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Keras RepViT



Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc Download
RepViT_M09, distillation 5.10M 0.82G 224 79.1 repvit_m09_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 5.07M 0.82G 224 79.1
RepViT_M10, distillation 6.85M 1.12G 224 80.3 repvit_m_10_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 6.81M 1.12G 224 80.3
RepViT_M11, distillation 8.29M 1.35G 224 81.2 repvit_m_11_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 8.24M 1.35G 224 81.2
RepViT_M15, distillation 14.13M 2.30G 224 82.5 repvit_m_15_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 14.05M 2.30G 224 82.5
RepViT_M23, distillation 23.01M 4.55G 224 83.7 repvit_m_23_imagenet.h5
- deploy=True 22.93M 4.55G 224 83.7


from keras_cv_attention_models import repvit, test_images

# Will download and load pretrained imagenet weights.
mm = repvit.RepViT_M09(pretrained="imagenet", use_distillation=False)

# Run prediction
preds = mm(mm.preprocess_input(
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.82435805), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.033731826), ...]

set use_distillation=True for adding an additional BatchNorm->Dense distill_head block, will also load distill head weights.

from keras_cv_attention_models import repvit, test_images
from keras_cv_attention_models.backend import functional

mm = repvit.RepViT_M09(use_distillation=True, classifier_activation=None)
print(mm.output_names, mm.output_shape)
# ['head', 'distill_head'] [(None, 1000), (None, 1000)]

# Run prediction
preds = mm(mm.preprocess_input(
preds = functional.softmax((preds[0] + preds[1]) / 2)
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.979251), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.008092029), ...]

Use dynamic input resolution by set input_shape=(None, None, 3).

from keras_cv_attention_models import repvit
# Will download and load pretrained imagenet weights.
mm = repvit.RepViT_M09(input_shape=(None, None, 3), use_distillation=False, num_classes=0)
# (None, None, None, 384)

print(mm(np.ones([1, 223, 123, 3])).shape)
# (1, 7, 4, 384)
print(mm(np.ones([1, 32, 526, 3])).shape)
# (1, 1, 17, 384)

Switch to deploy by calling model.switch_to_deploy(), will fuse reparameter block into a single Conv2D layer, and fuse distillation header BatchNorm-> Dense and preciction header BatchNorm-> Dense into a single Dense layer. Also applying convert_to_fused_conv_bn_model that fusing Conv2D->BatchNorm.

from keras_cv_attention_models import repvit, test_images, model_surgery

mm = repvit.RepViT_M09(pretrained="imagenet", use_distillation=True, classifier_activation=None)
# Total params: 5,537,856 | Trainable params: 5,489,328 | Non-trainable params:48,528
preds = mm(mm.preprocess_input(

""" switch_to_deploy """
bb = mm.switch_to_deploy()
# Total params: 5,067,056 | Trainable params: 5,067,056 | Non-trainable params:0
preds_deploy = bb(bb.preprocess_input(

print(f"{np.allclose((preds[0] + preds[1]) / 2, preds_deploy, atol=1e-5) = }")
# np.allclose((preds[0] + preds[1]) / 2, preds_deploy, atol=1e-5) = True

""" save and load weights using deploy=True """"aa.h5")
cc = repvit.RepViT_M09(pretrained=None, deploy=True, classifier_activation=None)
print(f"{np.allclose(preds_deploy, cc(cc.preprocess_input(, atol=1e-7) = }")
# np.allclose(preds_deploy, cc(cc.preprocess_input(, atol=1e-7) = True

Using PyTorch backend by set KECAM_BACKEND='torch' environment variable.

os.environ['KECAM_BACKEND'] = 'torch'

from keras_cv_attention_models import repvit
model = repvit.RepViT_M09(input_shape=(None, None, 3), num_classes=0)
# >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/repvit_m_09_imagenet.h5
# (None, 384, None, None)

import torch
print(model(torch.ones([1, 3, 223, 123])).shape)
# torch.Size([1, 384, 7, 4])
print(model(torch.ones([1, 3, 32, 526])).shape)
# torch.Size([1, 384, 1, 17])

Verification with PyTorch version

""" PyTorch repvit_m1 """
sys.path.append('../pytorch-image-models/')  # Needs timm
import torch
from model import repvit as torch_repvit
torch_model = torch_repvit.repvit_m0_9(pretrained=True, distillation=True)
ss = torch.load('repvit_m0_9_distill_450.pth', map_location=torch.device('cpu'))

""" Keras RepViT_M09 """
from keras_cv_attention_models import repvit
mm = repvit.RepViT_M09(pretrained="imagenet", use_distillation=True, classifier_activation=None)

""" Verification """
inputs = np.random.uniform(size=(1, *mm.input_shape[1:])).astype("float32")
torch_out = torch_model(torch.from_numpy(inputs).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).detach().numpy()
pred = mm(inputs)
keras_out = ((pred[0] + pred[1]) / 2).numpy()
print(f"{np.allclose(torch_out, keras_out, atol=1e-5) = }")
# np.allclose(torch_out, keras_out, atol=1e-5) = True