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  • Data augment applying pipeline is dataset shuffle -> random flip left right -> random scale and crop -> color related augment -> batch up -> mosaic mix -> positional related augment -> mean and std rescale.
    • magnitude controls color related augment and positional related augment level.

      • < 0 for turing all off, including random flip left right, eval mode.
      • 0 for applying random_flip_left_right_with_bboxes only.
      • > 0 for applying color related augment and positional related augment if set.
    • color_augment_method controls color related augment. Possible value are [None, "random_hsv", "autoaug", "randaug"], or totally custom one like lambda image: image. For autoaug and randaug, it's only none-positional related methods. None for disable. Default is "random_hsv".

    • positional_augment_methods controls positional related augment. Currently it's a combination of r: rotate, R: rotate 90 or -90, t: transplate, s: shear, x: scale_x + scale_y. Like positional_augment_methods="tx". None or "" for disable. Default is "rts".

    • mosaic_mix_prob controls mosaic mix. It is applied per batch, means each image is repeated 4 times, then randomly shuffled and mosaic mixup with others in an entire batch. 0 for disable, > 0 for mosaic mixing probability.

    • random_crop_mode controls image crop / scale behavior.

      • 0, no crop, aspect aware resizing to target shape, eval mode.
      • (0, 1), random crop and resize, same as imagenet, using as scale=(random_crop_mode, 1.0) for random_crop_and_resize_image.
      • 1, random largest crop, crop from original image as large as possible to target shape.
      • > 1, random scale and resize from efficientdet/, using as scale_min=0.1, scale_max=random_crop_mode.


  • Default data augment in is mosaic mix prob=0.5 + magnitude=6 + color_augment_method random_hsv + positional_augment_methods rotate, shear, transpose + random_crop_mode 1.0 for random largest crop.
  • Usage examples
    from keras_cv_attention_models.coco import data
    """ random_hsv + random scale """
    # set anchors_mode="anchor_free" will just return original bboxes
    tt = data.init_dataset(magnitude=10, positional_augment_methods=None, anchors_mode="anchor_free", batch_size=4)[0]
    fig = data.show_batch_sample(tt, anchors_mode="anchor_free", rows=1)
    """ random_hsv + random rotate / translate / shear / scale """
    tt = data.init_dataset(magnitude=6, positional_augment_methods='rts', anchors_mode="anchor_free", batch_size=4)[0]
    fig = data.show_batch_sample(tt, anchors_mode="anchor_free", rows=1)
    """ autoaug + random translate / scale_x / scale_y """
    tt = data.init_dataset(magnitude=6, color_augment_method='autoaug', positional_augment_methods='tx', anchors_mode="anchor_free", batch_size=4)[0]
    fig = data.show_batch_sample(tt, anchors_mode="anchor_free", rows=1)
    """ Mosaic mix + randaug + random rotate / shear / scale """
    tt = data.init_dataset(magnitude=6, mosaic_mix_prob=1.0, color_augment_method='randaug', positional_augment_methods='rs', anchors_mode="anchor_free", batch_size=4)[0]
    fig = data.show_batch_sample(tt, anchors_mode="anchor_free", rows=1)
  • TFDS COCO data format, bboxes in format [top, left, bottom, right] with value range in [0, 1]. It's the default compatible data format for this package.
    import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
    ds, info = tfds.load('coco/2017', with_info=True)
    aa = ds['train'].as_numpy_iterator().next()
    # (462, 640, 3)
    # {'area': array([17821, 16942,  4344]),
    #  'bbox': array([[0.54380953, 0.13464062, 0.98651516, 0.33742186],
    #         [0.50707793, 0.517875  , 0.8044805 , 0.891125  ],
    #         [0.3264935 , 0.36971876, 0.65203464, 0.4431875 ]], dtype=float32),
    #  'id': array([152282, 155195, 185150]),
    #  'is_crowd': array([False, False, False]),
    #  'label': array([3, 3, 0])}
    imm = aa['image']
    for bb in aa["objects"]["bbox"]:
        bb = np.array([bb[0] * imm.shape[0], bb[1] * imm.shape[1], bb[2] * imm.shape[0], bb[3] * imm.shape[1]])
        plt.plot(bb[[1, 1, 3, 3, 1]], bb[[0, 2, 2, 0, 0]])


  • AnchorFreeLoss usage took me weeks solving why the bbox_loss always been 1. that using tf.stop_gradient while assigning is the key...

  • Default parameters for is EfficientDetD0 with input_shape=(256, 256, 3), batch_size=64, mosaic_mix_prob=0.5, freeze_backbone_epochs=32, total_epochs=105. Technically, it's any pyramid structure backbone + EfficientDet / YOLOX header / YOLOR header + anchor_free / yolor_anchors / efficientdet_anchors combination supported.

  • Currently 4 types anchors supported, parameter anchors_mode controls which anchor to use, value in ["efficientdet", "anchor_free", "yolor", "yolov8"]. Default None for det_header presets.

  • NOTE: YOLOV8 has a default regression_len=64 for bbox output length. Typically it's 4 for other detection models, for yolov8 it's reg_max=16 -> regression_len = 16 * 4 == 64.

    anchors_mode use_object_scores num_anchors anchor_scale aspect_ratios num_scales grid_zero_start
    efficientdet False 9 4 [1, 2, 0.5] 3 False
    anchor_free True 1 1 [1] 1 True
    yolor True 3 None presets None offset=0.5
    yolov8 False 1 1 [1] 1 False
    # Default EfficientDetD0
    # Default EfficientDetD0 using input_shape 512, optimizer adamw, freezing backbone 16 epochs, total 50 + 5 epochs
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ -i 512 -p adamw --freeze_backbone_epochs 16 --lr_decay_steps 50
    # EfficientNetV2B0 backbone + EfficientDetD0 detection header
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --backbone efficientnet.EfficientNetV2B0 --det_header efficientdet.EfficientDetD0
    # ResNest50 backbone + EfficientDetD0 header using yolox like anchor_free anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --backbone resnest.ResNest50 --anchors_mode anchor_free
    # UniformerSmall32 backbone + EfficientDetD0 header using yolor anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --backbone uniformer.UniformerSmall32 --anchors_mode yolor
    # Typical YOLOXS with anchor_free anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --det_header yolox.YOLOXS --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # YOLOXS with efficientdet anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --det_header yolox.YOLOXS --anchors_mode efficientdet --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # CoAtNet0 backbone + YOLOX header with yolor anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --backbone coatnet.CoAtNet0 --det_header yolox.YOLOX --anchors_mode yolor
    # Typical YOLOR_P6 with yolor anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --det_header yolor.YOLOR_P6 --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # YOLOR_P6 with anchor_free anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --det_header yolor.YOLOR_P6 --anchors_mode anchor_free  --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # ConvNeXtTiny backbone + YOLOR header with efficientdet anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' ./ --backbone convnext.ConvNeXtTiny --det_header yolor.YOLOR --anchors_mode yolor

    Note: COCO training still under testing, may change parameters and default behaviors. Take the risk if would like help developing.


  • is used for evaluating model AP / AR on COCO validation set. It has a dependency pip install pycocotools which is not in package requirements. Default anchors_mode=None means anchors_mode calculated from model input_shape and output_shape.

    # EfficientDetD0 using resize method bilinear w/o antialias
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' ./ -m efficientdet.EfficientDetD0 --resize_method bilinear --disable_antialias
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (512, 512), pyramid_levels: [3, 7], anchors_mode: efficientdet
    # YOLOX using BGR input format
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' ./ -m yolox.YOLOXTiny --use_bgr_input --nms_method hard --nms_iou_or_sigma 0.65
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (416, 416), pyramid_levels: [3, 5], anchors_mode: anchor_free
    # YOLOR / YOLOV7 using letterbox_pad and other tricks.
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' ./ -m yolor.YOLOR_CSP --nms_method hard --nms_iou_or_sigma 0.65 \
    --nms_max_output_size 300 --nms_topk -1 --letterbox_pad 64 --input_shape 704
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (704, 704), pyramid_levels: [3, 5], anchors_mode: yolor
    # Specify h5 model
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' ./ -m checkpoints/yoloxtiny_yolor_anchor.h5
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (416, 416), pyramid_levels: [3, 5], anchors_mode: yolor
  • Tricks for evaluation from EfficientDet

    from keras_cv_attention_models.coco import eval_func
    from keras_cv_attention_models import efficientdet
    mm = efficientdet.EfficientDetD0()
    ee = eval_func.COCOEvalCallback(batch_size=4, nms_score_threshold=0.001, nms_method="gaussian", nms_mode="per_class", nms_topk=5000)
    ee.model = mm
    nms_score_threshold clip_bbox nms_method nms_mode nms_topk Val AP 0.50:0.95, area=all
    0.1 False hard global 0 0.326
    0.001 False hard global 0 0.330
    0.001 True hard global 0 0.331
    0.001 True gaussian global 0 0.333
    0.001 True gaussian per_class 0 0.339
    0.001 True gaussian per_class 5000 0.343
  • Tricks for evaluation from YOLOR. Basic is ./ -m yolor.YOLOR_CSP --nms_method hard --nms_iou_or_sigma 0.65.

    nms_max_output_size nms_topk letterbox_pad input_shape Val AP 0.50:0.95, area=all
    100 5000 -1 640 0.488
    300 5000 -1 640 0.489
    300 -1 -1 640 0.494
    300 -1 0 640 0.496
    300 -1 0 704 0.495
    300 -1 64 704 0.500
  • Methods compare

    Model nms method nms iou or sigma nms max output size nms topk letterbox pad input shape Val AP
    EfficientDetD1 gaussian 0.5 100 5000 -1 640 0.402
    EfficientDetD1 hard 0.65 100 5000 -1 640 0.399
    EfficientDetD1 gaussian 0.5 300 -1 -1 640 0.403
    EfficientDetD1 hard 0.65 300 -1 -1 640 0.401
    EfficientDetD1 gaussian 0.5 300 -1 0 640 0.400
    EfficientDetD1 gaussian 0.5 300 -1 64 704 0.397
    YOLOXS gaussian 0.5 100 5000 -1 640 0.403
    YOLOXS hard 0.65 100 5000 -1 640 0.404
    YOLOXS hard 0.65 300 5000 -1 640 0.406
    YOLOXS hard 0.65 300 -1 -1 640 0.406
    YOLOXS hard 0.65 300 -1 0 640 0.405
    YOLOXS hard 0.65 300 -1 64 704 0.405
    YOLOR_CSP gaussian 0.5 100 5000 -1 640 0.486
    YOLOR_CSP hard 0.65 100 5000 -1 640 0.488
    YOLOR_CSP hard 0.65 300 -1 64 704 0.500