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Advanced Tutorial

In this section we want to better showcase what Vamp Kubist and Istio can do.
In order to do so we will set up an entire environment with multiple virtual clusters and deployments.
The final goal of this example is shown in the image below.

As you can see, at the end of this tutorial you will have three virtual clusters, two of them on a cluster and the third one on another cluster.
Each one of the virtual cluster will have its own deployments and a different networking infrastructure.

Table of contents


At least two clusters and a vamp installation. The setup section can help you with creating the two necessary clusters. You can either use cluster default and cluster1 as the two clusters or add a new cluster2.

Setting up the environment

The first step is to set up the virtual clusters and deployments on on the first cluster, which will be called cluster1 in the rest of the tutorial. You can quickly do that by applying the cluster1-setup.yaml with the command:

kubectl apply -f

Once the command has done executing, you can verify the resources you just created by running

vamp list virtualclusters

you should get the following response.

- kubist-test1
- kubist-test2

If you don't it just means kubist has not yet imported the namespace into a virtual cluster. Just retry in a few seconds. Once you get the response shown above, all virtual clusters will have been imported and you will be able to see the applications and the deployments they contain by running

vamp list applications -r kubist-test1

vamp list applications -r kubist-test2

Let's now focus on virtual cluster kubist-test1. First of all select it with

vamp config set -r kubist-test1

Now let's create a new destination for application app1.

vamp create destination dest-app-1 -f

where the yaml content is

application: app1
  - name: http
    port: 9191
    targetPort: 9191
    protocol: TCP
      deployment: deployment1
      deployment: deployment2
      deployment: deployment3

Now you can set up a gateway to expose the Service you just created to the outside.
For this example to work properly you need to define your own hostnames for the gateway you are going to create. Choose two hostnames and specify them in the gateway configuration as shown below.

vamp create gateway gw-app1 -f ./yourgateway.yaml

The configuraiton you are going to use will look like this

  - port: 80
    protocol: http

As you can see the specification contains two different hostnames that we will use in the underlying vamp services. If you already followed the setup section, then the hostname you specified will be associated, ater a short time, with you gateway's ip.
Otherwise we recommend you take a look at that section in order to set up the google credentials necessary to manage the hostsnames through Google DNS.

Now that the gateway is setup you need only create a vamp service, in order to finally be able to access the application.
To do that, use the following command

vamp create vampservice vs-app1-1 -f ./yourvampservice.yaml

Below you can take a look at the configuration you are going to submit.

  - gw-app1
  - protocol: http
      - destination: dest-app-1
        port: 9191
        version: subset1
        weight: 100
exposeInternally: true

Again, take care to specify one of the hostnames you defined in the gateway and not the one used in the example.

Shortly after submitting you will be able to access application app1 using your hostname of choice. Let's map also the other hostname, using a second vamp service vs-app1-2 with the following specificaiton

  - gw-app1
  - protocol: http
      - destination: dest-app-1
        port: 9191
        version: subset2
        weight: 100
exposeInternally: true

Now, if you try calling the hostname you will be sent to subset2 in the dest-app-1 destination you just created. At this point in the tutorial you succesfully mapped two hostnames to two separate subsets of a Service and are able to send requests to them from outside the Cluster. If you call, or rather the real hostname you specified, from your browser this is what you will see

while calling you will land on subset2 and be presented with

Having done that, let's try something else. Switch to the kubist-test2 virtual cluster containing application app2.

vamp config set -r kubist-test2

This time you are going to create a single vamp service that will respond to a single hostname and that will dispatch requests to either app1 subset3 or app2 subset1. Dispatching of the requests will be regulated by the url invoked and the url itself will be rewritten before making the actual call to the service. Let's start with the easy stuff, that is creating destination dest-app-2 and gateway gw-app2 by using the following specificaitons.


application: app2
  - name: http
    port: 9191
    targetPort: 9191
    protocol: TCP
      deployment: deployment1
      deployment: deployment2
      deployment: deployment3


  - port: 80
    protocol: http

As you can see the setup is basically identical to what we did in virtual cluster kubist-test1. The only significant difference is that we need to use a new hostname for the gateway definition. Let's now create vamp service vs-app2-1. The vamp service should dispatch requests starting with '/service1' to app1 subset3 and requests starting with '/service2' to app2 subset1. At the same time those url should be rewritten to a simple '/'. If we were to skip this last step, the request would fail. In order to achieve all that, you need to define two conditional routes with the following conditions:

uri prefix "/service1"
uri prefix "/service2"

and also specify the value '/' in the rewrite field. Worthy of note is the fact that, since app1 resides in a different virtual cluster, we have to use its fully qualified name to be able to reach it, that is dest-app-1.kubist-test1.svc.cluster.local. For reference you can find the full configuration below.

  - gw-app1
  - condition: uri prefix "/service1"
    rewrite: "/"
    protocol: http
      - destination: dest-app-1.kubist-test1.svc.cluster.local
        port: 9191
        version: subset3
        weight: 100
  - condition: uri prefix "/service2"
    rewrite: "/"
    protocol: http
      - destination: dest-app-2
        port: 9191
        version: subset1
        weight: 100
exposeInternally: true

If you try now to send requests to the specified hostname with the appropriate url you will be redirected to the correct application. Please note that there's currently a bug with the demo app paths not being relative, that will cause the page not to be displayed correctly Our work with kubist-test2 is finished, let's now focus on the last virtual cluster: kubist-test3.

Let's first move on the second cluster, which we will call cluster2. Now we need to set up the virtual cluster by running.

kubectl apply -f

In this virtual cluster, as shown in the initial graph, we want to be able to access hostname from a pod inside the virtual cluster. However, hostname is outside cluster2 and external services are normally not reachable from pods belonging to the Istio Mesh, hence we have to somehow make the host defined on gateway gw-app2 accessible.
Service entries are an Istio resource that can do just that. We are thus going to create one of them with name es-1 and this configuration.

  - port: 80
    protocol: http 

As you can see the service entry configuration is straightforward and only specified the host name and the ports to be opened. By using kubectl to log into one of the pods running into the kubist-test3 namespace you will now be able to send requests to gateway going outside the cluster, like this:


where should be replaced by the hostname you defined previously. Thanks to the service entry you can now also add a vmap service definition that references the external service and use it to define timeouts or retry policies as shown in the configuration below.

  - protocol: http
      attempts: 5
      timeout: 3
      - destination:
        weight: 100
exposeInternally: true

This concludes the tutorial, but feel free to keep on experimenting on the environment you just created; it makes for a good foundation to try different setups and explore the available configuration options. If you need to check the resources used for this advanced tutorial you can find them in the advanced tutorial folder.