- DIMENSION rendering
- angular dim
- angular 3 point dim
- ordinate dim
- MeshBuilder() support for POLYMESH and POLYFACE
- check ownership
- DXF objects in OBJECTS section
- DXF Entities in a layout (model space, paper space, block)
- dimstyle exist
- arrows exist
- text style exist
- check TEXT, MTEXT
- text style exist
- check required DXF attributes:
- R12: layer; cleanup: set to '0' (in ezdxf defaults to '0')
- R2000+: layer, owner?, handle?
- VERTEX on same layer as POLYLINE; cleanup: set VERTEX layer to POLYLINE layer
- find unreferenced objects:
- DICTIONARY e.g. orphaned extension dicts; cleanup: delete
- find unused BLOCK definitions: has no corresponding INSERT; cleanup: delete
- EXCEPTION: layout blocks
- EXCEPTION: anonymous blocks without explicit INSERT like DIMENSION geometry
- optional for install, testing and development
- profiling required!!!
- optimized Vec2(), Vec3()
- optimized Matrix33(), Matrix44()
- optimized tag loader