- AuthenticateResponse
- BackendServer
- CommunicationController
- CustomFtpUser
- CustomString
- DBResult
- DBResultMessage
- DatabaseContextExtensions
- DgmlSchemaApi
- EASYDATACenterContext
- GLOBALNETAuthenticationApi
- GLOBALNETBackendCheckApi
- HostedFtpServer
- HostedFtpServerMembershipProvider
- IdFilter
- MailRequest
- NameFilter
- SHOPINGERAuthenticationApi
- ServerConfigurationServices
- ConfigureAuthentication(services)
- ConfigureControllers(services)
- ConfigureCookie(services)
- ConfigureDatabaseContext(services)
- ConfigureFTPServer(services)
- ConfigureLogging(services)
- ConfigureScopes(services)
- ConfigureServerWebPages(services)
- ConfigureThirdPartyApi(services)
- ConfigureWebSocketLoggerMonitor(services)
- ServerCoreDbOperations
- ServerCoreFunctions
- CheckDirectory(directory)
- CheckFile(file)
- CopyFile(from,to)
- CreatePath(path)
- FileDetectEncoding(FileName)
- GetSelfSignedCertificate(password)
- GetSelfSignedCertificateFromFile()
- GetSystemErrMessage(exception,msgCount)
- GetUserApiErrMessage(exception,msgCount)
- LoadSettings()
- RandomString(length)
- ReadFile(fileName)
- SendEmail(mailRequest,sendImmediately)
- SendMassEmail(mailRequests)
- UnicodeToUTF8(strFrom)
- ServerCoreHelpers
- ServerCoreLoggerWS
- ServerCorePagesApi
- ServerEmailerApi
- ServerEnablingServices
- ServerLocalDbDials
- ServerModules
- ServerModulesEnabling
- ServerRestartApi
- ServerRootApi
- ServerRuntimeData
- ServerSettings
- ConfigApiTokenTimeoutMin
- ConfigCertificateDomain
- ConfigCertificatePassword
- ConfigJwtLocalKey
- ConfigMaxWebSocketBufferSizeKb
- ConfigServerStartupOnHttps
- ConfigServerStartupPort
- ConfigWebSocketTimeoutMin
- DatabaseConnectionString
- DatabaseInternalCacheTimeoutMin
- DatabaseInternalCachingEnabled
- EmailerSMTPLoginPassword
- EmailerSMTPLoginUsername
- EmailerSMTPPort
- EmailerSMTPServerAddress
- EmailerSMTPSslIsEnabled
- EmailerServiceEmailAddress
- ModuleDataManagerEnabled
- ModuleDbDiagramGeneratorEnabled
- ModuleHealthServiceEnabled
- ModuleHealthServiceRefreshIntervalSec
- ModuleMdDocumentationEnabled
- ModuleSwaggerApiDocEnabled
- ServerEnableWebSocketMonitor
- ServerFtpFreeEngineEnabled
- ServerFtpSecurityEnabled
- ServerMvcWebPagesEngineEnabled
- ServerRazorWebPagesEngineEnabled
- ServerTimeTokenValidationEnabled
- ServerWebBrowserEnabled
- ServerWebSocketEngineEnabled
- SpecialCoreCheckerEmailSenderActive
- SpecialEnableMassEmail
- SpecialServerLanguage
- SpecialServerServiceName
- SpecialUseDbLocalAutoupdatedDials
- ServiceHealthCheck
- SetReportFilter
- Startup
- TemplateList
- WebSocketExtension
- WebSocketLogProvider
- WebSocketLogger
The authenticate response.
Gets or Sets the expiration.
Gets or Sets the id.
Gets or Sets the name.
Gets or Sets the role.
Gets or Sets the surname.
Gets or Sets the token.
Server Main Definition Starting Point Of Project
Startup Server Initialization Server Runtime Data
Startup Server Initialization Server Setting Data
Final Preparing Server HostBuilder Definition
Name | Type | Description |
args | System.String[] |
Server Startup Process
Name | Type | Description |
args | System.String[] |
Server Restart Controller
This method has no parameters.
Server Startup DB Data loading for minimize DB Connect TO Frequency Dials Without Changes Example: LanguageList
This method has no parameters.
Server Start Controller
This method has no parameters.
Server Communication Extensions for Controlling Data
Server Request Accessory controller
Check Admin Role
This method has no parameters.
Custom FTP user implementation
Initializes a new instance of the CustomFtpUser instance.
Name | Type | Description |
name | System.String | The user name |
Inherit from parent.
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Custom Definition for Returning string List from Stored Procedures Name is ColumnName from Stored Procedure Result
Database response types definition
The DB result message.
Gets or Sets the error message.
Gets or Sets the inserted id.
Gets or Sets the record count.
Gets or Sets the status.
Database Context Extensions for All Types Procedures For Retun Data in procedure can be Simple SELECT * XXX and you Create Same Class for returned DataSet
Database Schema Diagram Controller
Initializes a new instance of the DgmlSchemaApi class.
Name | Type | Description |
context | EASYDATACenter.ServerCoreDBSettings.EASYDATACenterContext | The context. |
Creates a DGML class diagram of most of the entities in the project wher you go to localhost/dgml See https://github.com/ErikEJ/SqlCeToolbox/wiki/EF-Core-Power-Tools
a DGML class diagram
This method has no parameters.
Server Main Database Settings Here is Included ScaffoldContext which is connected via Visual Studio Tool Here can Be added customization which are not on the server Here is Extended the Context with Insert News Functionality Customizing and implement Settings for Automatic Adopted Database Schema for Unlimited Working and Operations For Specifics API schemas
Return User From API Request if Exist other null
Name | Type | Description |
httpContext | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext |
Return User From API Request if Exist other null
Name | Type | Description |
httpContext | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext |
API Authenticated and Generate Token
Name | Type | Description |
username | System.String | |
password | System.String |
API Token LifeTime Validator
Name | Type | Description |
notBefore | System.Nullable{System.DateTime} | |
expires | System.Nullable{System.DateTime} | |
token | Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken | |
params | Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.TokenValidationParameters |
API Refresh User Token
Name | Type | Description |
username | System.String | |
token | EASYDATACenter.ServerCoreDefinition.AuthenticateResponse |
Simple Api for Checking Avaiability
Gets the backend check API.
This method has no parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the HostedFtpServer class.
Name | Type | Description |
ftpServerHost | FubarDev.FtpServer.IFtpServerHost | The FTP server host that gets wrapped as a hosted service. |
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Custom membership provider for Authentication Validation Actual is Set by UserName and Password in Database
FTP User Validation Its for Open FTP and User Validation
Name | Type | Description |
username | System.String | The username. |
password | System.String | The password. |
FTP User Validation Async Its for Open FTP and User Validation
The result of the validation.
Name | Type | Description |
username | System.String | The user name. |
password | System.String | The password. |
Custom Class Definition for Filtering by record Id
Class Definition for Server Emailer In List of this claas you can use Mass Emailer
Custom Class Definition for Filtering by string
API Authenticated and Generate Token
Name | Type | Description |
username | System.String | |
password | System.String |
API Token LifeTime Validator
Name | Type | Description |
notBefore | System.Nullable{System.DateTime} | |
expires | System.Nullable{System.DateTime} | |
token | Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken | |
params | Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.TokenValidationParameters |
API Refresh User Token
Name | Type | Description |
username | System.String | |
token | EASYDATACenter.ServerCoreDefinition.AuthenticateResponse |
Server Core Configuration Settings of Security, Communications, Technologies, Modules Rules, Rights, Conditions, Formats, Services, Logging, etc..
Server Core: Configure Server Authentication Support
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server Core: Configure Server Controllers options.SuppressImplicitRequiredAttributeForNonNullableReferenceTypes = [ValidateNever] in Class options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore = [JsonIgnore] in Class
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server Core: Configure Cookie Politics
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server Core: Configure Custom Services
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Custom Secure FTP Server
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ | The services. |
Server Core: Configure Server Logging
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server Core: Configure Custom Core Services
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Configures the MVC server pages.
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ | The services. |
Server Core: Configure HTTP Client for work with third party API
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server core: Configures the WebSocket logger monitor. For multi monitoring and for Example Posibilities
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ | The services. |
All Server Definitions of Database Operation method
Default Operation for Call Translation
Name | Type | Description |
word | System.String | |
language | System.String |
Database LanuageList for Off-line Using Definitions
Name | Type | Description |
word | System.String | |
language | System.String |
Database LanuageList for On-line Using Definitions
Name | Type | Description |
word | System.String | |
language | System.String |
Method for All Server Defined Table for Local Using As Off line AutoUpdated Tables
Name | Type | Description |
onlyThis | System.Nullable{EASYDATACenter.ServerCoreDefinition.ServerLocalDbDials} |
Trigger User Login History
Name | Type | Description |
ipAddress | System.String | |
userId | System.Int32 | |
userName | System.String |
Checks the directory.
Name | Type | Description |
directory | System.String | The directory. |
Checks the file.
Name | Type | Description |
file | System.String | The file. |
Copies the file.
Name | Type | Description |
from | System.String | From. |
to | System.String | To. |
Creates the path.
Name | Type | Description |
path | System.String | The path. |
Files the detect encoding.
Name | Type | Description |
FileName | System.String | Name of the file. |
Gets the self signed certificate For API Security HTTPS.
Name | Type | Description |
password | System.String | The password. |
Set Imported Certificate from file on Server for Https TODO
This method has no parameters.
Mined-ed Error Message For System Save to Database For Simple Solving Problem
Name | Type | Description |
exception | System.Exception | |
msgCount | System.Int32 |
Mined-ed Error Message For Answer in API Error Response with detailed info about problem
Name | Type | Description |
exception | System.Exception | |
msgCount | System.Int32 |
Server Local Startup Configuration Its Running as First - Load from Congig.Json After DB connection Before Server Start Is This configuration Replaced By Data from DB And next Server Start. Its for situation - Bad Connection Server Start with Configuration from File
This method has no parameters.
Randoms the string.
Name | Type | Description |
length | System.Int32 | The length. |
Reads the file.
Name | Type | Description |
fileName | System.String | Name of the file. |
System Mailer sending Emails To service email with detected fail for analyze and corrections on the Way provide better services every time !!! This You can implement everywhere, !!! In Debug mode is written to Console, in Release will be sent email Empty Sender And Recipients set email for Service Recipient
Name | Type | Description |
mailRequest | EASYDATACenter.ServerCoreDefinition.MailRequest | |
sendImmediately | System.Boolean |
Sends the mass mail.
Name | Type | Description |
mailRequests | System.Collections.Generic.List{EASYDATACenter.ServerCoreDefinition.MailRequest} | The mail requests. |
Unicodes to ut f8.
Name | Type | Description |
strFrom | System.String | The string from. |
System Helpers for EASY working Here are extension for Database Model, WebSocket
Add WeSocket Connection To Central List
Name | Type | Description |
newWebSocket | System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket | The new web socket. |
socketAPIPath | System.String | The socket path. |
Extension For Using Custom Defined Tables from Database Procedures Its used as Database Context Extension as 'CollectionFromSql' Method in Database Context
Name | Type | Description |
dt | System.Data.DataTable | The dt. |
Name | Description |
T |
!! Global Method for Simple Using WebSockets WebSocket Disposed - Cleaning monitored Sockets from Central List. Are Closed and Disposed Only with Timeout or with closed Connection
This method has no parameters.
Register Listening Client WebSocket Communication Ist for Receive messages from Client
Name | Type | Description |
webSocket | System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket | |
socketAPIPath | System.String |
Sends the message and update web sockets in specific path.
Name | Type | Description |
socketAPIPath | System.String | The socket API path. |
message | System.String | The message. |
Sends the message to client WebSocket. This Is Used by "SendMessageAndUpdateWebSocketsInSpecificPath" For Update Informaions on All Connections in Same WebSocket Path Its Solution FOR Teminals, Group Communications, etc.
Name | Type | Description |
webSocket | System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket | The web socket. |
message | System.String | The message. |
WEBSocket Template still not used Ideal for Terminal Panels, chat, controlling services
WebSocket Communication Set Examle
Name | Type | Description |
context | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext | The context. |
webSocket | System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket | The web socket. |
WebSocket Registration Connection API Example
This method has no parameters.
Universal WebSocket API Definitions for Connection Paths and Registering To Server Central List ow WebSocket Connections
Name | Type | Description |
id | System.String |
Server Core Web Pages Controller
Server Email sender Api for logged Communication
Server Core Enabling Settings of Security, API Communications, Technologies, Modules,Rules, Rights, Rules, Rights, Conditions, Cors, Cookies, Formats, Services, Logging, etc..
Server Cors Configuration
This method has no parameters.
Server Endpoints Configuration
This method has no parameters.
Enable Server Logging in Debug Mode
Name | Type | Description |
app | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder@ | |
loggerFactory | Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerFactory@ |
Server WebSocket Configuration
Name | Type | Description |
app | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder@ |
Special Functions: Definition of Selected tables for Optimal Using to Data nature Its saves traffic, increases availability and for Example implemented Language is in Develop Auto Fill Table when is First Using Its can be used for more Dials
Configure Server Ad-dons and Modules
Server Module: Automatic DB Data Manager for work with data directly services.AddCoreAdmin("Admin"); is Token RoleName
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server Module: Generted Developer Documentation for Defvelopers Documentation contain full Server Structure for extremelly simple developing
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server Module: Automatic DB Data Manager for work with data directly
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Server Module: Swagger Api Doc Generator And Online Tester Configuration
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection@ |
Enable Configured Server Ad-dons and Modules
Server Module: Enable Swagger Api Doc Generator And Online Tester
This method has no parameters.
Server Module: Enable Generated Developer Documentation
This method has no parameters.
Server Module: Enable Swagger Api Doc Generator And Online Tester
This method has no parameters.
Server Restart Api for Remote Control
Server Root Controller
Server Root "/" Redirection to "server" Folder
This method has no parameters.
The server runtime data.
Central WebSocket List for Easy one place Using
The local db table list.
Server Starup Args
Cancellation Token for Server Remote Control
Server Core Status
Server Securited FTP Provider for Remote Control
Server Restart Request Indicator
Gets or Sets the configure file.
Gets or Sets the data path.
Gets or Sets the debug mode.
Gets or Sets the setting_folder.
Gets or Sets the startup_path.
The server settings.
Bearer Token Timeout Setting in Minutes. Connection must be Refreshed in Interval After Timeout connection Must Login Again. It is as needed. You Can Change Key for close All connections Immediately. Timeout is good for Webpages Recomended: 15
Its Domain for include to Automatic Generated Certificate For Server running on HTTPS. Domain is for Your validation Certificate Domain. Can be Changed for commercial. Recommended:
Password will be inserted to Server Generated Certificate for HTTPS. Recommended: empty = Maximal Security Randomly generated 20 chars string
Special Functions:Server AutoGenerated encryption Key For Securing Communication On Each Server Restart All Tokens not will be valid and the Login Reconnect is Requested. Its AntiHacker Security Rule Recommended: empty = Maximal Security Randomly generated 40 chars string
Maximum socket message size for control Traffic Recomended: 10
Setting for Server URL Services. Logically can run only one Http or Https Server has more Security Setting Politics. Recommended: true
Set Server Startup Port on Http/HttpS/WebSocket and for All Engines, Modules, API Controler and WebPages Recommended: 5000
WebSocket Timeout Connection Settings in Minutes. After timeout when not detected any communication socket is closed Set according to your need Recommended: 2
Server Database Connection string for Full Service of Database Migration/Api/Check/Unlimited Develop !!!Warning: Check this connection for Read/Write/Exec is enabled
Time in Minutes for Database Valid Cache Data and Refreshing Duplicit Functionality with Database Server Recommended: 30
Enable Disable Entity Framework Internal Cache I recommend turning it off : from Logic, Duplicit Functionality with Database Server in complex process can generate problems Recommended: false
SMTP Password for Login to External Mail Server Its Necessary for Correct running Server Internal Core Monitoring
SMTP UserName for Login to External Mail Server Its Necessary for Correct running Server Internal Core Monitoring
SMTP Port for Login to External Mail Server Its Necessary for Correct running Server Internal Core Monitoring
SMTP Server Address for Login to External Mail Server Its Necessary for Correct running Server Internal Core Monitoring
EmailerSMTPSslIsEnabled SSl Email Protocol for Login to External Mail Server Its Necessary for Correct running Server Internal Core Monitoring
Service email, for info about not available service from HeatchCheck Can be used for next Develop, automatic checking problems, missing data and all other Its Necessary for Correct running Server Internal Core Monitoring
Special Function: AutoGenerated Database DataManager for working with Data Running only in Debug mode for simple Develop, can be modified. All changes are Reflected after restart server
Enable Automatic Database Diagram for Simple show Database structure with All bingings
Special Function: More than 200 Server Statuses Can be monitored by HeathCheckService, Over Net can Control Other Company Services Also as Central Control Point With Email Service. For Example: Server/Memory/All DB Types/IP/HDD/Port/Api/NET/Cloud/Environment Must be run for Metrics AddOn https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/microservices/implement-resilient-applications/monitor-app-health
Special Function: More than 200 Server Statuses Can be monitored by HeathCheckService, Over Net can Control Other Company Services Also as Central Control Point With Email Service. For Example: Server/Memory/All DB Types/IP/HDD/Port/Api/NET/Cloud/Environment Must be run for Metrics AddOn !!! run in Release mode for Good Reading of Logs without HeathChecks Cycling info https://github.com/Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks https://testfully.io/blog/api-health-check-monitoring/
Enable Server Structure Documentation for Developers Using RootPath, - Block File Browsing Is Good for Server with Documentation only Or Use for Show WebPage and Copy "Only HTML"
Special Function: Server Automatically Generate Full Documentation of API structure AND Database Model. Plus Included API Interface for Online Testing All API Methods with Authentication Its Automatic Solution for Third Party cooperation. All changes are Reflected after restart server
Server support online multi watch Logging Its Run on Websocket and the Log Messages are sent for All opened connections for wathing on Path: ServerCoreMonitor You can enable Mass Email Api
Enable FTP File Server oppened for every connection with full rights
Enable FTP Security For access to FTP must be logged
Enable Mvc WebPages support engine with Correct Configuration
Enable Razor WebPages support engine with Correct Configuration for Automaping form folder 'Pages'
Enable Disable Bearer Token Timeout Validation Token can be valid EveryTime to using: Example for machine connection Or is Control last activity
Enable WebPages File Browsing from server Url on Server
Enable WebSocket Engine with Default Example Api Controller
Activation / Deactivation of Email Sender For Server Core Fails Checker All Catch Write to SendEmail, In Debug mode is Written in console in Release mode is Sended email (All incorrect server statuses are monitored) Can be writen to Database - !!! Warning for infinite Cycling (DB shutdown example) Recommended: true
Server support mass emailing as Service You can enable Mass Email Api
Server Language for Translating Server internal statuses Recommended: cz or en - other languages are not implemented
Server Service Name automatic figured in All IS/OS/Engines info Recommended: EASYDATACenter
Special Function: Using Selected Tables with AutoRefresh On change as Local DataSets, For Optimize Traffic. For Example LanguageList - Static table with often reading Recommended: true - functionality must be implemented in Server Code
Microsoft#Extensions#Diagnostics#HealthChecks#IHealthCheck#CheckHealthAsync(context,cancellationToken) method
checks any service whether it ends normally or with an exception
Name | Type | Description |
context | Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.HealthCheckContext | |
cancellationToken | System.Threading.CancellationToken |
Database Model Extension Definitions Its API Filter, Extended Classes, Translation, etc
Server Startup Definitions
Server Core: Main Enabling of Server Services, Technologies, Modules, etc..
Name | Type | Description |
app | Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder | |
loggerFactory | Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerFactory |
Server Core: Main Configure of Server Services, Technologies, Modules, etc..
Name | Type | Description |
services | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection |
Template System Class, This Class has all DBLogic auto Fields and user join for simple creating system Only Rename for your new table
WebSocket Extension Definition For Simple Central Control All Connection By Connection Path and Timeout
!!! Implemented Server Core WebSocket System LogProvider Stream This Is Special Serice For Remote Monitoring On More Devices in OneTime
Server Core WebSocket System Logger Interface
Used to log the entry.
Name | Type | Description |
logLevel | Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel | An instance of LogLevel. |
eventId | Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventId | The event's ID. An instance of EventId. |
state | ``0 | The event's state. |
exception | System.Exception | The event's exception. An instance of Exception |
formatter | System.Func{``0,System.Exception,System.String} | A delegate that formats |
Name | Description |
TState |