Pastel Dreams, a rice inspired by the vibrant Catppuccin color scheme.
The following are the UI components of this setup:
- window manager: sway
- statusbar: waybar
- application launcher: bemenu
- notification daemon: mako
- lock screen: swaylock-effects
The following are the programs used in this setup:
- terminal: kitty
- editor: neovim
- browsers
- web: qutebrowser
- gemini: amfora
- email client: neomutt
- irc client: catgirl
- document viewer: zathura
- music
- system monitor: btop
- image viewer: imv
- media player: mpv
- file manager: nnn
- calendar: khal
- to-dos: todoman
Wallpapers used in this setup can be found in the wallpapers directory.
The typefaces used in this setup are:
- terminal/monospace: operator mono, patched using nerd fonts
- ui/proportional/sans-serif: inter
- serif: piazolla
- lockscreen: calvin and hobbes