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Advanced Features1

Note: There is no program included in this chapter, as it's notes only.

Unsafe Rust

All of the code discussed so far has Rust's memory safety guarantees enforced at compile-time (well, RefCell<T> and friends are enforced at runtime, but good enough).

However, Rust has a second language called unsafe Rust, because by nature static analysis must be conservative, and it's better to reject some valid programs than accept some invalid programs.

NOTE: Another reason Rust has an unsafe alter ego is ... reality.

Computer hardware is inherently unsafe, and if Rust didn't let you do unsafe operations at all then you couldn't do certain tasks (i.e. low-level systems programming).

Unsafe Superwpoers

To switch to unsafe Rust, we use the unsafe keyword, which then allows:

  • Dereferencing a raw pointer
  • Calling an unsafe function or method
  • Accessing or modifying a mutable static variable
  • Implementing an unsafe trait
  • Accessing fields of unions

... otherwise, it is identical to other Rust code.

Derefrencing a Raw Pointer

In Understanding Ownership it was mentioned that the compiler ensures references are always valid. However, unsafe Rust has two new types called raw pointers, that are similat to references:

  • *const T (immutable raw pointer)
  • *mut T (mutable raw pointer)

Compared to references and smart pointers, raw pointers:

  • Ignore the borrowing rules by being able to point to the same location
  • Aren't guarnateed to point to valid memory
  • Are allowed to be null
  • Don't implement any automatic cleanup

So, by opting out of these guarnatees (i.e. giving up guaaranteed safety) you can gain greater performance and/or the ability to interface with another language or hardware where Rust's guarantees don't apply:

let mut num = 5;

// Note there is no "unsafe" block, we can create, but not use, raw pointers.
let r1 = &num as *const i32;
let r2 = &mut num as *mut i32;

// Derefencing in an "unsfae" block:
unsafe {
    println!("r1 is: {}", *r1);
    println!("r2 is: {}", *r2);

// Also possible:
let address = 0x012345usize;
let r = address as *const i32;

Calling an Unsafe Function or Method

For example, implementing the split_at_mut function in the standard library:

fn split_at_mut(values: &mut [i32], mid: usize) -> (&mut [i32], &mut [i32]) {
    let len = values.len();

    assert!(mid <= len);

    unsafe {
        slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, mid),
        slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.add(mid), len - mid),

Using extern Functions to Call External Code

extern "C" {
    fn abs(input: i32) -> i32;

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        println!("Absolute value of -3 according to C: {}", abs(-3));

Or, allowing to call Rust functions from other languages:

// Note, no "unsafe" required.
pub extern "C" fn call_from_c() {
  println!("Just aclled a Rust function from C!");

Accessing or Modifying a Mutable Static Variable

static mut COUNTER: u32 = 0;

fn add_to_count(inc: u32) {
    unsafe {
        COUNTER += inc;

fn main() {

    unsafe {
        println!("COUNTER: {}", COUNTER);

Advanced Traits

Specifying Placeholder Types in Trait Definitions with Associated Types

Unlike the rest of the "advanced" features, associated tyhpes are not rare; one example of a trait with an associated type is the Iterator trait:

pub trait Iterator {
    // Placeholder.
    type Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

For example:

impl Iterator for Counter {
    type Item = u32;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // --snip--

Why not use generics, i.e. pub trait Iterator<T>? The difference is we must annotate the types in each implementation, because we can also implement Iterator<String> for Counter (or any other type) - i.e. we can end up with multiple implementations of Iterator for Counter.

By using associated types (type Item), we don't need to annotate types because we can't implement a trait on a type multiple times - i.e we guarantee a single Iterator for Counter.

Default Generic Type Parameters and Operator Overloading

When we use generic typ eparameters, we can specify a default concrete type:

trait Add<Rhs=Self> {
    type Output;

    fn add(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;

These are helpful for:

  • Extending a type without breaking existing code
  • Allowing customization in specific cases most users won't need

Fully Qualified Syntax for Disambiguation: Calling Methods with the Same Name

fn main() {
    // <Type as Trait>::function(receiver_if_method, next_arg, ...);
    println!("A baby dog is called a {}", <Dog as Animal>::baby_name());

Using Supertraits to Require One Trait’s Functionality Within Another Trait

use std::fmt;

impl fmt::Display for Point {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "({}, {})", self.x, self.y)

Using the Newtype Pattern to Implement External Traits on External Types

use std::fmt;

struct Wrapper(Vec<String>);

impl fmt::Display for Wrapper {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "[{}]", self.0.join(", "))

fn main() {
    let w = Wrapper(vec![String::from("hello"), String::from("world")]);
    println!("w = {}", w);

Advanced Types

Using the Newtype Pattern for Type Safety and Abstraction

THe newtype pattern is useful for statically enforicng that values are never confused and indicating the units of a value, for example the Millimeters and Meters structs wrapping u32, or HashMap<i32, String> becoming People.

Creating Type Synonyms with Type Aliases

// No extra safety, but can reduce reptition of long types.
type Kilometers = i32;

// Better example
type Thunk = Box<dyn Fn() + Send + 'static>;

The Never Type that Never Returns

fn bar() -> ! {
    // --snip--

Dynamically Sized Types and the Sized Trait

Rust needs to know certain details about its types, such as how much space to allocate for a value of a particular type. So, DSTs, or dynamically sizd types or unsized types let us write code using values who size we can only know at runtime.

For example, str (not &str), is a DST:

// Does not work; Rust needs to know how much memory to allocate!
let s1: str = "Hello there!";
let s2: str = "How's it going?";

But, this works:

// &str is two values: the address of the str and its length.
let s1: &str = "Hello there!";
let s2: &str = "How's it going?";

TIP: The golden rule of dynamically sized types is that we must always put values of dynamically sized types behind a pointer of some kind.

To work with DSTs, Rust provides the Sized trait:

// Rust implicitly adds a bound on Sized to every generic function:
fn generic<T /*: Sized*/>(t: T) {
    // --snip--

By default, generic functions only work on types with a known size, but:

fn generic<T: ?Sized>(t: &T) {
    // --snip--

... ?Sized means "T may or may not be Sized".

Advanced Functions and Closures

Function Pointers

The fn type is called a function pointer:

fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x + 1

fn do_twice(f: fn(i32) -> i32, arg: i32) -> i32 {
    f(arg) + f(arg)

fn main() {
    let answer = do_twice(add_one, 5);

    println!("The answer is: {}", answer);

Returning Closures

fn returns_closure() -> Box<dyn Fn(i32) -> i32> {
    Box::new(|x| x + 1)


The term macro refers to a family of features in Rust: declarative macros with macro_rules! and three kinds of procedural macros:

  • Custom #[derive] macros that specify code added with the derive atribute used on structs and enums.
  • Attribute-like macros that define custom attributes usable on any item.
  • Function-like macros that look like function calls but operate on the tokens specified as their argument.

The Difference Between Macros and Functions

Fundamentally, macros are a way of writing code that writes other code.

A function signature must declare the number and type of parameters the function has. Macros, on the other hand, can take a variable number of parameters, i.e. with println!.

Declarative Macros with macro_rules! for General Metaprogramming

A slightly simplifeid form of the vec! macro:

// Macro should be made available whenever the crate is brought in scope.
macro_rules! vec {
    ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => {
            let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();

In the above case, vec![1,2, 3] is replaced by:

    let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();

Procedural Macros for Generating Code from Attributes

When creating procedural macros, the definitions must reside in their own crate with a special crate type:

use proc_macro;

pub fn some_name(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {}

See also:


  1. Source: