- C++ environment which supports C++11 (e.g. VS 2015, Xcode, GCC)
- Python 2.7
- Node.js 8.2.0 or later
- Git
After installation, dependencies of src/
directory are also installed.
$ npm install
Build JavaScript codes with webpack
$ npm run build
After building is done, you can execute the application with npm start
Package specific files of src/
directory as distributable formats with electron-builder
Files are defined in electron-builder.json
Packages will be generated into release/
$ npm run package:<all | windows | mac | linux>
Need to install some software required by electron-builder
to build packages.
Please see electron-builder wiki for detailed description.
Minimum requirements for current platform:
- Windows: Nothing.
- macOS:
brew install gnu-tar
- Linux (64 bit):
if Ubuntu is used.
Set environment variables to build trusted packages. Please see electron-builder wiki for detailed description.
Quoted from the wiki:
Env name | Description |
The HTTPS link (or base64-encoded data, or file:// link) to certificate (*.p12 or *.pfx file). |
The password to decrypt the certificate given in CSC_LINK . |
macOS-only Name of certificate (to retrieve from login.keychain). Useful on a development machine (not on CI) if you have several identities (otherwise don't specify it). |
Execute automated tests.
$ npm test
There are two steps in npm test
Test functionality:
$ npm run test:app
Test coding style:
$ npm run lint:js
Reload the application automatically when you have saved source codes. When using this mode, you can use "React Developer Tools" in the Developer Tools window.
Mattermost Desktop
├── docs/ - Documentations.
├── resources/ - Resources which are used outside of the application codes, and original images of assets.
├── scripts/ - Helper scripts.
├── src/ - Application source code.
│ ├── assets/ - Assets which are loaded from the application codes.
│ ├── browser/ - Implementation of Electron's renderer process.
│ │ ├── components/ - React.js components.
│ │ ├── css/ - Stylesheets.
│ │ ├── js/ - Helper JavaScript modules.
│ │ └── webview/ - Injection code for Electron's <webview> tag.
│ ├── common/ - Common JavaScript modules for both Electron's processes.
│ └── main/ - Implementation of Electron's main process.
│ └── menus/ - Application menu.
└── test/ - Automated tests.
├── modules/ - Scripts which are commonly used in tests.
└── specs/ - Test scripts.
- node_modules/ - Third party Node.js modules to develop and build the application.
- release/ - Packaged distributable applications.
- src/node_modules/ - Third party Node.js modules to use in the application.
While you can access the developer tools for the renderer and current browserview, there are some other that usually don't need access. With the new browserview you can automatically call for the devtools when showing the settings window or any of the modals. To do so you'll need to setup environment variables:
- MM_DEBUG_SETTINGS for the new settings window
- MM_DEBUG_MODALS for any modal that needs to be debugged. Currently we can't target only one specifically.