Welcome to the Recipes Project! This is a simple static website that showcases a collection of recipes. It was my first project, and my main goal was to experiment with web development concepts, focus on building a functional site, and improve my HTML and CSS skills.
This static website displays a list of recipes, including key information like ingredients, preparation steps, and images. As my first project, I focused primarily on ensuring everything was functional, while experimenting with layout techniques and styling.
- Recipe List: Display of several recipes with images, ingredients, and steps.
- Simple Layout: A minimalistic and clean design that highlights the recipe content.
- Static Pages: All pages are pre-built and content is hardcoded for a simple and quick display.
- Basic Styling: The design is simple, focusing on providing clear information in an organized way.
- HTML: For structuring the content of the website.
- CSS: For styling and layout.
- HTML and CSS Fundamentals: This was my first major project, and I learned the basics of HTML and CSS while building it.
- Design and Structure: I learned how to structure a clean and user-friendly layout, making sure it’s easy for users to navigate and read.
- Interactivity: Adding JavaScript to make the website dynamic and interactive could be a good next step.
- Responsive Design: To make the site more mobile-friendly, I could add media queries and use more advanced layout techniques.
- Design Improvements: Future improvements can include using CSS Flexbox or Grid Layout for a more structured, flexible layout.
You can view the project live on GitHub Pages. Just click the link below:
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to help improve this project, you can:
- Fork the repository.
- Clone your fork to your local machine.
- Make improvements, such as adding new recipes, improving the design, or adding interactivity.
- Create a pull request with a clear description of the changes.
- Feel free to suggest new features, report bugs, or share improvements that can make this project better!
This project is a starting point in my web development journey. It’s my first time building a static website, and I’m excited to continue learning. While the main goal was to create something that works well, I plan to expand on this project in the future by adding more features, improving the design, and making it more responsive.