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Keras CoAtNet



from keras_cv_attention_models import coatnet

# Only CoAtNet0 pretrained available.
mm = coatnet.CoAtNet0()

# Run prediction
import tensorflow as tf
from import chelsea
imm = tf.keras.applications.imagenet_utils.preprocess_input(chelsea(), mode='torch') # Chelsea the cat
pred = mm(tf.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(imm, mm.input_shape[1:3]), 0)).numpy()
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.99324566), ('n02123159', 'tiger_cat', 0.00381939), ... ]


  • As model structure not certain, these are most tests.

  • Model structure

    • V1 means ResNetV1 like. Conv shortcut branch: output = conv_shortcut(input) + block(prenorm(input)). Identity branch: output = input + block(prenorm(input)).
    • V2 means ResNetV2 like. Conv shortcut branch: prenorm_input = prenorm(input), output = conv_shortcut(prenorm_input) + block(prenorm_input). Identity branch: output = input + block(prenorm(input)).
    • wd exc pos_emb means optimizer weight decay excluding positional embedding.
    Model stem res_MBConv block res_mhsa block res_ffn block Best top1
    CoAtNet0_8 conv,bn,gelu,conv prenorm bn+gelu,V2 prenorm bn+gelu,V2 bn,conv,gelu,conv 0.8010
    CoAtNet0_11 conv,bn,gelu,conv prenorm bn,V2 prenorm bn,V2 bn,conv,gelu,conv 0.8016
    CoAtNet0_15 conv,bn,gelu,conv prenorm bn,V2 prenorm ln,V2 ln,conv,gelu,conv 0.7999
    CoAtNet0_16 conv,bn,gelu,conv prenorm bn,V1 prenorm ln,V1 ln,conv,gelu,conv 0.8019
    - drop_connect 0.05 conv,bn,gelu,conv prenorm bn,V1 prenorm ln,V1 ln,conv,gelu,conv 0.8017
    - wd exc pos_emb conv,bn,gelu,conv prenorm bn,V1 prenorm ln,V1 ln,conv,gelu,conv 0.8048
    - wd exc pos_emb, mag 10 conv,bn,gelu,conv prenorm bn,V1 prenorm ln,V1 ln,conv,gelu,conv 0.8024
  • Training. Using A3 recipe with batch_size=128, input_shape=(160, 160). Weight decay excluding positional embedding is default behavior now.

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' TF_XLA_FLAGS="--tf_xla_auto_jit=2" ./ -m coatnet.CoAtNet0 \
    --seed 0 --batch_size 128 -s CoAtNet0_160

    Evaluating on 224 input resolution without fine-tune:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' ./ -m coatnet.CoAtNet0 --pretrained checkpoints/CoAtNet0_160_latest.h5 -b 8 -i 224
    # >>>> Accuracy top1: 0.81056 top5: 0.95362
  • Plot coatnet0_160

  • Fine-tuning 160 -> 224, 37 epochs

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' TF_XLA_FLAGS='--tf_xla_auto_jit=2' ./ --seed 0 \
    -m coatnet.CoAtNet0 --pretrained checkpoints/CoAtNet0_160_latest.h5 -i 224 --batch_size 64 \
    --lr_decay_steps 32 --lr_warmup_steps 0 --lr_base_512 0.004 \
    --additional_model_kwargs '{"drop_connect_rate": 0.05}' --magnitude 15 \
    -s coatnet.CoAtNet0_ft_224_lr_steps_32_lr4e3_drc005_magnitude_15
    magnitude drop_connect_rate Best val loss, acc
    6 0 Epoch 35/37 loss: 0.0023 - acc: 0.7288 - val_loss: 0.0012 - val_acc: 0.8160
    7 0 Epoch 34/37 loss: 0.0024 - acc: 0.7218 - val_loss: 0.0012 - val_acc: 0.8161
    7 0.05 Epoch 36/37 loss: 0.0026 - acc: 0.7026 - val_loss: 0.0011 - val_acc: 0.8193
    7 0.2 Epoch 34/37 loss: 0.0030 - acc: 0.6658 - val_loss: 0.0011 - val_acc: 0.8176
    10 0.05 Epoch 36/37 loss: 0.0028 - acc: 0.6783 - val_loss: 0.0011 - val_acc: 0.8199
    10, wd exc pos_emb 0.05 Epoch 35/37 loss: 0.0028 - acc: 0.6811 - val_loss: 0.0011 - val_acc: 0.8206
    15, wd exc pos_emb 0.05 Epoch 36/37 loss: 0.0028 - acc: 0.6796 - val_loss: 0.0011 - val_acc: 0.8221


  • Training 224 for 305 epochs

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' TF_XLA_FLAGS='--tf_xla_auto_jit=2' ./ --seed 0 \
    -m coatnet.CoAtNet0 --batch_size 128 -i 224 --lr_decay_steps 300 \
    --magnitude 15 --additional_model_kwargs'{"drop_connect_rate": 0.1}' -s CoAtNet0_224_decay_300



  • Self defined models are using Stride-2 DConv2D by default. Set use_dw_strides=False for using strides=2 in Conv2D layer instead.
Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc Download
CoAtNet0 (Self trained 105 epochs) 23.8M 2.17G 160 80.48 coatnet0_160_imagenet.h5
CoAtNet0 (Self trained 305 epochs) 23.8M 4.22G 224 82.79 coatnet0_224_imagenet.h5
CoAtNet0 25M 4.2G 224 81.6
CoAtNet0, Stride-2 DConv2D 25M 4.6G 224 82.0
CoAtNet0 25M 13.4G 384 83.9
CoAtNet1 42M 8.4G 224 83.3
CoAtNet1, Stride-2 DConv2D 42M 8.8G 224 83.5
CoAtNet1 42M 27.4G 384 85.1
CoAtNet2 75M 15.7G 224 84.1
CoAtNet2, Stride-2 DConv2D 75M 16.6G 224 84.1
CoAtNet2 75M 49.8G 384 85.7
CoAtNet2 75M 96.7G 512 85.9
CoAtNet2, ImageNet-21k pretrain 75M 16.6G 224 87.1
CoAtNet2, ImageNet-21k pretrain 75M 49.8G 384 87.1
CoAtNet2, ImageNet-21k pretrain 75M 96.7G 512 87.3
CoAtNet3 168M 34.7G 224 84.5
CoAtNet3 168M 107.4G 384 85.8
CoAtNet3 168M 203.1G 512 86.0
CoAtNet3, ImageNet-21k pretrain 168M 34.7G 224 87.6
CoAtNet3, ImageNet-21k pretrain 168M 107.4G 384 87.6
CoAtNet3, ImageNet-21k pretrain 168M 203.1G 512 87.9
CoAtNet4, ImageNet-21k pretrain 275M 189.5G 384 87.9
CoAtNet4, ImageNet-21k pretrain 275M 360.9G 512 88.1
CoAtNet4, ImageNet-21K + PT-RA-E150 275M 189.5G 384 88.4
CoAtNet4, ImageNet-21K + PT-RA-E150 275M 360.9G 512 88.56

JFT pre-trained models accuracy

Model Input Reported Params self-defined Params Top1 Acc
CoAtNet3, Stride-2 DConv2D 384 168M, FLOPs 114G 160.64M, FLOPs 109.67G 88.52
CoAtNet3, Stride-2 DConv2D 512 168M, FLOPs 214G 161.24M, FLOPs 205.06G 88.81
CoAtNet4 512 275M, FLOPs 361G 270.69M, FLOPs 359.77G 89.11
CoAtNet5 512 688M, FLOPs 812G 676.23M, FLOPs 807.06G 89.77
CoAtNet6 512 1.47B, FLOPs 1521G 1.336B, FLOPs 1470.56G 90.45
CoAtNet7 512 2.44B, FLOPs 2586G 2.413B, FLOPs 2537.56G 90.88

Article detail info

  • L denotes the number of blocks and D denotes the hidden dimension (#channels).
  • For all Conv and MBConv blocks, we always use the kernel size 3.
  • For all Transformer blocks, we set the size of each attention head to 32, following [22].
  • The expansion rate for the inverted bottleneck is always 4 and the expansion (shrink) rate for the SE is always 0.25.
Stages Size CoAtNet-0 CoAtNet-1 CoAtNet-2 CoAtNet-3 CoAtNet-4
S0-Conv 1/2 L=2 D=64 L=2 D=64 L=2 D=128 L=2 D=192 L=2 D=192
S1-MbConv 1/4 L=2 D=96 L=2 D=96 L=2 D=128 L=2 D=192 L=2 D=192
S2-MBConv 1/8 L=3 D=192 L=6 D=192 L=6 D=256 L=6 D=384 L=12 D=384
S3-TFMRel 1/16 L=5 D=384 L=14 D=384 L=14 D=512 L=14 D=768 L=28 D=768
S4-TFMRel 1/32 L=2 D=768 L=2 D=768 L=2 D=1024 L=2 D=1536 L=2 D=1536
Finetuning Hyper-parameter ImageNet-1K (CoAtNet-0/1/2/3) ImageNet-21K (CoAtNet-2/3/4) JFT (CoAtNet-3/4/5)
Stochastic depth rate 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.5 / 0.7 0.3 / 0.5 / 0.7 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.2
RandAugment 2, 15 2, 5 2, 5
Mixup alpha 0.8 None None
  • At the beginning of each stage, we always reduce the spatial size by 2x and increase the number of channels.
  • The first stage S0 is a simple 2-layer convolutional Stem.
  • S1 always employs MBConv blocks with squeeze-excitation (SE), as the spatial size is too large for global attention.
  • Starting from S2 through S4, we consider either the MBConv or the Transformer block, with a constraint that convolution stages must appear before Transformer stages.
  • The constraint is based on the prior that convolution is better at processing local patterns that are more common in early stages.
  • This leads to 4 variants with increasingly more Transformer stages, C-C-C-C, C-C-C-T, C-C-T-T and C-T-T-T, where C and T denote Convolution and Transformer respectively.
  • Also, for simplicity, when increasing the depth of the network, we only scale the number of blocks in S2 and S3.
  • Down-sampling in the MBConv block is achieved by stride-2 Depthwise Convolution.
  • Lastly, we study two choices of model details, namely the dimension of each attention (default to 32) head as well as the type of normalization (default to BatchNorm) used in MBConv blocks.
  • On the other hand, BatchNorm and LayerNorm have almost the same performance, while BatchNorm is 10 - 20% faster on TPU depending on the per-core batch size.
  • while Norm corresponds to BatchNorm for MBConv and LayerNorm for Self-Attention and FFN.
  • We have experimented with using LayerNorm in the MBConv block, which achieves the same performance while being significantly slower on our accelerator (TPU).
  • In general, we recommend whichever is faster on your device.
  • Following the same spirit, Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs) is used as the activation function in both the MBConv blocks and Transformer blocks.
  • Relative attention. Under the general name of relative attention, there have been various variants in literature. Generally speaking, we can separate them into two categories:
  • (a) the input-dependent version where the extra relative attention score is a function of the input states f(xi , xj , i − j)
  • and (b) the input-independent version f(i − j).
  • The variant in CoAtNet belongs to the input-independent version.
  • PT-RA denotes applying RandAugment during 21K pre-training, and E150 means 150 epochs of 21K pre-training,