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Find, fix, and prevent security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

715 results for "sort:top-180-desc updated:>2023-10-20" filtered by Security



By securesauce

Find and fix potential security vulnerabilities in your code

61 installs


By sudoviz

Secure your software stack with next gen AI


By infieldai

Upgrade dependencies safely and easily with Infield-verified changelogs

75 installs


By threatrix

Audit quality, snippet level, open source security and license compliance in build-time with auto-remediation

37 installs

EdgeBit Security

By edgebitio

Real-time SCA tool to find issues in your supply chain and rank threats with context from production execution

13 installs

Minder by Stacklok

By stacklok

An open source, extensible platform that helps you enforce security policies and settings across your GitHub organization

39 installs

Puaro Security

By puaro-app

Secure your code today


By turmagangtech

A comprehensive security tool for your API codebases

Back Git Up

By backgitup

Protect your code from malicious actors and accidental deletion

Cloudback: GitHub Backup & Restore

By cloudback

Backup repositories, metadata and LFS into AWS, Azure, OneDrive, GCP, etc. Pay per repositories, not seats. SOC2 in progress

970 installs
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