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Cronitor for Github Actions

Automatic monitoring for Github Actions
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Monitor Github Actions by Cronitor

Automatically monitor Github Actions Workflows using and a simple Github Action.


  • Automatically sync workflows to Cronitor when they run, no manual configuration.

  • Send telemetry to Cronitor when jobs start, complete and fail.

  • Monitor every workflow in your repo, or easily limit to specific workflows.


  1. Add a CRONITOR_API_KEY secret in your repo, copying your Cronitor API key from

  2. Add a new cronitor.yml workflow to your repo, copying this example yaml. Push the new workflow to your main branch.

  3. Done! The Cronitor Monitoring Relay will be invoked automatically for every workflow that runs in your repo.

name: Cronitor Monitoring Relay

    workflows: ['*']
    types: [requested,completed]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Send Telemetry
      - name: Send execution details to the Cronitor for Github Actions agent
        uses: cronitorio/monitor-github-actions@v7
          event: ${{ toJSON(github.event) }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          cronitor_key: ${{ secrets.CRONITOR_API_KEY }}
          cronitor_group: actions
          cronitor_notify: devops-alerts


Parameter name Required Description
event Yes Triggering event (passed from github.event)
cronitor_key Yes Your Cronitor API key
github_token No To relay workflow logs, pass your GITHUB_TOKEN
cronitor_group No Add monitors to a Cronitor group
cronitor_notify No A notification list to use for alerts

Note: Log relay is coming soon.

Monitoring Specific Workflows

By default, when you add the YAML for the Cronitor Monitoring Relay as an Action, it will be invoked automatically for every workflow that runs in this repo. If you want to limit which workflows are monitored by Cronitor, you can specify those directly in the on clause of your Cronitor workflow yaml:

    workflows: [job1,job2]
    types: [requested,completed]

Configuring Alerts


Alert recipients can be managed directly from this configuration file using the optional cronitor_notify input. Provide a notification list using its key, or specify a single recipient, e.g. email:[email protected].

Alert Settings

After adding the Cronitor Relay yaml, your workflows will appear on your Cronitor dashboard the first time they run. From the dashboard, you will be able to customize alert preferences, including:

  • Be alerted only if a workflow persistently fails
  • Be alerted if a workflow does not run or complete at least once in a given time span.
  • Be alerted on workflow execution time and avoid surprise charges from Github.

Cronitor for Github Actions is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Automatic monitoring for Github Actions

Cronitor for Github Actions is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.