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GitGab Bot

GitGab contextualizes ChatGPT with your code, enabling it to implement features, find bugs, write documentation, and optimize your code.



New users are issued 100K free tokens for the gpt3 model. Token usage will depend on the size of repositories you chat with GitGab about, as well as the length of the conversations.

Additional Token Pricing

  • 1M tokens for gpt3: 5$
  • 1M tokens for gpt4: 50$


  1. Authenticate (click Sign In, on the homepage): allow GitGab to read your Github repository contents on your behalf. Your OAuth keys are encrypted and stored securely.
  2. (Optional) Select your model, and purchase tokens: any first time GitGab user will be issued a balance of 100K tokens for the gpt3 model, which has a 4K token limit for conversational context. You can choose to use gpt4 (which has an 8K token limit, allowing you to chat about larger repos), but you'll need to purchase tokens.
  3. Select a repo: scroll to the repo you'd like to chat about from the list of repos in the "Chat" section, and click the "Chat" button
  4. Select relevant files: select the files that are relevant to whatever you'd like to discuss. GitGab has a context limit (depending on the model you're using), so you must be mindful about how many tokens the files you select include.
  5. Chat: ask GitGab whatever you'd like about the files you selected.
landing page

Pricing and setup

GitGab Bot logo preview
GitGab Bot


Use GitGab for free

  • gpt3 turbo model
  • 100K tokens

Next: Confirm your installation location.

GitGab Bot is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support contact.