title | author |
Just python environments |
Pierce Edmiston |
What is the purpose of developer tooling?
To improve our ability to collaborate and deliver software products1.
- version control
- tests
- package managers
- build tools
A Theory of Justice by John Rawls
Society should be structured so that the greatest possible amount of liberty is given to its members -- Wikipedia
What would you expect of your tools if you weren't sure of what you were building?
- version control
- tests
- package managers
- build tools
- open source
Tooling shouldn't slow development!
- Tools should improve collaboration
- Tools should make it easy to switch contexts
- Tools should be easy to configure on a new computer
Your laptop passed away last night. Here is your new
> You received `1 macOS Mojave`.
pyenv : Python version manager. Installs different distributions of python. cf. rbenv in ruby, nvm in node
pipenv : Python virtualenv manager. Installs Python packages with pip in different project environments. Uses Pipfile/Pipfile.lock. cf. Gemfile/Gemfile.lock, package.json/yarn.lock
pytest : Python test runner and framework.
pyenv install --list | less
pyenv install --list | grep 3.8
pyenv install 3.8-dev # error 1
pyenv install 3.7.3 # error 2
pyenv install anaconda3-2019.03 # works but not perfect
pyenv local 3.7.3 # creates .python-version
pyenv global 3.7.3 # creates ~/.pyenv/version
pipenv install --python 3.7.3
pipenv install flask
pipenv install jinja2==2.10.1
pipenv install --dev pytest
pipenv --rm
pipenv lock
pipenv install jupyter --skip-lock
pipenv sync
pipenv run ./myscript.py
pipenv run ipython
pipenv shell
pipenv reads .env files!
# contents of .env
$ pipenv run echo $MY_ENV_VAR
- pipenv install --python 3.6.7
- CMD-T + pipenv shell
$ heroku create
Creating app... done, sheltered-bayou-58915
https://sheltered-bayou-58915.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/sheltered-bayou-58915.git
$ heroku run bash --app sheltered-bayou-58915
Running bash on sheltered-bayou-58915... up, run.5201 (Free)
~ $ python3 --version
Python 3.6.7
- pipenv run code .
- pipenv install typo
Roman numeral conversion as a Service (RaaS)
- Write a library function
that takes in a roman numeral and returns a number. - Deploy it as an API web service.
- Can't write any production code until you have a failing test.
- Can't write more production code than is required to pass the test.
- Can't refactor beyond existing functionality.
- pytest-watch
- pre-commit (black, flake8)
- flask
- unittest.mock
- docker
and not to write in JavaScript. ↩