This API documentation provides a detailed overview of all available endpoints in the Training Platform API, including the required headers, request parameters, and response formats.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Registers a new user in the platform by creating their account. This endpoint is accessible to anyone.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Body Parameters:
- name: (string, optional): The full name of the user.
- username (string, required): The username for the new user. It should be unique.
- email (string, required): The user’s email address, which must be unique.
- password (string, required): The password for the new account. The password will be hashed before storage.
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): Returns a success message along with the user’s basic info (excluding sensitive data).
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing required fields or invalid field types.
- Status 403 (Forbidden): The user's account is banned, preventing register.
- Status 409 (Conflict): Duplicate email or username exists.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error if the input data doesn’t meet requirements.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Authenticates an existing user and returns a JWT token to allow access to protected routes.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Body Parameters:
- indentifier (string, required): The user’s email address or user's username.
- password (string, required): The user’s password.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Successful authentication. Returns a JWT token for access to protected routes and basic user info.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing required fields.
- Status 401 (Unauthorized): Invalid email or password.
- Status 404 (Not Found): User not found.
- Status 403 (Forbidden): The user's account is banned, preventing login or access to resources.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error if the input data is invalid.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Create a new blog post.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Required (Admin or Author role)
- Body Parameters:
- title (string, required): Title of the blog post.
- description (string, required): Short description of the blog.
- content (string, required): Main content of the blog.
- categoryId (string, required): ID of the category the blog belongs to.
- tags (array of strings, optional): Tags associated with the blog.
- coverImage (file, required): Cover image for the blog.
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): Blog successfully created.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing cover image.
- Status 409 (Conflict): Blog with the same title already exists.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Category ID is invalid.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error for request fields.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieve all blog posts.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Not required
- Body Parameters: No parameters or body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Successfully retrieved all blog posts.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No blogs found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieve a single blog post by its slug.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Not required
- Path Parameters: slug (string): Unique slug for the blog post.
- Body Parameters: No parameters or body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Blog post retrieved successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Blog not found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: PUT
- Description: Edit an existing blog post. Only fields provided in the request body will be updated.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Required (Admin or author role)
- Path Parameters: blogId (string): ID of the blog to edit.
- Body Parameters (Only fields to be updated):
- title (string, optional): Updated title of the blog.
- description (string, optional): Updated description.
- content (string, optional): Updated content.
- categoryId (string, optional): Updated category ID.
- tags (array of strings, optional): Updated tags.
- coverImage (file, optional): Updated cover image.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Blog updated successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Blog or category not found.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid blog ID or validation error.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Creates a new tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Required (Admin and instructor only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters:
- title (String, required): The title of the tutorial, should be unique within its category.
- description (String, required): A brief description of the tutorial content.
- instructorId (String, required): The ObjectId of the instructor who created the tutorial. This ID links to the instructor’s record in the users collection.
- categoryId (String, required): The ObjectId of the category this tutorial belongs to, linking to a record in the categories collection.
- price (Number, optional): The price of the tutorial. Only required if isFree is set to false.
- isFree (Boolean, optional): A flag to indicate if the tutorial is free. If true, the price is automatically set to 0.
- status (String, required): The publication status of the tutorial. Expected values are "COMPLETE" or "INCOMPLETE", indicating if the tutorial content is fully available or still under development.
- onSale (Boolean, optional): A flag to indicate if the tutorial is on sale, which can be used to apply a discount or promotional pricing.
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): Tutorial created successfully.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Missing cover image.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Retrieves all tutorials with instructor and category details.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): List of tutorials retrieved.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves all sections for tutorials.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Sections retrieved.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Adds a section to a specific tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Required (Admin and instructor only)
- Path Parameters: tutorialId (string)
- Body Parameters:
- title (String, required): The title of the section, should be unique within this tutorial.
- duration (Number, required): The length of the video or content in seconds.
- isFree (Boolean, optional): A flag to indicate if this section is free to view without enrollment.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Section created successfully.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid tutorial ID
- Status 409 (Conflict): Duplicate section error.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves information about a specific section in a tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Not required
- Path Parameters:
- tutorialSlug (string)
- sectionId (string)
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Section information retrieved.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Tutorial or section not found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Deletes a section from a tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: sectionId (string)
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Section deleted.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Section not found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Enrolls the current user in a specific tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: tutorialId (string)
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): Enrollment successful.
- Status 403 (Forbidden): The user's account is banned, preventing register.
- Status 409 (Conflict): User already enrolled.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves tutorials under a specific category.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: categorySlug (string)
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Successfully tutorials retrieved for category.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Category not found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves detailed information for a specific tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: tutorialSlug (string)
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Tutorial details retrieved.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Tutorial not found.
- Status 403 (Forbidden): Access denied.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Deletes a tutorial by ID.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: tutorialId (string)
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Tutorial deleted.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Tutorial not found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves tutorials related to a given tutorial based on category.
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: tutorialId (string)
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Related tutorials retrieved.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Main tutorial not found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a list of all users without their password or other sensitive data.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: contentId (string): ID of the tutorial to which the comment is added.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Returns an array of user objects with selected fields.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No user to display.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Adds a comment to a specific tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: contentId (string): ID of the tutorial to which the comment is added.
- Body Parameters:
- body (string, required): Content of the comment.
- review (number, optional): Rating given to the tutorial.
- parentCommentId (string, optional): ID of the parent comment if this comment is a reply.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Comment added successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Tutorial not found or parent comment not found.
- Status 403 (Forbidden): User is banned from commenting.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error for the comment.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Deletes a user and removes them from the banned users collection if applicable.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: id (String, required): User ID of the user to delete.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): User deleted successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): User not found to delete.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Bans a user by setting their status to BANNED.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: id (String, required): User ID of the user to ban
- Body Parameters:
- reason (String, required): Reason for banning the user.
- banExpiresAt (Date, optional): Expiration date of the ban (for temporary bans).
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): User banned successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): User not found.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): Reason for ban is required.
- Status 409 (Conflict): User is already banned.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: PUT
- Description: Changes a user's role to AUTHOR.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: id (String, required): User ID of the user to be made an author.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Role changed to author successfully.
- Status 400 (Bad Request): User ID is required.
- Status 404 (Not Found): User not found.
- Status 409 (Conflict): User is banned.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Cannot change role of an admin if the user is an admin.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Create a new category.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Body Parameters:
- title (string, required): Title of the category.
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): Category successfully created.
- Status 409 (Conflict): Category with the same title or slug already exists.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error for request fields.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieve all categories.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: No required
- Body Parameters: No parameters or body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Successfully retrieved all categories.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No categories found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Delete an existing category by ID.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: id (string): ID of the category to delete..
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Category deleted successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No categories found.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid category ID format.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: PUT
- Description: Update an existing category by ID.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin or Instructor role)
- Path Parameters: id (string): ID of the category to update.
- Body Parameters (Only fields to be updated):
- title (string, optional): Updated title of the category.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Category updated successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Category not found.
- Status 409 (Conflict): Category with the updated title or slug already exists.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves all main comments and their associated replies.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: contentId (string): ID of the tutorial to which the comment is added.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): All comments retrieved successfully.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Adds a comment to a specific tutorial.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: contentId (string): ID of the tutorial to which the comment is added.
- Body Parameters:
- body (string, required): Content of the comment.
- review (number, optional): Rating given to the tutorial.
- parentCommentId (string, optional): ID of the parent comment if this comment is a reply.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Comment added successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Tutorial not found or parent comment not found.
- Status 403 (Forbidden): User is banned from commenting.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error for the comment.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Adds a comment to a specific blog.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: contentId (string): ID of the blog to which the comment is added.
- Body Parameters:
- body (string, required): Content of the comment.
- review (number, optional): Rating given to the blog.
- parentCommentId (string, optional): ID of the parent comment if this comment is a reply.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Comment added successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Blog not found or parent comment not found.
- Status 403 (Forbidden): User is banned from commenting.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation error for the comment.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Deletes a comment by its ID.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: commentId (string): ID of the comment to delete.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Comment and its replies deleted successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Comment not found.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid comment ID format.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: PATCH
- Description: Accepts a comment by marking it as isAccepted.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: commentId (string): ID of the comment to accept.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Comment accepted successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Comment not found.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid comment ID format.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: PATCH
- Description: Rejects a comment by marking it as !isAccepted.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: commentId (string): ID of the comment to reject.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Comment rejected successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Comment not found.
- Status 409 (Conflict): Comment is already rejected.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid comment ID format.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves all support tickets.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): All tickets retrieved successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No tickets found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Adds a new support ticket.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters:
- name (string, required): Name of the person creating the ticket.
- email (string, required): Email of the person.
- phone (string, optional): Contact phone number.
- body (string, required): Description of the issue or query.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): New ticket created successfully.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation errors in request body.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Deletes a ticket by ID.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: ticketId (string): ID of the ticket to be deleted.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Ticket deleted successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Ticket not found.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid ticket ID format.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Sends an email response to a ticket and marks it as responded.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters:
- email (string, required): Email of the user who submitted the ticket.
- answer (string, required): Response text to be sent to the user.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Email sent and ticket updated
- Status 404 (Not Found): Ticket not found for the provided email.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Creates a new menu or submenu item. If parentId is specified, it becomes a submenu.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters:
- title (string, required): Title of the menu.
- order (integer, optional): Desired order of the menu. For submenus, if omitted or incorrect, it will be adjusted automatically.
- parentId (ObjectId, optional): If specified, the menu will be created as a submenu of the specified menu.
- categoryId (ObjectId, optional): Category associated with the menu.
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): New menu created successfully.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation errors in the request body.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves all main menus and their submenus.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): All menus retrieved successfully.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No menus found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a single main menu along with its submenus.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: menuId (string): ID of the main menu.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Menu retrieved successfully.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid menu ID.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No menus found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a list of all newsletter subscribers.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Successfully retrieved all newsletter subscribers.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No newsletter subscribers found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Subscribes a new user to the newsletter with their email address.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: email (string, required): Email address of the user to subscribe.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): Successfully subscribed to the newsletter.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid email format.
- Status 409 (Conflict): Email is already subscribed to the newsletter.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Description: Allows an admin to send a notification to a specific user.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters:
- recipientId (string, required): ID of the recipient user.
- title (string, required): Title of the notification.
- message (string, required): Message body of the notification.
- type (string, required): Type of notification (e.g., REMINDER, ALERT, etc.).
- Response:
- Status 201 (Created): Successfully sent the notification.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Validation errors in the notification details.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Recipient user not found
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves a list of all notifications in the system.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Successfully retrieved all notifications.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No notifications found.
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieves notifications sent to the logged-in user.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: No parameters required.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Successfully retrieved the user's notifications.
- Status 404 (Not Found): No notifications found for the user
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: PATCH
- Description: Marks a specific notification as read for the logged-in user.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Required (Admin only)
- Path Parameters: notificationId (string, required): ID of the notification to mark as read.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Notification successfully marked as read.
- Status 404 (Not Found): Notification not found.
- Status 422 (Unprocessable Entity): Invalid notification ID format
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.
- URL:
- Method: GET
- Description: Searches for tutorials containing the specified keyword in their title or description.
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Authorization: Not Required
- Path Parameters: keyword (String, required): The keyword to search for. Must be at least 3 characters long.
- Body Parameters: No body required.
- Response:
- Status 200 (OK): Returns the search results with matched tutorials’ titles and descriptions.
- Status 404 (Not Found): If no results are found matching the search criteria
- Status 400 (Bad Request): If the keyword is not provided or is less than 3 characters long
- Status 500 (Internal Server Error): Server-side issues or unexpected errors, with specific error messages for debugging.