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CodeAnt AI

CodeAnt AI is a DevTool that helps companies find and auto-fix code issues and security vulnerabilities. We're like SonarSource or Veracode, but we don't just detect code issues; we auto-fix it.

Enforce custom best practices across the entire development life cycle. We seamlessly integrate from IDEs to Git hooks, to pull requests, and CI/CD.

Also get PR Summarization, line-by-line Review, Static Analysis, SAST, Code Coverage + Accurate Fixing of all Issues — In one place.

We are SOC 2 compliant, and are live in small teams to large unicorns

Code Auto-Fixing:
You can clean your entire codebase, with the ability to bulk fix up to 200 files in a single click! 🛠️

Code Quality:
Improve your existing code quality by generating precise Docstrings, context-aware Unit-test cases, and adding Scalability and Optimization Logic.

We are SOC2 compliant and supports SSO, Audit logs, Role-Based Access, Executive Reporting out-of-the-box, and the ability to add and enforce any company-specific rules across the organization.

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Pricing and setup

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CodeAnt AI

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CodeAnt AI is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation.