ECProduct is the spider system for Electronic Commerce System!
It can get the info of specific product, shop(market), or category from index page, search page, product page, shop page or category page.
Please refer to the directory 'docs'(index file) for more infomation.
Set up Database
Install mariaDB server:
# apt install mariadb-server
Create a user and database:
# mysql -u root MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE ecproduct CHARACTER SET utf8; MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'ecproduct'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ecproduct@pwd'; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ecproduct.* TO 'ecproduct'@'localhost';
Import database data:
$ mysql -u ecproduct -pecproduct@pwd ecproduct < database/platform.sql mysql -u ecproduct -pecproduct@pwd ecproduct < database/ecproduct.sql
MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost' MYSQL_USERNAME = 'ecproduct' MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'ecproduct@pwd' MYSQL_DATABASE = 'ecproduct' MYSQL_CHARSET = 'utf8'
Create the spider for electronic commerce web site:
- The directory of the spider: <project_home_dir>/ecproduct/spiders/
- The file name of the spider: <electronic commerce web site's domain name>.py
Create input data for spider:
- For test environment, the input data file: <project_home_dir>/input/<site's domain name>_url_test.txt
- For product environment, the input data file: <project_home_dir>/input/<site's domain name>_url.txt
In the file, write one url per line, and can comment it with hash '#'. Input the corresponding page's url for the specific spider.
Run the spider:
For test environment:
$ python vvic product product -f test
For product environment:
$ python vvic product product -f product
For specific spider:
$ scrapy crawl jd -a url= -a entrance_page=category -a data_type=category -o output/jd.jl