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Monitoring Mock & Proxy Activity

Matthew Gallina edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 7 revisions

Please note this feature is no longer available after v1.7.0.

sMockin provides a HTTP Live Feed allowing you to view all traffic (request and response) made to both the Mock and Proxy servers.

This can be useful for:

  • Ensuring client calls are coming though to sMockin
  • Tracking the exact journey a client made
  • Gaining full visibilty of the request and response such as headers, was the call intercepted by the mock server? etc.

Using the Live Feed

  • Open http://localhost:8000/index.html in your browser.

  • Click on Tools in the top right hand corner and select HTTP Live Feed.

  • This will open a new window and initiate the request listener.

  • Lastly to see a call appear in the feed:

A new item should appear in the feed's list. Clicking on this will display details of both the inbound request and outbound response from the call.