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**Web Dev 1**
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## What we’re learning
- HTML + CSS basics
- Fully responsive interactive wireframes
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## Final project
- Theme: *Confectionery website*
- Single page website, integrating everything from this term
- ~3 weeks to complete
- Fully responsive interactive wireframes
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## How to succeed in Web Dev
*Coding is a different mindset—and will be difficult for most*
- [ ] Attend every class & lab
- [ ] Do all the work
- [ ] Put in the effort
- [ ] Watch the videos before class
- [ ] Use the resources available: teachers, TAs, lab time
- [ ] Always ask for help
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## You will struggle & fail*
*\*Fail in the make mistakes sense, not in the fail the course sense*
- It’s okay to struggle
- It’s to make mistakes & have to start over
- It’s okay to need help
**Some of the best learning comes from failure**
> “Take chances, make mistakes & get messy.”
> — Miss Frizzle
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## Getting help
**TAs in class** — to help answer questions
**Open lab time** — get help outside class
**GitHub Issues** — help outside class
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## Marking scheme
[**Web Dev 1 marking scheme ➔**](/courses/web-dev-1/#marking-scheme)
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## Always be coding
Multiple activities & exercises every week
[**Week 2 tasks ➔**](/courses/web-dev-1/week-02/)
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## Sticky note triage
Specify your working status by sticking sticky notes on your monitor