value of the needle matters too, as we'll see later.
  • Column Type String: The name and possible types for each column. Each column is separated by semicolons, and each column contains <name>:<type list>.

Finding Table Rows

We'll see if we can recover the moz_places table using the sqlitefind command. We'll use --output=csv because it's easier to read the output:

$ python -f firefox.img sqlitefind -t moz_places --output=csv
Needle Size: 6
id,  url,  title,  rev_host,  visit_count,  hidden,  typed,  favicon_id,  frecency,  last_visit_date,  guid
"19","","Example Domain","moc.elpmaxe.","2","0","1","None","2200","1481564460988099","_Fv9IX1cGpN4"
"18","","Hacker News","moc.rotanibmocy.swen.","1","0","0","11","2000","1471970845483557","-yx4LJ_nbk3G"
"15","","Download - Get the latest Version of EAGLE PCB Design Software","moc.asutfosdac.www.","1","0","0","10","2000","1380622365629820","E0XPgeLbUnt7"
"19","","Example Domain","moc.elpmaxe.","1","0","1","None","2000","1471970854178187","_Fv9IX1cGpN4"
"19","","Example Domain","moc.elpmaxe.","2","0","1","None","2000","1481564460988099","_Fv9IX1cGpN4"
"18","","Hacker News","moc.rotanibmocy.swen.","1","0","0","11","2000","1471970845483557","-yx4LJ_n$D\x00\x00"

Success! We got some useful data. But there's something off about it, especially the last row. It looks pretty similar to another row, but then turns to garbage data, with non-printable characters.

Dealing with Duplicates

If you look carefully at the rows we found for the moz_places table, there are a few with duplicate ids. "1" and "18" both appear twice, while "19" appears 3 times. The last row, a duplicate "1", looks like complete junk with non-printable characters in it, but the other duplicates look completely normal.

These appear to be memory artifacts, but how do we tell the real for the fake? Let's have sqlitefind output the memory address for each row also, using the --output-cols option:

$ python -f firefox.img sqlitefind -t moz_places --output=csv --output-cols=address,values
Needle Size: 6
Address, id,  url,  title,  rev_host,  visit_count,  hidden,  typed,  favicon_id,  frecency,  last_visit_date,  guid
"54657031","19","","Example Domain","moc.elpmaxe.","2","0","1","None","2200","1481564460988099","_Fv9IX1cGpN4"
"55482793","18","","Hacker News","moc.rotanibmocy.swen.","1","0","0","11","2000","1471970845483557","-yx4LJ_nbk3G"
"55483105","15","","Download - Get the latest Version of EAGLE PCB Design Software","moc.asutfosdac.www.","1","0","0","10","2000","1380622365629820","E0XPgeLbUnt7"
"229620056","19","","Example Domain","moc.elpmaxe.","1","0","1","None","2000","1471970854178187","_Fv9IX1cGpN4"
"328507223","19","","Example Domain","moc.elpmaxe.","2","0","1","None","2000","1481564460988099","_Fv9IX1cGpN4"
"328507305","18","","Hacker News","moc.rotanibmocy.swen.","1","0","0","11","2000","1471970845483557","-yx4LJ_n$D\x00\x00"

The --output-cols= option lets you configure what information is output. The default is just values, which outputs each of the database fields. Use --help to get more info, and other nifty options.

Most of the rows seem to be clumped together around the same addresses... except the duplicates! Although this isn't a perfect method, it correctly identifies the duplicates in this case. You can check firefox_places.sqlite to see that those are actually the correct rows (although some changed a bit between when I took the snapshot and copied the database file).

Needles Matter

Let's try another table, moz_historyvisits:

$ python -f firefox.img sqlitefind -t moz_historyvisits --output=csv
Needle Size: 6
id,  from_visit,  place_id,  visit_date,  visit_type,  session

Okay, so it takes a lot longer. Actually I don't know how long because I stopped it after a while. It also outputs what seems like bad data, with mostly just "None" (translated from NULL field values). What's happening here is that 0x00 is a really common in memory, and we're finding a lot of things that look like database rows, because 0x00 is the NULL type in sqlite. This also makes it slow because a lot of potential matches are found by yara that just get thrown out later by the sqlite parsing code.

Fortunately, we can can tweak things. If you look at the output of sqlitefindtables, you'll see the table definition used:

id:primarykey; from_visit:int,null; place_id:int,null; visit_date:int,null; visit_type:int,null; session:int,null

This schema string has database columns separated by a semicolon. Each column has a name, and a list of types that the column might contain.

Although this table definition allows NULL for most fields, in practice most rows won't have NULL. Of course, this depends on the particular table you're looking for, but we can at least try taking away NULL to see if it helps. Here's our new table schema:

id:primarykey; from_visit:int,null; place_id:int,null; visit_date:int,null; visit_type:int,null; session:int,null

Now we can use the sqlitefind command to search for this new table definition. Instead of using -t to specify the table name, we use -c to manually specify the schema:

$ python -f firefox.img sqlitefind -c "id:primarykey; from_visit:int; place_id:int; visit_date:int; visit_type:int; session:int"
Needle Size: 6
id  from_visit  place_id  visit_date       visit_type  session
6  0           19        1471970854178187 2           0
5  4           18        1471970845483557 5           0
4  0           17        1471970845142035 2           0
3  2           16        1380622374491105 7           0
2  1           15        1380622365629820 5           0
1  0           14        1380622365381702 2           0
7  0           19        1481564460988099 2           0
2  1           15        1380622749007732 5           0

Perfect! We found what we're looking for. Notice that the needle didn't get any larger, but the search still goes a lot faster. Apparently, size isn't everything.

We can also use the -c option to search for tables when we know the schema beforehand, even if we can't find the sqlite_master table defining their schema.