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Sonatype GitHub Actions

A set of actions to identify vulnerabilities in your workflows using Sonatype s security solutions
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Sonatype GitHub Actions

A set of GitHub Actions for interacting with different Sonatype products.

Sonatype GitHub Actions also support integration with GitHub Code Scanning, part of the GitHub Advanced Security feature, which displays detected vulnerabilities on the GitHub Security tab. You can use the evaluate or run-iq-cli actions in combination with the upload-sarif-file parameter to take advantage of this functionality. GitHub Advanced Security is available for GitHub Enterprise customers and public repositories.

The action set currently contains a couple of top-level actions:

Additionally, for developers who require more fine-grained control over the actions' configuration, a set of advanced actions are also provided:


Here's a typical usage example that evaluates an npm project against a Sonatype Lifecycle instance and retrieves the associated SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) file:

name: Sonatype Workflow
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Check out your code
      - name: Checkout
        id: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # Perform an evaluation 
      - name: Run evaluate action
        id: evaluate
        uses: sonatype/actions/evaluate@v1
          iq-server-url: https://your.lifecycle.server
          username: ${{ secrets.LIFECYCLE_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.LIFECYCLE_PASSWORD }}
          application-id: lifecycle-app
          scan-targets: package.json package-lock.json
      # Fetch the SBOM file associated with the evaluation
      - name: Fetch SBOM
        uses: sonatype/actions/fetch-sbom@v1
        if: ( success() || failure() ) && steps.evaluate.outputs.scan-id 
          iq-server-url: https://your.lifecycle.server
          username: ${{ secrets.LIFECYCLE_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.LIFECYCLE_PASSWORD }}
          application-id: lifecycle-app
          scan-id: ${{ steps.evaluate.outputs.scan-id }}
          sbom-standard: cyclonedx
          sbom-version: 1.5
          sbom-format: json
          artifact-name: lifecycle-app-sbom.json

For more details on the supported parameters for each action, refer to the individual action documentation.

Sonatype GitHub Actions is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A set of actions to identify vulnerabilities in your workflows using Sonatype s security solutions


GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

Sonatype GitHub Actions is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.