- Add reportSavePath argument #398 (thanks @madmini)
- New CLI param --run-only allowing you to limit the tests this runs #395 (thanks @gnunicorn)
- Bump dependency intl #389
- Migrate to latest Flutter #387
- Migrate to gradle 7.4.2 #377 (thanks @meltzow)
- Change code format to improve pub scores #379 (thanks @meltzow)
- Allow reading of Reports of up to 1GB in size #370 (thanks @gnunicorn)
- Using darker background for error text in dark mode #361 (thanks @jmatth)
- Upgrade to Flutter 3.16
- Upgrade to Flutter 3.13
- Enjoy 5x speedup: Able to execute your tests not only on simulator/device, but also on host computer (much faster), without changing any code.
- Abundant information for errors: When something is not working, it tries to print out as much information as possible to help you quickly debug.
- Enhanced golden: GUI to check golden changes, allow a few pixels to be different, screenshot widgets above your widget, etc (Standalone feature, does not require full convenient_test)
- Utilities: Enter text without replacing, pump with run async, etc. (Standalone feature, does not require full convenient_test)
- Fix CI #287 (thanks @AlexV525)
- Fix dependency resolution issues and improve Actions #274 (thanks @bartekpacia)
- Adds a settle argument to tTestWidgets #273 (thanks @ronba)
- Fix bug causing config switches to be covered #268 (thanks @ethancadoo)
- flag to prevent pumpAndSettle for other commands #267 (thanks @ostk0069)
- Build conventient_test_manager_dart on Linux #265 (thanks @vHanda)
- Pass cmd args through to config #263 (thanks @ethancadoo)
- Command line args for gRPC connection #258 (thanks @ethancadoo)
- Add note about AVD in readme #257 (thanks @ethancadoo)
- Added Linux CI #255 (thanks @ethancadoo)
- Feature: add a settle flag to act method to prevent pumpAndSettle #252 (thanks @MCord)
- crop golden images - when you only want a portion of the widget to be captured #251
- Fix build issues in the CI pipeline #241 (thanks @Rohithgilla12)
- send hot restart to main isolate #237
- enhance golden comparator #233
- Enhance golden comparator #232
- Fix assertion failed when takeSnapshot: '!renderObject.debugNeedsPaint' is not true #234
- Fix when
flutter build macos
for Manager, it shows error:Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_g_players", referenced from: +[VideoOutlet outletForPlayer:withTextureRegistry:] in VideoOutlet.o
#221 - Allow configuration by reading a config file (e.g.
), useful for using precompiled Manager #220 - Fix building Windows application... dart_vlc-0.1.9/lib/src/widgets/controls.dart(185,55): error G76A9B1F6: The method 'back' isn't defined for the class 'Player'. #217
- Make initial window size bigger, otherwise many things overflowed #222
- Make MacOS CI pass, such that we have precompiled binaries #186
- Improve documentation
Issues closed:
- create universal configuration, accept params from cmdargs, dart-define, etc #213
- allow Manager to load and display a Report without existence of worker #211
- GoldenDiffPage: set FilterQuality be none if zoom in (physical size much larger), and mid if zoom out #206
- GoldenDiffPage: allow pan/zoom an image, and other images should synchronously pan/zoom the same location #205
- GoldenDiffPage: compute pixelwise difference and show it #204
- GoldenDiffPage: allow arrow up/down key to navigate #203
- for updateGoldens, give a GUI to check golden files git diff #201
- macos + flutter 3.0, fail to compile #199
- migrate to flutter 3.0 #198
- add "root finder" to easily find the root widget #197
flag does not work when in combination with goldens #196- when golden fails because "image sizes do not match", should still provide visual diff #195
- improve the "screenshot panel", especially when it is showing golden images #192
- when
(i.e. one golden fails), currently it outputs one log, so (1) it will not remove log if with retry it succeed (2) tons of log exists #191 - create "super-run-id", and let Report and Video output to subfolders of a folder named by superRunId, such that different super-runs are naturally grouped #190
- gRPC error on M1 Macos #182
- configure macos Manager such that it can be compiled into release executables - currently can always use
flutter run/flutter profile
even without doing this #181 - manage golden
s, generate them onto convenient_test data dirs #180 - explicitly show which golden test fails, by marking them on LogEntry (or throwing exceptions at the locations expectLater fails) #179
- visualize golden test failures clearly in our Manager #178
- "match golden" errors if the match fails #177
- display icon name instead of the default hex number if using
#176 - implement "append text to TextField" - current
will replace all text #175 - add sticky header for log panel, such that know which test is looking at - possibly show group names & test name; only visible if the topmost visible item is a log entry #174
- make route name matcher have better description #171
- make text of matchers like
more brief #170 - beautify "section" log entry UI, let users easily see this is section header #169
- add
parameter to easily add RepaintBoundary at test time for goldens #168 - implement two-finger gestures #167
- add various gesture detection tests #166
- in ci mode, when manager has started but worker has not yet started, should gracefully handle this case #165
- improve logging in ci mode: at least know which test is executing and how many remain #163
- add a hint text indicating "all tests finished" or "running some tests" #162
- maybe improve grammar:
#159 - make "logging reports to files" optional #157
- make write-file paths into sub-directories, currently all into the root temp dir making it messy #156
- further improve the top toolbar, since we are going to add more buttons and it will overflow #152
- Using outdated get_it version #150
- allow dynamically configure number of retries in panel #149
- when test name has special char like "+", regex fails #148
- exception when finished running tests in isolation mode #145
- for flaky tests, the "play video" button only plays the first video among all, instead of all videos #142
- do not show full error dialog, but collapse it by default and allow expand #141
- use hashcode+conflict-then-change to generate Test/Group
that is stable across hot-restarts #140 - add
, especially check "access map operator[] with wrong key type", because things like #136 will easily have such problems #137 - avoid referencing Test/Group via
, because they do not preserve across hot-restarts - usename
s instead #136 - When tap to run a test, have NPE error for
#135 - bug: after tapping "play video" button, no video is shown #134
- still use names to identify Test/Group instead of the newly proposed id; but throw error if there are duplicated names #133
- Test/Group id should stay stable across hot-restarts - because in "isolation mode" and with #130, we use id to identify tests across hot restarts #132
- protobuf should use int64 instead of int32 for (new) id, since we use snowflake which is 64bit #131
- generate and use unique
s to determine tests and groups, since currently used testname
s can be duplicate #130 - remove entryLocator, since test name is prefixed with group name, so no need to use group name to locate test name #129
- flutter test seems to allow duplicated names (even in same groups), but we rely on names to locate tests #128
- improve the "header panel" since too many items now #127
- remove the ManagerRpcService (abstraction layer above grpc to Manager), since will use new approach for CI mode #126
- let VideoDisplayStore/VideoPanel understand existence of multiple videos (currently only understand one) #125
- add a boot time config to specify whether to enable "hot-restart for every test" mode #124
- when in "hot-restart for every test" mode, also hot restart when a test is flaky and want to re-execute #123
- make the to-be-implemented "hot-restart for every test" an configurable optional feature #119
- refactor "ci mode" from pure-worker approach into the manager-aided approach #118
- extract pure-dart "manager_dart" from the "manager" package, such that it can run without gui; extract common_dart from common as well #117
- extensive golden support #116
- make generated id in worker be unique even across VM hot restart, by using a snowflake-like approach #115
- hot-restart every time a test is to be executed to improve isolation #113
- the intro video uploaded to youtube is blur #112
- Use high resolution intro video
- Use an image instead of video in pub.dev doc
- Further attempt to add preview video to pub.dev
- Update README with a video
- Initial release
Issues closed:
- add post-release CI (just like flutter_rust_bridge) to ensure in-git-tree code works well with pub-released versions #106
- after readme is updated, release a new pub package version to update doc there #105
- make CI pass #103
- when tap "play video" button, should auto change to video sub-panel #101
- nested group name should not have unnecessary prefix #98
- mimic flutter official "integration test" tutorials, and put it in our example, to show how the same thing can be more convenient #97
- improve the example package's main.dart and integration_test code #96
- doc: add enough screenshots and mini-videos(or gifs) to each feature, since a picture worth a thousand words #95
- build a "profiling" build and see whether it is smooth - if not, fix it #92
- for half-visible entries, should also jump (unless it has too large height) #90
- change ScrollPhysics of the command panel, otherwise when using ScrollablePositionedList's jump, will have unwanted spring effects #89
- create "hover mode" toggle, only if enabled, hovering an entry will have effects #86
- add a button, only play video of this specific test, and stop once finished, instead of playing the whole video of many tests #84
- let CommandInfoPanel be a (real) ListView, instead of lots of nested Columns, otherwise performance bad #83
- when highlighting a logentry, must scroll it to make it visible, if it is originally not visible #82
- implement VideoPlayerController for dart_vlc #81
- maybe add a banner in app, showing last log entry, to accurately see what is happening at that time #80
- maybe use external vlc player and communicate with it #79
- add "open externally" button for video #78
- create example page that displays a counter in order to test video functionality #76
- the "seek" of vlc video player seems bad #75
- add a fine-grained play position bar #74
- automatically detect vmservice is alive or not, before sending operations like restart #67
- add timestamps on log entry, and display it #66
- allow playing the video with extra speed / slower speed #65
- when playing the video, auto highlight corresponding test group & test entry & log entry #64
- when tapping a log entry, auto jump to that time of the video #63
- run tests selected by a provided customized regex #62
- run a whole group of tests (currently, only "all tests" or "one single test") #61
- take a video (not only screenshots) for the whole testing process, easing debugging, especially some transitioning problems #60
- for failed assertions, add a "just before fail" snapshot #58
- when calling and waiting "hot restart app", give some visual feedback #56
- add a "halt" button, which forcefully stop the running tests, while preserving all logs #55
- in manager, detect whether vmservice is disconnected and show corresponding errors #54
- add time information to raw logs #53
- when running in ci mode, should auto exit process when done #51
- generate prebuilt binaries for
for releases #50 - bug: state status is not cleared across runs #48
- (low priority) slight optimization: use a "string pool", such that no need to repeat test/group name (Strings) over and over again, and only need to use integer (pool indices) #46
- check tests with same name (but different groups) - should not be buggy in such cases #45
- avoid hardcode
in MyConvenientTestSlot example (otherwise cannot run on other computers) #44 - reportRunnerMessage has error for tearDownAll #43
- let Manager app runnable on Windows, MacOS and Linux (currently only MacOS) #40
- add icons to Manager app (macos/windows/linux/... platforms) #39
- demonstrate how to use plain-old code in
(add a few tests inside example package) #38 - doc: further improve the example package #37
- switch app be in "normal" and "testing" mode (normal mode - just like a normal app where you can interact with it; test mode - like when you execute integration_test, you cannot interact with app) #34
- display nested TestGroups nicely #32
- ci mode: run tests (the app) without manager + generate an output file + manager can open this file for later analysis #31
- doc: smooth conversion from old integration_test based code - just change a few places and you are ready to use convenient_test #30
- improve UX of "section"s #29
- add more example scenarios in the default example #28
- enhance SelectableText: (1) copy-all button (2) ctrl-c to copy #25
- use monospace fonts to improve display #24
- improve situation when app firstly launch and manager launch later #22
- cannot compile manager (possibly due to refactor) #21
- doc: "get started" section - how to integrate this library into the user's project #20
- doc: "tutorial" section - how to run the in-tree example #19
- Collect all logs from worker into manager, and display it when user requests #18
- Allow copying texts in convenient_test_manager #17
- Automatically retry a few times before report "failing", i.e. "flaky tests" #16
- doc: create one single long video for demonstration, and upload it #15
- doc: make a few short videos demonstrating features #14
- doc: overview section & one-sentence description #13
- doc: "details" section describing every feature #12
- doc: "advantage" section briefly introducing interesting things #11
- doc: create an icon and a logo #10
- misc descriptions in various places #9
- create automated releasing script & version-bumping script & release first version #7
- update pubspec.yaml & github/settings.yml & README/CHANGELOG of each package for publishing #6
- set up the bots in
folder #5 - write down README.md of this repo #4
- set up github-related things: issue template, contributing.md, etc #3
- set up github CI #2
- Move code from internal codebase to this public repository #1