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Foundational Data

Easily change data pipelines without breaking them

Data breaks too often. We make it easy to find, fix, and prevent issues in your code before you deploy and mess up the data.

Foundational is the industry's first Data Management Platform to accurately tie code and data,
providing data developers with all the context needed to build better, faster and at scale.

We're here to make data teams resilient. We're here to make data developer-friendly.

Find and fix issues before you deploy

Data issues are costly and unnecessarily complex to fix. Foundational's Code Intelligence Engine analyzes code changes to find issues, reveal hidden dependencies, and determine downstream impact before anything touches live data.

End-to-end lineage,‍ automated by code

Analyze everything across Airflow, Spark, dbt, BI warehouses, and many others:

✅   Column-level lineage across the entire data stack
✅   Fully automated with zero code or configuration changes needed
✅   Lineage is always up-to-date with the latest code merged

Developer-first solution to data contracts

Anyone could impact data through an unintentional change: It could be the backend engineer who changed a schema, the analytics engineer that updated a model, or the data engineer who modified a DAG.
We've made it easy for organizations to define policies and contracts around important data assets, and for developers to build easier and faster.

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Pricing and setup

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Foundational Data


Gain control over your data today

For organizations only

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