- http://tessdata.projectnaptha.com/4.0.0/eng.traineddata.gz
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naptha/tessdata/gh-pages/4.0.0/eng.traineddata.gz
- http://tessdata.projectnaptha.com/3.02/eng.traineddata.gz
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naptha/tessdata/gh-pages/3.02/eng.traineddata.gz
For 4.0.0, the trained data is forked from TessData Github, and gzip by following command:
$ sh gzip-traineddata.sh 4.0.0
Most of these were downloaded and extracted from Tesseract's Google Code page. This repository also includes John Lin's meme-ocr traineddata. It also includes the latest (2014-05-01) release of the Ancient Greek traineddata.