Build the image
podman build -t azure-kinect:latest .
Following command executes the image opening up a the container to the host network.
podman run -it --volume="/dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb" --rm --network host --ipc=host --pid=host --env ROS_DOMAIN_ID=10 --env DISPLAY=:2 azure-kinect:latest /bin/bash -c "Xvfb :2 -screen 0 2560x1440x16 & . /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash && . /root/ws/install/ && ros2 launch azure_kinect_ros_driver depth_mode:=NFOV_UNBINNED point_cloud_in_depth_frame:=false"
In the above, depth_mode:=NFOV_UNBINNED
sets a narrow field of view for increased distance in depth perception and point_cloud_in_depth_frame = false
to render the pointcloud onto the RBG image.
A number of parameters with respect to the Kinect camera can be set via Refer this link for the complete list of options.