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The project data folder contains the following datasets:
create and save as SnowMap
Canvas Panels Toolbars
Rearrange things
Quickmaps, and add contributed package from settings
Add the Stamen stamenbasemap
Add the Study Layer data
show zoom and pan, etc...
Highlight scale displayed
Create a SOHO bookmark at teh extent of the study area layer
Examine the CRS of a data layer
Examine the CRS of projected
Set Project CRS to study area layers
Use Delimited Text tool to add deathAddresses to Canvas
Proportional Symbol on Num_Cases
sort on Num_Cases
Vector > Analysis Tools > Basic Statistics for Fields
We'll start by looking at this map [Gegend von London 1853] of London on
Create a point shapefile called water_pumps.shp with Label fields
make labels with halos
Export to EPSG:32630 for Analysis
Copy and Paste to new layer
50% Buffer
Vector > Data Management Tools > Join attributes by location
Join Deaths to Voronoi as shapefile for attribute types
Install Group Stats
Columns = States Rows = Labels Value = Num_Cases
Show sorting and export
Basic, weighted and cased
Search for point pattern Analysis and run on
Note: Project your DeathAddresses data to the EPSG:32630 UTM coordinate system, before running the next steps. Some changes have been made to the QGIS interface and how it interacts with some of the processing libraries included
Use built in tools