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live555 unofficial archive - source

This repository contains the source of the live555 unofficial archive project. Please see there or in for further details.

This is only the internal README of the project.


Command to clean and create everything

$ make clean clean-pub && make checks && make create-pub && make
$ make clean clean-tags && make checks && make create-tags && make

As one command

$ make clean clean-pub clean-tags checks && make create-pub create-tags && make

TODO This should be at least one single make command! Refactoring is needed!

To only include new tarballs, execute

$ make clean clean-pub checks && make create-pub create-tags && make && make page

It's faster but does not created existing git tags.

Then publish the gh-pages. The previous commands prints a git push command.

How to publish

How to add new tarballs from 'localgetter':

$ ./

# check the result: tarball and changelog changes
$ git status

# generate: only add new tarballs
$ make clean clean-pub checks && make create-pub create-tags && make && make page

# Review changes
$ git diff

# add all new stuff and commit
$ git add pub/archives/ srcs/localgetter/*.tar.gz

# Commit the final result
$ git commit -a -m "add new tarball"

# And publish with
$ make publish
# And then remove the --dry-run options
$ make publish DRY_RUN=


Search the wayback machine for tarballs and add them.

Get tarballs from videolan ( Check for vlc specific modifications.

Find more public tarballs and add them.

Add distributions/mirrors to the prior art list

Get grid of pub/archives but include checksums!

Define and implement public "API" for tarball mirror.

Add custom pandoc template to make the pages stylestyle the same.

Looking at

See also the mailing list messages. Add to documentation

Also look at

  • DONE: added as prior art
  • TODO: integrated into srcs and checks

Maybe add as prior art

Optimize webpage for the "mirror" term for SEO.

  • There is no keyword information whether archive or mirror is the better search term.
  • Use the domain "".

Check files in tar archives against files in git tags

$ for file in pub/archives/*.tar.gz; do tar tf $file ; done | sort | uniq  > x

Watch stack overflow for live555 mirror questions.

Publish cmake file

Add compile tests

The function "choose_preferred_src()" does not scale. There should be at best no references to the srcs anywhere. And a table for the final link between tarballs and the prefer src for backwards compatibility.

Add RSS feed for new archives

Allow to regenerate the whole 'live555-unofficial-git-archive' git repo. For now everything can be generated execpt the 'main-readme' branch.

Add scripts to update other srcs, without redownloading all files existing files.