Run the following command to launch the camera.
podman run -it --rm --privileged --network host --ipc=host --pid=host azure-kinect:latest /bin/bash -c "Xvfb :2 -screen 0 2560x1440x16 & . /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash && . /root/ws/install/ && ros2 launch azure_kinect_ros_driver depth_mode:=NFOV_UNBINNED point_cloud_in_depth_frame:=false"
In OpenCV, the distortion coefficients are usually represented as a 1x8 matrix:
- distCoeffs_= [k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6] where
- k1, k2, k3, k3, k4, k5, k6 = radial distortion coefficients
- p1, p2 = tangential distortion coefficients
For Azure kinect, they can be found when running the ROS2 camera node and explained in this link.
Parameters cam_translation.x
, cam_translation.y
, and cam_translation.z
are measures from the base of the robot and in the robot's coordinate world.
Hint: Use the robot arm to determine the x and y axis of the robot by moving the robot along x=0
and y=0
Cartesian lines. Next use a tape measure to measure the distance (projections) from each x and y axises to the camera lens.
Complete guide to ArUco markers are in this link.
In our work, we use the marker family 'tag36h11', which is a family of tags which are detectable by both ArUco and AprilTag detection. This link points to the AprilTag GitHub repository that hosts pre-generated images.
Prior to detection, printed out tags (of equal size) need to be measured precisely and recorded under the paramater physical_marker_size
When there are multiple tags present, function estimatePoseSingleMarkers()
estimates pose of all the detected markers seperatley. At present, we only estimate the pose when only one marker is present, ignoring the cases where no-marker or more than one marker are present.
Detection rate is tied to the callback of the ros topic image_topic
(topic is defined in the fiducial_marker_param.yam file).
In the current implementation, this topic's publish rate is defined in the Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver package. In Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver package, where the topic 'rgb/image_raw' is published, message publish rate is same as the camera's fps rate. Default fps is 5.
Median pose estimation is a multi-value estimation, where it estimates the median of the 6 DoF pose returned by the camera.
For each DoF, it maintains a moving window of size 10 (can be changed via the parameter number_of_observations
) to calculate the median. When the detection rate is 5Hz and upon moving the sample or the detected object to a new pose, it takes a minimum of 1.2 seconds to return the correct pose for the updated pose. As a good practice, it is better to wait for the whole 2 seconds.
Redis is used to store the aruco tag ID and real-world sample information. At present, each entry has four properties. They are:
- id: integer tag ID of the printed tag from AruCo marker library
- e.g., 0
- family: string key of AruCo tag type used
- e.g., 'DICT_APRILTAG_36h11', 'DICT_6X6_250'
- size -> physical size of the marker in meters
- e.g., 0.02665
- sample_names -> unique string name to identify the sample used with the tag
- e.g., 'sample_1', 'guid:dkfb6lsm228mjd'
Create a named volume redis_data
if it doesn't exist with the following command.
podman volume create redis_data
Run the Redis container with the following command:
podman run --name redis-container --network host -d -v redis_data:/data -p 6379:6379 redis
Run the following if the command line interface is needed:
podman exec -it redis-container redis-cli
New records can be inserted into the redis server with the following command. Note the below example assumes that each entry has four attributes: id, family, size, and sample_name.
HSET tag:1 id 0 family "DICT_APRILTAG_36h11" size 0.02665 sample_name sample_1
Below is a python code to insert new entry.
import redis
client = redis.Redis(host=IP_OF_THE_REDIS_SERVER, port=6379, db=0)
client.hset("tag:1", mapping={"id": 0, "family": "DICT_APRILTAG_36h11", "size": 0.02665, "sample_name": "sample_1"})