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  • Keras implementation of Github WongKinYiu/yolor. Model weights converted from official publication.
  • Paper 2105.04206 You Only Learn One Representation: Unified Network for Multiple Tasks.
  • Model ouputs are slightly modified for better compiling with already existing implementations.
    • yolor_head output changed from PyTorch channel_first compatible format [batch, 3, height, width, 85 preds] to [batch, height, width, 3, 85 preds].
    • 85 preds from yolor_head output changed from [bboxes, object_scores, class_scores] to [bboxes, class_scores, object_scores].
    • bboxes format changed from [left, top, right, bottom] to [top, left, bottom, right].


  • YOLOR_E6 and YOLOR_D6 weights are from Github WongKinYiu/yolor/tree/paper, which is using batchnorm + activation after concatenating short and deep branch in csp_stack, different from others.
Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val AP test AP Download
YOLOR_CSP 52.9M 60.25G 640 50.0 52.8 yolor_csp_coco.h5
YOLOR_CSPX 99.8M 111.11G 640 51.5 54.8 yolor_csp_x_coco.h5
YOLOR_P6 37.3M 162.87G 1280 52.5 55.7 yolor_p6_coco.h5
YOLOR_W6 79.9M 226.67G 1280 53.6 ? 56.9 yolor_w6_coco.h5
YOLOR_E6 115.9M 341.62G 1280 50.3 ? 57.6 yolor_e6_coco.h5
YOLOR_D6 151.8M 467.88G 1280 50.8 ? 58.2 yolor_d6_coco.h5

COCO val evaluation results. More usage info can be found in COCO Evaluation.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ -m yolor.YOLOR_P6 --nms_method hard --nms_iou_or_sigma 0.65 \
--nms_max_output_size 300 --nms_topk -1 --letterbox_pad 64 --input_shape 1344
Model letterbox_pad input_shape COCO Val AP 0.50:0.95, area=all
YOLOR_P6 0 1280 0.521
YOLOR_P6 64 1344 0.526
YOLOR_W6 0 1280 0.530
YOLOR_W6 64 1344 0.536
YOLOR_W6 128 1408 0.536
YOLOR_E6 64 1344 0.503
YOLOR_D6 64 1344 0.508


  • Basic usage
    from keras_cv_attention_models import yolor
    model = yolor.YOLOR_CSP(pretrained="coco")
    # Run prediction
    from keras_cv_attention_models import test_images
    imm = test_images.dog_cat()
    preds = model(model.preprocess_input(imm))
    bboxs, lables, confidences = model.decode_predictions(preds)[0]
    # Show result
    from keras_cv_attention_models.coco import data
    data.show_image_with_bboxes(imm, bboxs, lables, confidences)
  • Use dynamic input resolution by set input_shape=(None, None, 3). Note: YOLO_*6 models using focus_stem requires input at least been an even number.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import yolor
    model = yolor.YOLOR_CSP(input_shape=(None, None, 3), pretrained="coco")
    # >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/yolor_csp_coco.h5
    print(model.input_shape, model.output_shape)
    # (None, None, None, 3) (None, None, 85)
    print(model(tf.ones([1, 742, 355, 3])).shape)
    # (1, 16662, 85)
    print(model(tf.ones([1, 188, 276, 3])).shape)
    # (1, 3330, 85)
    from keras_cv_attention_models import test_images
    imm = test_images.dog_cat()
    input_shape = (320, 224, 3)
    preds = model(model.preprocess_input(imm, input_shape=input_shape))
    bboxs, lables, confidences = model.decode_predictions(preds, input_shape=input_shape)[0]
    # Show result
    from keras_cv_attention_models.coco import data
    data.show_image_with_bboxes(imm, bboxs, lables, confidences, num_classes=80)

Custom detector using YOLOR header

  • Backbone for YOLOR can be any model with pyramid stage structure.

    from keras_cv_attention_models import efficientnet, yolor
    bb = efficientnet.EfficientNetV2B1(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), num_classes=0)
    mm = yolor.YOLOR(backbone=bb)
    # >>>> features: {'stack_2_block2_output': (None, 32, 32, 48),
    #                 'stack_4_block5_output': (None, 16, 16, 112),
    #                 'stack_5_block8_output': (None, 8, 8, 192)}
    mm.summary()  # Trainable params: 8,710,574
    # (None, 4032, 85)
  • Currently 4 types anchors supported, parameter anchors_mode controls which anchor to use, value in ["efficientdet", "anchor_free", "yolor", "yolov8"]. Default is "yolor".

    from keras_cv_attention_models import efficientnet, yolor
    bb = efficientnet.EfficientNetV2B1(input_shape=(256, 256, 3), num_classes=0)
    mm = yolor.YOLOR(backbone=bb, anchors_mode="anchor_free") # Trainable params: 8,617,074
    print(mm.output_shape) # (None, 1344, 85)
    mm = yolor.YOLOR(backbone=bb, anchors_mode="efficientdet") # Trainable params: 8,986,124
    print(mm.output_shape) # (None, 12096, 84)

    Default settings for anchors_mode

    anchors_mode use_object_scores num_anchors anchor_scale aspect_ratios num_scales grid_zero_start
    efficientdet False 9 4 [1, 2, 0.5] 3 False
    anchor_free True 1 1 [1] 1 True
    yolor True 3 None presets None offset=0.5
    yolov8 False 1 1 [1] 1 False

Verification with PyTorch version

inputs = np.random.uniform(size=(1, 640, 640, 3)).astype("float32")

""" PyTorch yolor_csp """
from models import models as torch_yolor
import torch

torch_model = torch_yolor.Darknet('../yolor/cfg/yolor_csp.cfg', [640, 640])
weights = torch.load("../yolor/", map_location=torch.device('cpu'))['model']
_ = torch_model.eval()
torch_decode, torch_out = torch_model.forward_once(torch.from_numpy(inputs).permute([0, 3, 1, 2]))

""" Keras YOLOR_CSP """
from keras_cv_attention_models.yolor import yolor
mm = yolor.YOLOR_CSP(classifier_activation=None)
keras_out = mm(inputs)

""" Model outputs verification """
# keras channel_last compatible format to pytorch channel_first one, torch_out[0].shape == [1, 3, 80, 80, 85]
keras_out_reorder = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(keras_out[:,[0].shape[:-1])], [1, -1, 3, 85]), [0, 2, 1, 3])
keras_out_reorder = tf.reshape(keras_out_reorder, torch_out[0].shape)
# [top, left, bottom, right, *class_scores, object_score] -> [left, top, right, bottom ,object_score, *class_scores]
keras_out_reorder = tf.gather(keras_out_reorder, [1, 0, 3, 2, 84, *np.arange(4, 84)], axis=-1)
print(f"{np.allclose(torch_out[0].detach().numpy(), keras_out_reorder, atol=1e-4) = }")
# np.allclose(torch_out[0].detach().numpy(), keras_out_reorder, atol=1e-4) = True

""" Decode """
from keras_cv_attention_models import coco
anchors = coco.get_yolor_anchors(input_shape=mm.input_shape[1:-1])
keras_out_decode = tf.sigmoid(keras_out)
center_yx = (keras_out_decode[:, :, :2] * 2 * anchors[:, 4:] + anchors[:, :2])
hhww = ((keras_out_decode[:, :, 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * anchors[:, 2:4])

# keras channel_last compatible format to pytorch channel_first one
center_yx = tf.split(center_yx, [80 * 80 * 3, 40 * 40 * 3, 20 * 20 * 3], axis=1)
center_yx = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.reshape(ii, [1, -1, 3, 2]), [0, 2, 1, 3]), [1, -1, 2]) for ii in center_yx], axis=1)
hhww = tf.split(hhww, [80 * 80 * 3, 40 * 40 * 3, 20 * 20 * 3], axis=1)
hhww = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.reshape(ii, [1, -1, 3, 2]), [0, 2, 1, 3]), [1, -1, 2]) for ii in hhww], axis=1)
labels = tf.split(keras_out_decode[:, :, 4:], [80 * 80 * 3, 40 * 40 * 3, 20 * 20 * 3], axis=1)
labels = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.reshape(ii, [1, -1, 3, 81]), [0, 2, 1, 3]), [1, -1, 81]) for ii in labels], axis=1)
# [top, left, bottom, right, *class_scores, object_score] -> [left, top, right, bottom ,object_score, *class_scores]
keras_out_decode = tf.gather(tf.concat([center_yx, hhww, labels], axis=-1), [1, 0, 3, 2, 84, *np.arange(4, 84)], axis=-1)

""" Decode verification """
# Rescale torch bboxes to [0, 1]
torch_decode =[torch_decode[:, :, :4] / 640, torch_decode[:, :, 4:]], axis=-1)
print(f"{np.allclose(torch_decode.detach().numpy(), keras_out_decode, atol=1e-5) = }")
# np.allclose(torch_decode.detach().numpy(), keras_out_decode, atol=1e-5) = True