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Git X-Modules

A better way to manage modular Git projects
376 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Open Source, Individuals and teams up to 25 users, Small Teams - up to 50 users, Growing Teams - up to 100 users, Medium Teams - up to 250 users, Large Teams - up to 500 users, and Huge Teams - up to 1000 users plans available.

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Git X-Modules is a server-side app that syncs your project directories with other repositories. Think of it as a server-side alternative to Git Submodules. Check out the website or watch video for more details!

Use Cases

  • Combine multiple projects and components into a single repository for cross-project development
  • Include parts of other projects into yours
  • Share common assets across multiple projects

Git X-Modules is totally transparent to Git users.

  • An X-Module is a regular directory. It’s synced on your Git server with an external repository.
  • When an X-Module is updated the changes go to the external repository.
  • When an external repository is updated the changes are applied to the X-Module.
  • When there are two conflicting updates Git X-Modules applies one update and turns the other into a pull request

It's simple, yet versatile

  • Sync an X-Module with any branch in the external repository. Change the settings at any time.
  • Pull the whole tree from an external repository or specify its subdirectory with powerful exclude filters.
  • Keep the history clean and tidy by squashing and rebasing module commits or preserve the module history in a parent repository with a merge option.

Would you like to see Git X-Modules in action? Watch the screencast!

Git X-Modules screenshot

Plans and pricing

Free for public repositories
For individual users and small organizations
$39 / month
For organizations with up to 50 team members
$79 / month
For organizations with up to 100 team members
$159 / month
For organizations with up to 250 team members
$299 / month
For organizations with up to 500 team members
$440 / month
For organizations with up to 1000 users
$690 / month
For organizations only
$690 / month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information

Git X-Modules is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


A better way to manage modular Git projects
376 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Open Source, Individuals and teams up to 25 users, Small Teams - up to 50 users, Growing Teams - up to 100 users, Medium Teams - up to 250 users, Large Teams - up to 500 users, and Huge Teams - up to 1000 users plans available.