diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4397aa0..5db791f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,24 +8,34 @@ What's My Score App built with NativeScript + Angular 2 + TypeScript
## Getting Started
Make sure you have all the tools to run [NativeScript](http://docs.nativescript.org/start/getting-started)
+1. npm install
+2. tns run android
## To-do:
-1. create the project equal to [the ionic version](https://github.com/matt4446/WhatsMyScore2-Ionic2)
- - Start page - *Started*
- - Regions page - *Started*
- - Region page - *Started*
- - Region competitions page - *started*
- - Competition page - *started*
-2. Menu navigation - *started*
+- Start page - *complete* - must remove the test page some point
+- Regions page - *complete*
+- Region page - *complete*
+- Region competitions page - *complete*
+- Competition page - *complete*
+ - Information - *to-do*
+ - Start list - *complete* - with groupBy and orderBy pipes
+ - Grade start list *to-do*
+ - Grade list - *to-do: add search* with groupBy and orderBy pipes
+ - Grade results - *to-do*
+ - Club list - *to-do: add search* with groupBy and orderBy pipes
+ - Club results - *to-do*
+- Stats page - *to-do*
3. Angular2 NativeScript components
- - List control: **nx-list** - *done* [link](https://github.com/matt4446/WhatsMyScore2-NativeScript/app/pages/startPage/startPage.html)
- - List item control: **nx-list-item** - *Started*
- - Animation - next
+ - List control: [nx-list](https://github.com/matt4446/WhatsMyScore2-NativeScript/app/pages/startPage/startPage.html) - *complete*
+ - List item control: [nx-list-item](https://github.com/matt4446/WhatsMyScore2-NativeScript/blob/master/app/controls/list/list-item.ts) - *mostly done - I may come back and add more animation cues.*
+ - Nav - work in progress - may switch to the angular-nativescript actionbar - undecided.
+ - Side bar
4. Styling - *ongoing*
-### XML Snippets
-[VS Code Snippets](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/tsvetan-ganev.nativescript-xml-snippets) - thanks Tsvetan Ganev
### Fonts
fonts have been added:
+- Ionicons: [ion-icon for nativescript](https://github.com/matt4446/WhatsMyScore2-NativeScript/blob/master/app/controls/icons/ion-icon.ts)
+- FontAwesome: not in use currently
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/pipes/orderBy.ts b/app/pipes/orderBy.ts
index 629ee39..4be7cbb 100644
--- a/app/pipes/orderBy.ts
+++ b/app/pipes/orderBy.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from "angular2/core";
import { Logger } from "../providers/logger";
var _ = require("underscore");
+//import {orderBy} from 'lodash/orderBy';
+//var orderBy = require("lodash/orderBy")
import {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index bca731e..71b31e8 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"nativescript-loading-indicator": "^2.0.1",
"nativescript-pulltorefresh": "~1.1.0",
"underscore": "~1.8.3",
+ "lodash": "~4.11.1",
"font-awesome": "~4.5.0",
"ionicons": "~2.0.0",
"material-design-iconic-font": "~2.2.0",
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
index f7f652f..8cb60f7 100644
--- a/tsconfig.json
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"files": [
- "typings/tsd.d.ts",
+ "typings/main.d.ts",
diff --git a/typings/browser.d.ts b/typings/browser.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a74a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/browser.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/typings/browser/definitions/lodash/index.d.ts b/typings/browser/definitions/lodash/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abbf8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/browser/definitions/lodash/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18293 @@
+// Generated by typings
+// Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/typed-typings/npm-lodash/7ccf9dc406a792d702067f4eab0fa8df4109fcaa/index.d.ts
+declare module '~lodash/index' {
+### 4.0.0 Changelog (https://github.com/lodash/lodash/wiki/Changelog)
+#### TODO:
+- [x] Removed _.support
+- [x] Removed _.findWhere in favor of _.find with iteratee shorthand
+- [x] Removed _.where in favor of _.filter with iteratee shorthand
+- [x] Removed _.pluck in favor of _.map with iteratee shorthand
+- [x] Renamed _.first to _.head
+- [x] Renamed _.indexBy to _.keyBy
+- [x] Renamed _.invoke to _.invokeMap
+- [x] Renamed _.overArgs to _.overArgs
+- [x] Renamed _.padLeft & _.padRight to _.padStart & _.padEnd
+- [x] Renamed _.pairs to _.toPairs
+- [x] Renamed _.rest to _.tail
+- [x] Renamed _.restParam to _.rest
+- [x] Renamed _.sortByOrder to _.orderBy
+- [x] Renamed _.trimLeft & _.trimRight to _.trimStart & _.trimEnd
+- [x] Renamed _.trunc to _.truncate
+- [x] Split _.indexOf & _.lastIndexOf into _.sortedIndexOf & _.sortedLastIndexOf
+- [x] Split _.max & _.min into _.maxBy & _.minBy
+- [x] Split _.omit & _.pick into _.omitBy & _.pickBy
+- [x] Split _.sample into _.sampleSize
+- [x] Split _.sortedIndex into _.sortedIndexBy
+- [x] Split _.sortedLastIndex into _.sortedLastIndexBy
+- [x] Split _.uniq into _.sortedUniq, _.sortedUniqBy, & _.uniqBy
+- [x] Absorbed _.sortByAll into _.sortBy
+- [x] Changed the category of _.at to “Object”
+- [x] Changed the category of _.bindAll to “Utility”
+- [x] Made _.capitalize uppercase the first character & lowercase the rest
+- [x] Made _.functions return only own method names
+added 23 array methods:
+- [x] _.concat
+- [x] _.differenceBy
+- [x] _.differenceWith
+- [x] _.flatMap
+- [x] _.fromPairs
+- [x] _.intersectionBy
+- [x] _.intersectionWith
+- [x] _.join
+- [x] _.pullAll
+- [x] _.pullAllBy
+- [x] _.reverse
+- [x] _.sortedIndexBy
+- [x] _.sortedIndexOf
+- [x] _.sortedLastIndexBy
+- [x] _.sortedLastIndexOf
+- [x] _.sortedUniq
+- [x] _.sortedUniqBy
+- [x] _.unionBy
+- [x] _.unionWith
+- [x] _.uniqBy
+- [x] _.uniqWith
+- [x] _.xorBy
+- [x] _.xorWith
+added 18 lang methods:
+- [x] _.cloneDeepWith
+- [x] _.cloneWith
+- [x] _.eq
+- [x] _.isArrayLike
+- [x] _.isArrayLikeObject
+- [x] _.isEqualWith
+- [x] _.isInteger
+- [x] _.isLength
+- [x] _.isMatchWith
+- [x] _.isNil
+- [x] _.isObjectLike
+- [x] _.isSafeInteger
+- [x] _.isSymbol
+- [x] _.toInteger
+- [x] _.toLength
+- [x] _.toNumber
+- [x] _.toSafeInteger
+- [x] _.toString
+added 13 object methods:
+- [x] _.assignIn
+- [x] _.assignInWith
+- [x] _.assignWith
+- [x] _.functionsIn
+- [x] _.hasIn
+- [x] _.mergeWith
+- [x] _.omitBy
+- [x] _.pickBy
+added 8 string methods:
+- [x] _.lowerCase
+- [x] _.lowerFirst
+- [x] _.upperCase
+- [x] _.upperFirst
+- [x] _.toLower
+- [x] _.toUpper
+added 8 utility methods:
+- [x] _.toPath
+added 4 math methods:
+- [x] _.maxBy
+- [x] _.mean
+- [x] _.minBy
+- [x] _.sumBy
+added 2 function methods:
+- [x] _.flip
+- [x] _.unary
+added 2 number methods:
+- [x] _.clamp
+- [x] _.subtract
+added collection method:
+- [x] _.sampleSize
+Added 3 aliases
+- [x] _.first as an alias of _.head
+Removed 17 aliases
+- [x] Removed aliase _.all
+- [x] Removed aliase _.any
+- [x] Removed aliase _.backflow
+- [x] Removed aliase _.callback
+- [x] Removed aliase _.collect
+- [x] Removed aliase _.compose
+- [x] Removed aliase _.contains
+- [x] Removed aliase _.detect
+- [x] Removed aliase _.foldl
+- [x] Removed aliase _.foldr
+- [x] Removed aliase _.include
+- [x] Removed aliase _.inject
+- [x] Removed aliase _.methods
+- [x] Removed aliase _.object
+- [x] Removed aliase _.run
+- [x] Removed aliase _.select
+- [x] Removed aliase _.unique
+Other changes
+- [x] Added support for array buffers to _.isEqual
+- [x] Added support for converting iterators to _.toArray
+- [x] Added support for deep paths to _.zipObject
+- [x] Changed UMD to export to window or self when available regardless of other exports
+- [x] Ensured debounce cancel clears args & thisArg references
+- [x] Ensured _.add, _.subtract, & _.sum don’t skip NaN values
+- [x] Ensured _.clone treats generators like functions
+- [x] Ensured _.clone produces clones with the source’s [[Prototype]]
+- [x] Ensured _.defaults assigns properties that shadow Object.prototype
+- [x] Ensured _.defaultsDeep doesn’t merge a string into an array
+- [x] Ensured _.defaultsDeep & _.merge don’t modify sources
+- [x] Ensured _.defaultsDeep works with circular references
+- [x] Ensured _.keys skips “length” on strict mode arguments objects in Safari 9
+- [x] Ensured _.merge doesn’t convert strings to arrays
+- [x] Ensured _.merge merges plain-objects onto non plain-objects
+- [x] Ensured _#plant resets iterator data of cloned sequences
+- [x] Ensured _.random swaps min & max if min is greater than max
+- [x] Ensured _.range preserves the sign of start of -0
+- [x] Ensured _.reduce & _.reduceRight use getIteratee in their array branch
+- [x] Fixed rounding issue with the precision param of _.floor
+** LATER **
+- [ ] Made _.forEach, _.forIn, _.forOwn, & _.times implicitly end a chain sequence
+- [ ] Removed thisArg params from most methods
+- [ ] Made “By” methods provide a single param to iteratees
+- [ ] Made _.words chainable by default
+- [ ] Removed isDeep params from _.clone & _.flatten
+- [ ] Removed _.bindAll support for binding all methods when no names are provided
+- [ ] Removed func-first param signature from _.before & _.after
+- [ ] _.extend as an alias of _.assignIn
+- [ ] _.extendWith as an alias of _.assignInWith
+- [ ] Added clear method to _.memoize.Cache
+- [ ] Added flush method to debounced & throttled functions
+- [ ] Added support for ES6 maps, sets, & symbols to _.clone, _.isEqual, & _.toArray
+- [ ] Enabled _.flow & _.flowRight to accept an array of functions
+- [ ] Ensured “Collection” methods treat functions as objects
+- [ ] Ensured _.assign, _.defaults, & _.merge coerce object values to objects
+- [ ] Ensured _.bindKey bound functions call object[key] when called with the new operator
+- [ ] Ensured _.isFunction returns true for generator functions
+- [ ] Ensured _.merge assigns typed arrays directly
+- [ ] Made _(...) an iterator & iterable
+- [ ] Made _.drop, _.take, & right forms coerce n of undefined to 0
+- [ ] _.concat
+- [ ] _.differenceBy
+- [ ] _.differenceWith
+- [ ] _.flatMap
+- [x] _.fromPairs
+- [ ] _.intersectionBy
+- [ ] _.intersectionWith
+- [ ] _.join
+- [ ] _.pullAll
+- [ ] _.pullAllBy
+- [ ] _.reverse
+- [ ] _.sortedLastIndexOf
+- [ ] _.unionBy
+- [ ] _.unionWith
+- [ ] _.uniqWith
+- [ ] _.xorBy
+- [ ] _.xorWith
+- [ ] _.toString
+- [ ] _.invoke
+- [ ] _.setWith
+- [ ] _.toPairs
+- [ ] _.toPairsIn
+- [ ] _.unset
+- [ ] _.replace
+- [ ] _.split
+- [ ] _.cond
+- [ ] _.conforms
+- [ ] _.nthArg
+- [ ] _.over
+- [ ] _.overEvery
+- [ ] _.overSome
+- [ ] _.rangeRight
+- [ ] _.next
+var _: _.LoDashStatic;
+namespace _ {
+ interface LoDashStatic {
+ /**
+ * Creates a lodash object which wraps the given value to enable intuitive method chaining.
+ *
+ * In addition to Lo-Dash methods, wrappers also have the following Array methods:
+ * concat, join, pop, push, reverse, shift, slice, sort, splice, and unshift
+ *
+ * Chaining is supported in custom builds as long as the value method is implicitly or
+ * explicitly included in the build.
+ *
+ * The chainable wrapper functions are:
+ * after, assign, bind, bindAll, bindKey, chain, chunk, compact, compose, concat, countBy,
+ * createCallback, curry, debounce, defaults, defer, delay, difference, filter, flatten,
+ * forEach, forEachRight, forIn, forInRight, forOwn, forOwnRight, functions, groupBy,
+ * keyBy, initial, intersection, invert, invoke, keys, map, max, memoize, merge, min,
+ * object, omit, once, pairs, partial, partialRight, pick, pluck, pull, push, range, reject,
+ * remove, rest, reverse, sample, shuffle, slice, sort, sortBy, splice, tap, throttle, times,
+ * toArray, transform, union, uniq, unset, unshift, unzip, values, where, without, wrap, and zip
+ *
+ * The non-chainable wrapper functions are:
+ * clone, cloneDeep, contains, escape, every, find, findIndex, findKey, findLast,
+ * findLastIndex, findLastKey, has, identity, indexOf, isArguments, isArray, isBoolean,
+ * isDate, isElement, isEmpty, isEqual, isFinite, isFunction, isNaN, isNull, isNumber,
+ * isObject, isPlainObject, isRegExp, isString, isUndefined, join, lastIndexOf, mixin,
+ * noConflict, parseInt, pop, random, reduce, reduceRight, result, shift, size, some,
+ * sortedIndex, runInContext, template, unescape, uniqueId, and value
+ *
+ * The wrapper functions first and last return wrapped values when n is provided, otherwise
+ * they return unwrapped values.
+ *
+ * Explicit chaining can be enabled by using the _.chain method.
+ */
+ (value: number): LoDashImplicitWrapper;
+ (value: string): LoDashImplicitStringWrapper;
+ (value: boolean): LoDashImplicitWrapper;
+ (value: Array): LoDashImplicitNumberArrayWrapper;
+ (value: Array): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ (value: T): LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper;
+ (value: any): LoDashImplicitWrapper;
+ /**
+ * The semantic version number.
+ */
+ VERSION: string;
+ /**
+ * By default, the template delimiters used by Lo-Dash are similar to those in embedded Ruby
+ * (ERB). Change the following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
+ */
+ templateSettings: TemplateSettings;
+ }
+ /**
+ * By default, the template delimiters used by Lo-Dash are similar to those in embedded Ruby
+ * (ERB). Change the following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
+ */
+ interface TemplateSettings {
+ /**
+ * The "escape" delimiter.
+ */
+ escape?: RegExp;
+ /**
+ * The "evaluate" delimiter.
+ */
+ evaluate?: RegExp;
+ /**
+ * An object to import into the template as local variables.
+ */
+ imports?: Dictionary;
+ /**
+ * The "interpolate" delimiter.
+ */
+ interpolate?: RegExp;
+ /**
+ * Used to reference the data object in the template text.
+ */
+ variable?: string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a cache object to store key/value pairs.
+ */
+ interface MapCache {
+ /**
+ * Removes `key` and its value from the cache.
+ * @param key The key of the value to remove.
+ * @return Returns `true` if the entry was removed successfully, else `false`.
+ */
+ delete(key: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Gets the cached value for `key`.
+ * @param key The key of the value to get.
+ * @return Returns the cached value.
+ */
+ get(key: string): any;
+ /**
+ * Checks if a cached value for `key` exists.
+ * @param key The key of the entry to check.
+ * @return Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.
+ */
+ has(key: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Sets `value` to `key` of the cache.
+ * @param key The key of the value to cache.
+ * @param value The value to cache.
+ * @return Returns the cache object.
+ */
+ set(key: string, value: any): _.Dictionary;
+ }
+ interface LoDashWrapperBase { }
+ interface LoDashImplicitWrapperBase extends LoDashWrapperBase { }
+ interface LoDashExplicitWrapperBase extends LoDashWrapperBase { }
+ interface LoDashImplicitWrapper extends LoDashImplicitWrapperBase> { }
+ interface LoDashExplicitWrapper extends LoDashExplicitWrapperBase> { }
+ interface LoDashImplicitStringWrapper extends LoDashImplicitWrapper { }
+ interface LoDashExplicitStringWrapper extends LoDashExplicitWrapper { }
+ interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper extends LoDashImplicitWrapperBase> { }
+ interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper extends LoDashExplicitWrapperBase> { }
+ interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper extends LoDashImplicitWrapperBase> {
+ pop(): T;
+ push(...items: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ shift(): T;
+ sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ splice(start: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: any[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ unshift(...items: T[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper extends LoDashExplicitWrapperBase> { }
+ interface LoDashImplicitNumberArrayWrapper extends LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper { }
+ interface LoDashExplicitNumberArrayWrapper extends LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper { }
+ /*********
+ * Array *
+ ********/
+ // _.chunk
+ interface LoDashStatic {
+ /**
+ * Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size. If collection can’t be split evenly, the
+ * final chunk will be the remaining elements.
+ *
+ * @param array The array to process.
+ * @param size The length of each chunk.
+ * @return Returns the new array containing chunks.
+ */
+ chunk(
+ array: List,
+ size?: number
+ ): T[][];
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.chunk
+ */
+ chunk(size?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.chunk
+ */
+ chunk(size?: number): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.chunk
+ */
+ chunk(size?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.chunk
+ */
+ chunk(size?: number): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ // _.compact
+ interface LoDashStatic {
+ /**
+ * Creates an array with all falsey values removed. The values false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN are
+ * falsey.
+ *
+ * @param array The array to compact.
+ * @return (Array) Returns the new array of filtered values.
+ */
+ compact(array?: List): T[];
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.compact
+ */
+ compact(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.compact
+ */
+ compact(): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.compact
+ */
+ compact(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.compact
+ */
+ compact(): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ // _.concat DUMMY
+ interface LoDashStatic {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new array concatenating `array` with any additional arrays
+ * and/or values.
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @memberOf _
+ * @category Array
+ * @param {Array} array The array to concatenate.
+ * @param {...*} [values] The values to concatenate.
+ * @returns {Array} Returns the new concatenated array.
+ * @example
+ *
+ * var array = [1];
+ * var other = _.concat(array, 2, [3], [[4]]);
+ *
+ * console.log(other);
+ * // => [1, 2, 3, [4]]
+ *
+ * console.log(array);
+ * // => [1]
+ */
+ concat(...values: (T[] | List)[]): T[];
+ }
+ // _.difference
+ interface LoDashStatic {
+ /**
+ * Creates an array of unique array values not included in the other provided arrays using SameValueZero for
+ * equality comparisons.
+ *
+ * @param array The array to inspect.
+ * @param values The arrays of values to exclude.
+ * @return Returns the new array of filtered values.
+ */
+ difference(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ ...values: Array>
+ ): T[];
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.difference
+ */
+ difference(...values: (T[] | List)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.difference
+ */
+ difference(...values: (TValue[] | List)[]): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.difference
+ */
+ difference(...values: (T[] | List)[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.difference
+ */
+ difference(...values: (TValue[] | List)[]): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ // _.differenceBy
+ interface LoDashStatic {
+ /**
+ * This method is like _.difference except that it accepts iteratee which is invoked for each element of array
+ * and values to generate the criterion by which uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one
+ * argument: (value).
+ *
+ * @param array The array to inspect.
+ * @param values The values to exclude.
+ * @param iteratee The iteratee invoked per element.
+ * @returns Returns the new array of filtered values.
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ values5?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ values5?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): T[];
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ array: T[] | List,
+ ...values: any[]
+ ): T[];
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ values5?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ values5?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ ...values: any[]
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ values5?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ values3?: T[] | List,
+ values4?: T[] | List,
+ values5?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ ...values: any[]
+ ): LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper;
+ }
+ interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper {
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: ((value: T) => any) | string
+ ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List,
+ values2?: T[] | List,
+ iteratee?: W
+ ): LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper;
+ /**
+ * @see _.differenceBy
+ */
+ differenceBy(
+ values1?: T[] | List