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luaio allows the native implementation of streams that mimic Lua IO streams as found in the io module. By implementing the required functions, a stream can be used in Lua scripts and will have the exact same methods as the Lua IO streams.


  1. Implement the functions in luaio_VirtualTable, and define a luaio_VirtualTable using the created functions.
    • The functions follow the exact same semantics as the FILE stream functions from the C library.
    • All functions must be implemented, if you don't want/can't support the corresponding feature implement the function as just flagging an error.
  2. In your own structure representing your stream, declare a field with type luaio_Stream as the very first field in the structure, followed by your own fields needed to implement your stream.
  3. When creating the userdata object, use the following lua_CFunctions to create its metatable:
    • luaio_read
    • luaio_write
    • luaio_lines
    • luaio_flush
    • luaio_seek
    • luaio_close
    • luaio_setvbuf
    • The metamethods names are the respective lua_CFunctions without the luaio_ prefix.
  4. Also use luaio_gc as the __gc field in the metatable.
  5. Implement luaio_Check that must check for a valid userdata object at the provided stack index.

In the functions bodies, cast the luaio_Stream pointer to your own structure implementation.

The resulting userdata, when used in Lua scripts, will behave exactly as a Lua IO stream.

More than one stream can be implemented by having different luaio_VirtualTables. All must share the same metatable name.


Not having a luaio_Stream field as the first field (offset 0 of your structure) will likely cause a crash sooner or later.

In particular, careful when using this code with C++; using a C++ class or structure with virtual methods to implement a stream can cause undefined behavior. In this case, it's better to implement everything as mentioned above, have a pointer to your stream superclass after the luaio_Stream field, and call its methods from the functions used in luaio_VirtualTable. This avoids doing pointer arithmetic to get a pointer to your C++ object.


Add luaio.h to your include path, and compile luaio.c and link the generated object file to your final executable along with your code implementing your stream.


  • Provide an example implementation.
  • Implement the inverse: C functions with FILE semantics that use Lua streams to do the I/O.


  • 1.0.0
    • First public release


MIT, enjoy.