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Debian Linux

limboemu edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 5 revisions

Debian Linux

Debian Sarge is recommended since it's based on a Kernel 2.4 which is not very demanding on resources:
You can download the ISO business card cdrom or try to do a netinst CD installation
You can find all the images below:

Net Install

Netinst (Net Installation)
You can create a new Hard Disk image and install it on your device directly on do the prework on your Desktop computer. If you choose the later you will need QEMU.

For windows:
Download Qemu Manager or QEMU for windows

For Linux:
Download with:

apt-get install qemu-system-arm

Start qemu on your desktop with these settings:

  • Arch: x86
  • Machine: PC
  • Memory: 256
  • CD: debian-31r8-i386-netinst.iso
  • HDA: debian-31.qcow2 (create a new disk with qcow2 as the format with a size of 20 GB)
  • vga: cirrus (Cirrus Logic)
  • net: User
  • Nic: ne2k-pci ​ Hit Start.

When Prompted:
Keyboard: choose US Keyboard and English (others may not be supported by Limbo) Language: English Disk: Use recommended settings for new users Grub Install: Choose Yes on the Master Boot Record Follow instructions and complete download and installation. When asked to finish installation and reboot (press continue) After reboot complete the steps for post installation.

When configuring apt-get choose to edit the sources manually (file /etc/apt/sources.list)

Make sure the following lines are present:

deb sarge main non-free contrib
deb sarge/updates main non-free contrib

NOTE: remove all other lines (ie oldstable)

Make sure you work all the way through the rest of the configuration process. When you asked for packages DO NOT install the Desktop Environment (we'll do that later). Don't select any manual packages either just choose OK and press enter.

You can skip the Mail configuration. Choose the Finish Configuring Base packages. ​You're done

Business Card ISO If you want to run debian from a Business card ISO:
Download here. Web site:

Move the iso image to your external sd card on your device.
Create new VM from Limbo
Open the ISO as CDROM
tap on "Start"

Desktop Manager If you want to install a desktop manager like icewm otherwise skip below Desktop (optional) icewm installation guide:

apt-get update apt-get install icewm apt-get install x-window-system

Follow the instructions on the screen and choose default values.
Use auto probing when available.
Make sure that mouse is detected as ImPS2

Now you can start the desktop by typing:


Note: You can install other windows managers also:

apt-get install fluxbox apt-get install xfce4​ apt-get install gnome

If you don't want the graphical login in the beginning then type:

apt-get remove xfce4 xdm gdm

The above will just uninstall the login managers not the desktop managers

To uninstall a desktop manager:

apt-get remove icewm* apt-get remove fluxbox* apt-get remove xfce* apt-get remove gnome* ​

Preinstalled Hard Disk Images

If you want to you can download a ready made hard disk image here (Choose Debian 3.1).

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