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Keras CAFormer



Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc Download
CAFormerS18 26M 4.1G 224 83.6 caformer_s18_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 26M 4.1G 224 84.1 caformer_s18_224_21k.h5
26M 13.4G 384 85.0 caformer_s18_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 26M 13.4G 384 85.4 caformer_s18_384_21k.h5
CAFormerS36 39M 8.0G 224 84.5 caformer_s36_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 39M 8.0G 224 85.8 caformer_s36_224_21k.h5
39M 26.0G 384 85.7 caformer_s36_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 39M 26.0G 384 86.9 caformer_s36_384_21k.h5
CAFormerM36 56M 13.2G 224 85.2 caformer_m36_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 56M 13.2G 224 86.6 caformer_m36_224_21k.h5
56M 42.0G 384 86.2 caformer_m36_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 56M 42.0G 384 87.5 caformer_m36_384_21k.h5
CAFormerB36 99M 23.2G 224 85.5 caformer_b36_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 99M 23.2G 224 87.4 caformer_b36_224_21k.h5
99M 72.2G 384 86.4 caformer_b36_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 99M 72.2G 384 88.1 caformer_b36_384_21k.h5
Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc Download
ConvFormerS18 27M 3.9G 224 83.0 convformer_s18_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 27M 3.9G 224 83.7 convformer_s18_224_21k.h5
27M 11.6G 384 84.4 convformer_s18_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 27M 11.6G 384 85.0 convformer_s36_384_21k.h5
ConvFormerS36 40M 7.6G 224 84.1 convformer_s36_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 40M 7.6G 224 85.4 convformer_s36_224_21k.h5
40M 22.4G 384 85.4 convformer_s36_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 40M 22.4G 384 86.4 convformer_s36_384_21k.h5
ConvFormerM36 57M 12.8G 224 84.5 convformer_m36_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 57M 12.8G 224 86.1 convformer_m36_224_21k.h5
57M 37.7G 384 85.6 convformer_m36_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 57M 37.7G 384 86.9 convformer_m36_384_21k.h5
ConvFormerB36 100M 22.6G 224 84.8 convformer_b36_224_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 100M 22.6G 224 87.0 convformer_b36_224_21k.h5
100M 66.5G 384 85.7 convformer_b36_384_imagenet.h5
- imagenet21k-ft1k 100M 66.5G 384 87.6 convformer_b36_384_21k.h5


from keras_cv_attention_models import caformer

# Will download and load pretrained imagenet weights.
mm = caformer.CAFormerS18(pretrained="imagenet")

# Run prediction
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from import chelsea
imm = keras.applications.imagenet_utils.preprocess_input(chelsea(), mode='torch') # Chelsea the cat
pred = mm(tf.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(imm, mm.input_shape[1:3]), 0)).numpy()
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.77616554), ('n02123159', 'tiger_cat', 0.042136233), ...]

Change input resolution.

from keras_cv_attention_models import caformer
mm = caformer.CAFormerS18(input_shape=(212, 193, 3), pretrained="imagenet")
# >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/caformer_small18_224_imagenet.h5

# Run prediction
from import chelsea
preds = mm(mm.preprocess_input(chelsea()))
# [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.7891602), ('n02123159', 'tiger_cat', 0.039598733), ...]

Ablation Study from paper

Activation ConvFormerS18 CAFormerS18
star_relu (base line) 83.0 83.6
relu 82.1 (-0.9) 82.9 (-0.7)
squared_relu 82.6 (-0.4) 83.4 (-0.2)
gelu 82.7 (-0.3) 83.4 (-0.2)
Branch outputscaling
None 82.8 (-0.2) 83.2 (-0.4)
LayerScale 82.8 (-0.0) 83.0 (-0.6)
BranchScale 82.9 (-0.1) 83.3 (-0.3)
Biases in each block
Enable biases of Norm, FC and Conv 83.0 (-0.0) 83.5 (-0.1)

Verification with PyTorch version

""" PyTorch caformer_s18 """
import torch
import metaformer_baselines
torch_model = metaformer_baselines.caformer_s18(pretrained=True)
_ = torch_model.eval()

""" Keras CAFormerS18 """
from keras_cv_attention_models import caformer
mm = caformer.CAFormerS18(pretrained="imagenet", classifier_activation=None)

""" Verification """
inputs = np.random.uniform(size=(1, *mm.input_shape[1:3], 3)).astype("float32")
torch_out = torch_model(torch.from_numpy(inputs).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).detach().numpy()
keras_out = mm(inputs).numpy()
print(f"{np.allclose(torch_out, keras_out, atol=1e-5) = }")
# np.allclose(torch_out, keras_out, atol=1e-5) = True