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Composer MLK website

Deployed website is found here

Machiko Lacey-Kimura, A.K.A MLK is a composer, pianist. Coming from Classical piano background, she started writing songs in 2016, when she dived into Jazz and rock music in her play.

Kim started writing her Neo-classical song when she was practicing improvisation on second and ninth degree in A minor. She named her first song “A29”. However, she realised that she uses a drive way “A27” which is more close to her home, and re-named the song to “A27”. She wants to express the feelings of boredom, irritation and impatience most of us feel daily in our daily lives.

This website shows her journey on her piano composition, which resonates with the people driving to commute daily, who live in the area far from their work, school, and community.
She provides CD albums and digital concert event through her online shop. There is an advert section on the homepage to show current promotion.

There is a profile section to show her biology, and also the concept of her composition with a map of East Sussex in England.

Table of Contents


Project Goals

What is the purpose of the app

The purpose of the app is to inform the artist's passion to compose piano songs by proviting information and background of her composition, as well as providing event information. An user can purchase her albums and event tickets online.

Who is this website for

This website is for the people who wants to find out about the artist, and would like to benefit by purchasing her albums and event tickets.

Who are the primary target groups

This website is targeting these two groups:

  • Aged between 18 to 65, working, and familiar with Sussex roads
  • People who loves solo piano music
  • People who wants to explorer new age of Neo-classical piano music
  • People who likes modern music, however, wants to discover possibilities in piano music
  • Event organisers, music producers, can also benefit from this website to find out about the artist

What is it that they want to achieve

Users would find out about the artist, would benefit from the artist's sample videos to feel the music directory. They will be able to purchase either event tickets and albums from the shop.

How this website achieves users ultimate goals

They can achieve their goals because

  • The homepage app provides a carousel advert so they can easily find out about coming events and albums
  • The biagraphy page provides a map of sussex road, so they can find out which area of sussex road she wrote about
  • Embed videos provide sample of her songs, so they can listen to her music partially so they can see if they want to listen to her album.
  • The review model provides users to write about the products, so it gives them opportunities to find out what other people thought about their purchase.

Project Goals

The main Goals of the site for the owner are:

  • To inform the passion of the artist's composition
  • To provide sample songs on ambed video
  • To provide shopping facility for event tickets and albums
  • To provide a platform to review her products
  • To provide a schedule of the artist
  • To provide biography and profile of the artist
  • To provide information about Neo Classical piano and what is the artists goal

The main goals of the site for the visitors are:

  • To find out about what is the motivation for the composition.
  • To watch sample videos to feel how the songs sond like.
  • To purchase event tickets and albums
  • To find out about in-coming activities of the artist
  • To discover the details of the artist
  • To discover the genre of the artist is going to achieve

Project Objectives

The main objectives of the site for the owner are:

  • Showcase his activities.
  • Let the visitor know about who he is, what he does and when.
  • Offer a platform to display his work and sell it.
  • Give a clear way to get in touch and be contacted.
  • Promote his concerts and activities by offering clear information of past and future engagements.
  • Spread the love for baroque music in general and harpsichord in particular.

The main goals of the site for the visitors are:

  • Get to know and connect with the artist.
  • Know clearly where and when they can attend one of their concerts.
  • Discover how he presents himself by looking at the media album.
  • Have a preview of his art by watching his videos.
  • Discover what CDs he offers on sale and be able to securely purchase them from home.

User Stories

For the visitor

As a user         I would like to         so        
As a user         I would like to find out up-coming events and recent albums on top of the homepage so I can find out up-coming events and recent albums at a glance
As a user I would like to navigate to the destination page smoothly so I can find the information I want easily
As a user I would like to find schedule easily so I can find event dates in no time
As a user I would like to find out what is the artist's motivation on her composition so I can see if her music suits my interest
As a user I would like to find out about genre of the artist's songs so I can see if her music suits my interest
As a user I would like to listen to samples of her songs so I can see if the music feeds my interest
As a user I would like to see how album jackets look like so I can find it the album interests me
As a user I would like to find out venue, date, time and duration of the event so I can find out if I can attend it.
As a user I would like to be able to ask question through a contact form so I can ask questions.
As a user I would like to purchase the artist's products and event tickets so I can enjoy her music.
As a user I would like to write a review on my purchased products so I can share my thoughts on my purchased products.
As a user I would like to be able to purchase the products securely so I feel safe through payment section.
As a user I would like to be able to register on this website so I can purchase easily in the future.
As a user I would like to be able to reset my password so I can login again in case I forget my password
As a user I would like to be able to see my order history so I can see what I purchased
As a user I would like to be able to update the account details so I can update my address, phone number etc in case I change them

For the site owner

As a user         I would like to         so        
As a user         I would like to be able to add a product easily so I feel ease on adding product
As a user I would like to be able to edit a product easily so I can update product details at ease
As a user I would like to be able to delete a product so it won't show up on the website.
As a user I would like to be able to add album songs so they will be displayed on the album product page
As a user I would like to be able to add event venue, date, time and duration so they will be displayed on the event product page
As a user I would like to be able to modify event details so I can update event details
As a user I would like to be able to approve or dissaprove user reviews so I can manage customer reviews effectively
As a user I would like to be able to update artist information pages so I can flexibly refresh the page information.



I chose black as a simbolistic image of piano, as a piano composer. Also chose supporting to look elegant and classical. I added pink and green as an accent, which depicts the new story of the artist's passion for new genre of piano songs.

Color Palette

  • Primary colour:#14110f #14110f
  • Secondary colour: #d9c5b2 #d9c5b2
  • Main font colour: #34312d #34312d
  • Secondary font colour: #f26a8d #f26a8d


I used Font Awesome 6 for their valiety and flexibility of their icons.


I used Nanum Gothic as a header font to depict these concept : elegance/ old fashioned and new / innovative fashion.

Nanum Gothic

I used Nanum Myeongjo as a normal font to support the primary font. This font is easy to read, and readable from a distance.

Nanum Myeongjo


As tablet layout is similar to mobile phone layout, tablet is omitted on this wireframe. The wireframe file is found here.


Main Features

This website has these main features.

Page CMS and page views

  • This website has a feature to add page content, so an admin person can easily add a content from admin area, with 2 images.

Shop functionality

  • This website has shopping functionality, so admin can add products, an user can see the product pages, add to cart, go to checkout to make a payment.

Category page

This page allows an user to browse products visually, and click on the product to see more details.

Product page

This page gives details of the product. If it's an event, it shows date and time, if it's an album, it displays runtime and song titles.

Cart (bag) page

This page displays product items in the shopping bag, allows an user to change quantity, or remove items.

Checkout page

This page allows an user to add their details and card details for payment.

Sprite payment integration

This website is using Sprite, for payment integration.


This website allows a logged in user to add reviews on products, using a form. A review will be added as a record on reviews table on database.

Additional Features

Extra images - automatic photo gallery

-An admin can also add extra images, which makes the image area to an image gallery automatically.

Homepage banner

An admin can add advert with a page link through admin. This is using Javascript code.

Embed videos

An admin can add sample youtube link through admin, to display a video on 'Sample Videos' page, and also Home page.

Back to top button

This website has "Back to Top" button so an user can scroll back to top easily. This is written by Javascript code.

Future Improvements

  • I would like to add paging feature on sample videos page.
  • I would like to add E-ticket generation so when an user orders an event ticket, they can download the ticket immediately.
  • I would like to add more specs on Album model so admin can add more specs.

Technologies Used


Tools & Frameworks

Back-end Technologies

Tools & Frameworks
Python & Django

Other technologies

Information Architecture

Models used in home app

Key Type Validation
link_url URLField max_length=1024, default='', blank=True
banner ImageField default='', blank=True
banner_tablet_size ImageField default='', blank=True
banner_mobile_size ImageField default='', blank=True
name TextField default='', blank=True
Key Type Validation
title CharField max_length=254
subtitle CharField max_length=254
youtube_link CharField max_length=254, default='', blank=True
details TextField default='', blank=True
recorded TextField max_length=254, default='', blank=True

Models used in products app

Key Type Validation
name CharField max_length=254
friendly_Name CharField max_length=254, default="", blank=True
Key Type Validation
category ForeignKey : Category null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
sku CharField max_length=254, default="", blank=True
name CharField max_length=254
description CharField
has_sizes BooleanField default=False, null=True, blank=True
price DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
rating DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=Tru
image_url CharField max_length=1024, default="", blank=True
image ImageField default="", blank=True
Key Type Validation
product ForeignKey : Product : Product on_delete=models.CASCADE
user ForeignKey : User on_delete=models.CASCADE
comment TextField (max_length=1000
created_at DateField auto_now_add=True
updated_at DateField auto_now=True
Key Type Validation
product OneToOneField : Product on_delete=models.CASCADE
start_date_time DateTimeField
end_date_time DateTimeField
event_title TextField max_length=250, null=True, blank=True
is_virtual BooleanField default=False, null=True, blank=True
video_link TextField (max_length=1000, null=True, blank=True
Key Type Validation
product OneToOneField on_delete = models.CASCADE
album_runtime IntegerField null=False, blank=False
album_jacket ImageField null=True, blank=True
Key Type Validation
album ForeignKey : Album on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='albumsongs'
song_title TextField max_length=250, null=True, blank=True

Models used in about app

Key Type Validation
permalink CharField max_length=254
title CharField max_length=254
content TextField default='', blank=True
primaryImage ImageField default='', blank=True
secondaryImage ImageField default='', blank=True
Key Type Validation
title CharField max_length=254
subtitle CharField max_length=254
youtube_link CharField max_length=254, default='', blank=True
recorded CharField max_length=254, default='', blank=True
details TextField default='', blank=True

This model is related to Page model, which enables an user to add multiple images for one page.

Key Type Validation
page ForeignKey 'Page', default='', blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE
image ImageField default='', blank=True
caption CharField max_length=254, default=''

Models used in checkout app

Key Type Validation
order_number CharField max_length=32, null=False, editable=False
profile ForeignKey: UserProfile on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders'
full_name CharField max_length=50, null=False, blank=False
email EmailField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False
phone_number CharField max_length=20, null=False, blank=False
country CountryField blank_label='Country*', default="", blank=False
postcode CharField max_length=20, default="", blank=True
town_or_city CharField max_length=40, null=False, blank=False
address_line1 CharField max_length=80, null=False, blank=False
address_line2 CharField max_length=80, default="", blank=True
date DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
delivery_cost DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
order_total DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
order_items DecimalField max_digits=4, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
grand_total DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
original_bag TextField null=False, blank=False, default=""
stripe_pid CharField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default=""

This model is related to Order Model, which allows an user to add multiple items in one order.

Key Type Validation
order ForeignKey: Order null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE
cd ForeignKey: Cd null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE
quantity IntegerField null=False, blank=False, default=0
lineitem_total DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2 null=False, blank=False, editable=False

Models used in profile app


Key Type Validation
user OneToOneField: User on_delete=models.CASCADE
default_phone_number CharField max_length=20, default='', blank=True
default_street_address1 CharField max_length=80, default='', blank=True
default_street_address2 CharField max_length=80, default='', blank=True
default_town_or_city CharField max_length=40, default='', blank=True
default_county CharField max_length=80, default='', blank=True
default_postcode CharField max_length=20, default='', blank=True
default_country CountryField default='', blank=True


Please click on this link to see the Testing section.


This project was developed on Github, using Gitpod as IDE. It has only master branch. This is pushed and deployed onto Heroku.


  • Install python 3 on your local environment
  • Install PIP on your local environment
  • Register with Git if you don't have an account and login before cloning
  • Register with AWS-S3 if you don't have an account and make sure you can use S3 Bucket. Create your user group with a policy, attach it to your bucket. Make permission keys ready.
  • Register with Stripe if you don't have an account, activate your account, get your API keys ready

To run this project on your local repository

Runnin on Gitpod

This project will be deployed following these steps:

  1. Add your own repository on your Github account

  2. Click the green 'Gitpod' button on top-right corner of this repo (If there isn't a button on your browser, install 'Gitpod' extension on your Chrome browser)

  3. Gitpod launches

  4. Run the following command (Replace the 'USERNAME' and 'REPO' to your username and repo name):

git remote set-url origin
  1. Run this command below to install all the modules on requirements.txt file:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create these environment variables:
Config Vars Value
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID your_value
DATABASE_URL your_value
EMAIL_HOST_PASS your_value
EMAIL_HOST_USER your_value
SECRET_KEY your_value
USE_AWS your_value
  1. Replace your_value with your values

  2. On your CLI, run this code below to test migration

python3 migrate --plan
  1. If there was any errors, find out solutions on Python's documentation If there was no issues found, run this code below:
python3 migrate 
  1. If there was any errors, find out solutions on Python's documentation If there was no issues found, run this code below to create a superuser (Your admin account).
python createsuperuser
  1. Run this code to run server on local :
python runserver
  1. If no errors, the CLI will provide the link to the local server. Click on the link to open the website.

  2. Go to to find out your superuser login is working.

Runnin on your local environment (PC/Mac)

  1. On top-righ corner of this page, find 'Code' button to open a dropdown list of links. Download zipped files into your local folder. Alternatively, navigate to your chosen folder on your CLI and run this command:
git clone
  1. In your chosen IDE, open the folder

  2. Create a virtual environment to load these packages. Please see Python's official documentation for more details.

  3. Run these commands to create your virtual environment: Please see Python's official documentation for more details.

py .venv venv
source venv/Scripts/activate

  1. Run this command below to install all the modules on requirements.txt file:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. In the root of your project, create a file '' abd add environmental variables. The format will be like this below:
import os

os.environ["VARIABLE_NAME"] = "YOUR_VALUE"
  1. Add '' onto your .gitignore file.

  2. Replace your_value with your values

Config Vars Value
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID your_value
DATABASE_URL your_value
EMAIL_HOST_PASS your_value
EMAIL_HOST_USER your_value
SECRET_KEY your_value
USE_AWS your_value
  1. On your CLI, run this code below to test migration
python3 migrate --plan
  1. If there was any errors, find out solutions on Python's documentation If there was no issues found, run this code below:
python3 migrate 
  1. If there was any errors, find out solutions on Python's documentation If there was no issues found, run this code below to create a superuser (Your admin account).
python createsuperuser
  1. Run this code to run server on local:
python runserver
  1. If no errors, the CLI will provide the link to the local server. Click on the link to open the website.

  2. Go to to find out your superuser login is working.

Remote Deployment (Run the project on

If you want to add it to your Heroku account, follow the instructions below:

  1. Add an app for this project
  2. Create an AWS S3 bucket, create access group and attach access policy.
  3. Back to your Heroku app, the 'Settings' tab on your app, add Config variables:
Config Vars Value
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID your_value
DATABASE_URL your_value
EMAIL_HOST_PASS your_value
EMAIL_HOST_USER your_value
SECRET_KEY your_value
USE_AWS your_value
  1. Replace your_value with your values

  2. On your CLI, run this code below to test migration

python3 migrate --plan
  1. If there was no errors, run this code below to migrate database:
python3 migrate 
  1. If there was any errors, find out solutions on Python's documentation If there was no issues found, run this code below to create a superuser (Your admin account).
python createsuperuser
  1. Go back to your Gitpod workspace, run this code below for the first deployment on Heroku:
    git init
    git commit -m 'First commit for Heroku deployment'
    git push -u origin
  1. On your Heroku app, click on the "Deploy" tab, in 'Deployment method' select GitHub.

  2. Find your Github repository and click on it to connect to your repo.

  3. In "Manual deploy" section, make sure your repo branch is chosen, click on "Deploy Branch".

  4. In "Automatic deploys" section, enable automatic deploy, if you choose to.

  5. On the top-right corner on the app page, find "Open App" button to open your app.

  6. Go to to find out your superuser login is working.

Defensive Features

  • This website has quantity limit on product app (0 - 30). If an user change minimun length or max length on front-end and enters a number out of range, add_to_bag function will limit the number within the range.



Photos are downloaded from iStockphoto, using my account. I designed banner and uploaded to AWS S3 through Django admin. This project is using icons from FontAwesome. All texts are written by Machiko Lacey-Kimura. All product images, slider banners are created by Machiko Lacey-Kimura.


  • The videos used in this website are taken from Youtube
  • This website is using images uploaded to Cloudinary
  • The colour scheme is generated by Colours


This project and its contents are for educational purposes only.