- Enter key on login form
- Polish language is rendering properly
- i18n on empty tables
- Disable buttons when loading at email changing procedure
- Check for taken email when changing email
- Pretty scrollbar for sidebar
- Links to external stats and status services #183
- Change main e-mail account linked to profile
- Smaller size of font in headers #185
- RAM usage in VPS #186
- It's 2018 now! #187
- More responsive icons in login form
- PL translation in login form validation
- Redirect to 404 page when VPS ID is invalid fb9ce60
- Redirect to 404 page when ticket ID is invalid
- Vuetify upgraded to v0.17.6
- Auth log in profile page
- Draft of order page
- Prevent sending ticket messages when ticket is closed
- More accurate Piwik action tracking
All desired functionality from 3.0.0-beta.15 is now in place, only rough edges like data validation feedback remains to resolve
- Piwik Analytics support
- Almost all functionality from 3.0.0-beta.15
- Almost total code rewrite
- Vuetify 0.17.4
- Basic PWA functionality
- No SSR
- i18n for EN and PL only
- Simplified code
- Less global code
- Template code separated as much as possible from source
- Vuetify 0.12.1
- Toolbar height reduced from 60 to 56px
- Bold text in navigation drawer
- Vertical align
- Fix CORS issues with Discourse topics component #171
- Homepage with latest Discourse forum posts list
- Moved ticket messages view to component
- One line VPS type description
- Chrome auto complete in login page
- Vuetify 0.11.0 #166
- Language selector based on dialog instead of grouped list
- Date and time for DDoS attacks list
- Username or email in Login input placeholder
- More responsive tables #166
- Enter key works correctly for Login form again
- DDoS list button is now near UDP whitelist button #144
- Green send message button in ticket page #148
- Cleaner code for sidebar #151
- More readable VPS DDoS list page #152
- Fix validation rule error on UDP whitelist page #143
- Fix 1970 date for currently ongoing DDoS attacks
- DDoS attacks list #136
- Add/remove game firewall whitelist rules #141
- More functional style for sidebar menu #140
- Smaller icons on sidebar and VPS page #138
- VPS metrics are now width fixed #139
- VPS IP page for KVM showing game firewall status and rules #121, #122, #126
- Buttons for enable or disable game firewall #127
- An ability to change VPS name #114 → #118
- Better error handling: network errors, invalid token, rate limit exceeded and other ("unknown") errors #7 → #58
- Endless loading bar when no services on list #113
- More VPS info and detect disabled state (due to payment) #101
- Color upper bar on few browsers (mostly mobile)
- Invalid VPS status on services page #95 → #100
- Sidebar scrolling fix and better look in webkit based browsers #102
- Simplifying code #104
- Styling fix for register page #103
- More sophisticated English translation #105
- Login and register form validation before submit #97
- Show main and additional IPs on VPS page #94
- Libs update
- Align content on registration page #93
- Fix displaying more than 100% in VPS stats #98
- Fix displaying tooltip in ticket page #99
- Redesign VPS view and organise it with cards #87
- Working turn on/turn off button with modal preventing accidentally turning off #80 → #86
- Show IP, status (on/off/locked) and virtualization in services table #81
- Show uptime, virtualization, used and max RAM, used and max disk space in VPS view #81 → #83
- German language #77, #78, #79
- Currency (PLN) after amount in payments table #82
- Align content on VPS page
- Real-time network and disk usage #68 #72
- Draft of registration page #67, #74
- Sync of page and toolbar titles #71
- Webpack v2.2.1
- Force logout after 401 or 403 error #69
- Prevent message leak between tickets, fix new lines in messages #70
- Credits page #5 → #66
- Logout button on sidebar #65
- More VPS info
- Linear progress with color component
- More detailed README.md with badges
- Travis CI integration
- Fix displaying VPS status
- Centralized i18n files #64
- Working title and meta tags #27 → #63
- Small select column in tables #62
- Hash prefix for IDs #61
- Ticket status in ticket list page #60
- Centralized error handling for API requests #58
- Smaller top loading bar
- Prevent cursor pointer in payments page
- Payment amounts in color
- Better current VPS status page
- Fixes for dev and production deploy scripts
- Vuetify 0.8.10
- Reduce width of select column in tables by removing padding and replacing title with icon #54
- Move ticket status before title and hide its label to tooltip #57
- Improve payments title in menu #57
- Align toolbar title to Hello page header title
- Toolbar height reduced from 64px to 60px
- Reduce size of sidebar from 300px to 250px when sidebar is fixed
- Remove bottom pagination on all pages
- Status of ticket in ticket page #29
- Profile page #3
- Payments page (initial version) #2
- Creation date of services #44
- New style of info and warning alerts #46
- Detect and save user preferred language #38
- Static toolbar i18n titles #39 → #39
- Date count description #41
- Better date format for ticket #47
- More stable code for sidebar #45
- Crash on login and logout #26
- Smaller title font on toolbar #12 → #31
- Session detect on Home page #36
- Send messages in ticket page
- Better i18n #19
- Fix for logout icon too close to text #1 → #17
- Frontend version is loading from package.json #13 → #16
- Language switch #15
Initial version