{"payload":{"featured":[],"recommended":[],"recently_added":[],"search_results":{"results":[{"type":"marketplace_listing","id":"15820","state":"unverified","name":"whoowns","free":true,"primary_category":"Chat","secondary_category":"Support","is_verified_owner":false,"slug":"whoowns","owner_login":"topaztee","resource_path":"/marketplace/whoowns","installation_count":12,"full_description":"your very own service catalog in slack. Connects to CODEOWNERS files so the catalog doesnt get out of date like most\ncatalogs to. Connects to pagerduty to find out who is oncall and much more.\n\nThe questions you can now answer straight in Slack\n\n - Who s oncall for this service?\n - Which team owns X?\n - I cant find which team owns X - oh wait i see they call it Y\n - What channel should I go to to ask a question.\n - What is service X?\n - Where can I find the link to the runbooks?\n","short_description":"answer the question, who owns what? in slack. It auto-syncs CODEOWNERS for each repo and more","extended_description":null,"listing_logo_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/ml/15820?s=400&v=4","recommended":false,"marketplace_listing":{"listing":{"id":15820,"state":6,"name":"whoowns","slug":"whoowns","short_description":"answer the question, who owns what? in slack. It auto-syncs CODEOWNERS for each repo and more","full_description":"your very own service catalog in slack. Connects to CODEOWNERS files so the catalog doesnt get out of date like most catalogs to.\nConnects to pagerduty to find out who is oncall and much more.\n\nThe questions you can now answer straight in Slack\n\n- Who's oncall for this service?\n- Which team owns X?\n- I cant find which team owns X - oh wait i see they call it Y\n- What channel should I go to to ask a question.\n- What is service X?\n- Where can I find the link to the runbooks?","extended_description":"**whoowns app** is a bot for Slack designed to help both technical and non-technical folks answer the question who owns this? It works by scanning each repositories CODEOWNERS file to construct a detailed service catalog. \nThis enables users to easily query and determine who is responsible for specific parts of a codebase, for both monoliths and micro-services. The bot aims to simplify ownership identification, particularly in large or dynamically changing teams, thereby enhancing collaboration and efficiency in software development processes.\n\n***Setup is without CC and takes 2 minutes***\n\nThe questions you can now answer straight in Slack\n\n- Who's oncall for this service?\n- Which team owns X?\n- What else is this service known as? (naming is hard!)\n- What channel should I go to to ask a question?\n- What is service X?\n- Where can I find the link to the runbooks?\n\nResponses works for both monoliths. & micro-services\n","primary_category_id":5,"secondary_category_id":16,"privacy_policy_url":"https://www.whoowns.app/privacy","tos_url":"https://www.whoowns.app/tos","company_url":"https://www.whoowns.app","status_url":"","support_url":"https://www.whoowns.app/support","documentation_url":"","pricing_url":null,"bgcolor":"ffffff","light_text":false,"learn_more_url":null,"installation_url":null,"how_it_works":null,"hero_card_background_image_id":4468,"technical_email":"whoownsapp+tech@gmail.com","marketing_email":"whoownsapp+marketing@gmail.com","finance_email":"whoownsapp+finance@gmail.com","direct_billing_enabled":false,"by_github":false,"security_email":"whoownsapp+security@gmail.com","listable_type":"Integration","listable_id":337835,"copilot_app":false}}},{"type":"marketplace_listing","id":"17779","state":"unverified","name":"Zonke Feature Writer","free":true,"primary_category":"Support","secondary_category":"Publishing","is_verified_owner":false,"slug":"zonke-feature-writer","owner_login":"zonke-inc","resource_path":"/marketplace/zonke-feature-writer","installation_count":20,"full_description":"Zonké (https://zonke.dev) is a plug-n-play marketplace for code. It helps teams go to market faster by integrating fully\nfunctional and tested code into GitHub repositories. Do not reinvent the wheel. Save time by using code that s built\nwith best practices.\n","short_description":"Plug-n-play marketplace for code","extended_description":null,"listing_logo_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/ml/17779?s=400&v=4","recommended":false,"marketplace_listing":{"listing":{"id":17779,"state":6,"name":"Zonke Feature Writer","slug":"zonke-feature-writer","short_description":"Plug-n-play marketplace for code","full_description":"Zonké (https://zonke.dev) is a plug-n-play marketplace for code. It helps teams go to market faster by integrating fully functional and tested code into GitHub repositories. Do not reinvent the wheel. Save time by using code that's built with best practices.","extended_description":"### Configure Features to Your Specification\nConfigure features to your specification by answering a few questions about the functionality. A pull request is created on your repository with the feature code.\n\n### Infrastructure as Code\nConfigure and install infrastructure as code for your service. Implementations are available in TypeScript and Python. All IaC features include serverless options (e.g. lambda or fargate) and a full CI/CD pipeline.","primary_category_id":16,"secondary_category_id":17,"privacy_policy_url":"https://zonke.dev/privacy-policy","tos_url":"https://zonke.dev/terms","company_url":"https://zonke.dev","status_url":"https://www.linkedin.com/company/zonke-inc","support_url":"https://zonke.dev/faq","documentation_url":"","pricing_url":null,"bgcolor":"ffffff","light_text":false,"learn_more_url":null,"installation_url":null,"how_it_works":null,"hero_card_background_image_id":0,"technical_email":"sbu@zonke.dev","marketing_email":"sbu@zonke.dev","finance_email":"sbu@zonke.dev","direct_billing_enabled":false,"by_github":false,"security_email":"sbu@zonke.dev","listable_type":"Integration","listable_id":798609,"copilot_app":false}}}],"total":2,"total_pages":1},"categories":{"apps":[{"name":"API management","slug":"api-management","description_html":"

Structure your API infrastructure to enable various internet gateways to interact with your service.

\n"},{"name":"Backup Utilities","slug":"backup-utilities","description_html":"

Utilities providing periodic backups of your GitHub data


Bring GitHub into your conversations.

\n"},{"name":"Code quality","slug":"code-quality","description_html":"

Automate your code review with style, quality, security, and test‑coverage checks when you need them.

\n"},{"name":"Code review","slug":"code-review","description_html":"

Ensure your code meets quality standards and ship with confidence.

\n"},{"name":"Container CI","slug":"container-ci","description_html":"

Continuous integration for container applications.

\n"},{"name":"Continuous integration","slug":"continuous-integration","description_html":"

Automatically build and test your code as you push it to GitHub, preventing bugs from being deployed to production.

\n"},{"name":"Dependency management","slug":"dependency-management","description_html":"

Secure and manage your third-party dependencies.


Streamline your code deployment so you can focus on your product.

\n"},{"name":"Deployment Protection Rules","slug":"deployment-protection-rules","description_html":"

Enables custom protection rules to gate deployments with third-party services

\n"},{"name":"Game CI","slug":"game-ci","description_html":"

Tools for building a CI pipeline for game development


Find the right interface to build, debug, and deploy your source code.


Get the skills you need to level up.


Extend your software's reach. Localize and translate continuously from GitHub.


Improve your workflow for the small screen.

\n"},{"name":"Mobile CI","slug":"mobile-ci","description_html":"

Continuous integration for Mobile applications


Monitor the impact of your code changes. Measure performance, track errors, and analyze your application.

\n"},{"name":"Project management","slug":"project-management","description_html":"

Organize, manage, and track your project with tools that build on top of issues and pull requests.


Get your site ready for production so you can get the word out.

\n"},{"name":"Recently added","slug":"recently-added","description_html":"

The latest tools that help you and your team build software better, together.


Find, fix, and prevent security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.


Get your team and customers the help they need.


Eliminate bugs and ship with more confidence by adding these tools to your workflow.


Auxiliary tools to enhance your experience on GitHub

\n"}],"actions":[{"name":"API management","slug":"api-management","description_html":"

Structure your API infrastructure to enable various internet gateways to interact with your service.

\n"},{"name":"Backup Utilities","slug":"backup-utilities","description_html":"

Utilities providing periodic backups of your GitHub data


Bring GitHub into your conversations.

\n"},{"name":"Code quality","slug":"code-quality","description_html":"

Automate your code review with style, quality, security, and test‑coverage checks when you need them.

\n"},{"name":"Code review","slug":"code-review","description_html":"

Ensure your code meets quality standards and ship with confidence.

\n"},{"name":"Container CI","slug":"container-ci","description_html":"

Continuous integration for container applications.

\n"},{"name":"Continuous integration","slug":"continuous-integration","description_html":"

Automatically build and test your code as you push it to GitHub, preventing bugs from being deployed to production.

\n"},{"name":"Dependency management","slug":"dependency-management","description_html":"

Secure and manage your third-party dependencies.


Streamline your code deployment so you can focus on your product.

\n"},{"name":"Deployment Protection Rules","slug":"deployment-protection-rules","description_html":"

Enables custom protection rules to gate deployments with third-party services

\n"},{"name":"Game CI","slug":"game-ci","description_html":"

Tools for building a CI pipeline for game development

\n"},{"name":"GitHub Sponsors","slug":"github-sponsors","description_html":"

Tools to manage your GitHub Sponsors community


Find the right interface to build, debug, and deploy your source code.


Get the skills you need to level up.


Extend your software's reach. Localize and translate continuously from GitHub.


Improve your workflow for the small screen.

\n"},{"name":"Mobile CI","slug":"mobile-ci","description_html":"

Continuous integration for Mobile applications


Monitor the impact of your code changes. Measure performance, track errors, and analyze your application.

\n"},{"name":"Project management","slug":"project-management","description_html":"

Organize, manage, and track your project with tools that build on top of issues and pull requests.


Get your site ready for production so you can get the word out.


Find, fix, and prevent security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.


Get your team and customers the help they need.


Eliminate bugs and ship with more confidence by adding these tools to your workflow.


Auxiliary tools to enhance your experience on GitHub
