This package defines configuration parameters of the combined robotic system of hand-e gripper and ur3e robot arm. Included files are autogenerated through the "MoveIt Setup Assistant" program and modified according to the need afterwards.
/srdf/ur.srdf is the key file that was generated through the "MoveIt Setup Assistant" program. It defines the collision matrix for the custom robot+arm configuration. The input the "MoveIt Setup Assistant" program is a .urdf file that combines both the design files for the ur3e robot arm and the hande gripper. Generating the .urdf file is described below:
In this case, the combined .xacro file is named as ur.urdf.xacro. In our current setup, this file is /ur3e_hande_robot_description/urdf/ur_with_hande.xacro.
We use the ur.urdf.xacro file to generate the ur.urdf file using the following command, (make sure to correct the package names, and file names to the appropriate names/locations of your workspace.)
ros2 run xacro xacro $(ros2 pkg prefix ur3e_hande_description)/share/ur3e_hande_description/urdf/ur.urdf.xacro name:=ur ur_type:=ur3e joint_limit_params:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ur3e_hande_description)/share/ur3e_hande_description/config/ur3e/joint_limits.yaml kinematics_params:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ur3e_hande_description)/share/ur3e_hande_description/config/ur3e/default_kinematics.yaml physical_params:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ur3e_hande_description)/share/ur3e_hande_description/config/ur3e/physical_parameters.yaml visual_params:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ur3e_hande_description)/share/ur3e_hande_description/config/ur3e/visual_parameters.yaml > ur.urdf
Next, follow this useful link on using MoveIt Setup Assistant to generate the ur.srdf file. This process will end up generating other useful files such as /rviz/view_robot.rviz