This document specifies the spec module of Lava Protocol.
A specification, also known as a spec, defines the APIs that a provider commits to providing to consumers. An example of a spec is the Ethereum JSON-RPC spec, which defines the properties of the chain, all supported API calls and their compute units, also known as CUs. Lava has multiple specs, and participants can add and modify specs using governance proposals. When adding a new blockchain, the first step to support a new chain in lava is to create a spec for it.
This document focuses on the specs' technical aspects and does not include current chain support in Lava. For more information on those, please visit Lava's official website.
A chain spec consists of general properties of the chain and a list of interfaces it supports. To simplify the creation and maintenance of specs, they can import APIs from another spec. For example, the X testnet spec can import from the X mainnet spec, eliminating the need to redefine all of the interfaces. For more instructions on how to build a spec visit:
type Spec struct {
Index string // chain unique index
Name string // description string of the spec
Enabled bool // spec enabled/disable
AverageBlockTime int64 // average block time of the chain in msec
MinStakeProvider Coin // min stake for a provider to be active in the chain
ProvidersTypes Spec_ProvidersTypes // determines if the spec is for lava or chains
Imports []string // list of chains to import ApiCollections from
ApiCollections []*ApiCollection // list of ApiCollections that defines all the interfaces and APIs of the chain
Contributor []string // list of contributors (public lava address {lava@...})
ContributorPercentage *Dec // the percentage of coins the contributors will get from each reward a provider get
Shares uint64 // factor for bonus rewards at the end of the month (see rewards module)
AllowedBlockLagForQosSync int64 // defines the accepted blocks a provider can be behind the chain without QOS degradation
BlockLastUpdated uint64 // the last block this spec was updated on chain
ReliabilityThreshold uint32 // this determines the probability of data reliability checks by the consumer
DataReliabilityEnabled bool // enables/disables data reliability for the chain
BlockDistanceForFinalizedData uint32 // number of finalized blocks a provider keeps for data reliability
BlocksInFinalizationProof uint32 // number of blocks for finalization
type is from Cosmos-SDK (cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin
type is from Cosmos-SDK math (
A Contributor
is a member of the Lava community who can earn token commissions by maintaining specs on Lava.
ApiCollection is a struct that defines an interface, such as REST, JSON, etc., along with all of its APIs and properties.
type ApiCollection struct {
Enabled bool // enables/disables the collection
CollectionData CollectionData // defines the properties of the collection, also acts as a unique key
Apis []*Api // list of api's in the collection
Headers []*Header // list of headers supported by the interface and their behaviour
InheritanceApis []*CollectionData // list of other ApiCollection to inherite from
ParseDirectives []*ParseDirective // list of parsing instructions of specific api's
Extensions []*Extension // list of extensions that providers can support in addition to the basic behaviour (for example, archive node)
Verifications []*Verification // list of verifications that providers must pass to make sure they provide full functionality
CollectionData defines the api properties and acts as a unique key for the api collection.
type CollectionData struct {
ApiInterface string // defines the connection interface (rest/json/grpc etc...)
InternalPath string // defines internal path of the node for this specific ApiCollection
Type string // type of api (POST/GET)
AddOn string // optional APIs support
The ApiInterface
field defines the API interface on which the limitations are applied. The available API interfaces for a chain are defined in the chain's spec. Overall, the API interfaces can be: jsonrpc
, rest
, tendermintrpc
and grpc
The InternalPath
field is utilized for chains that have varying RPC API sets in different internal paths. Avalanche is a prime example of such a chain, consisting of three distinct subchains (or subnets) designed for different applications. For instance, Avalanche's C-Chain is dedicated to smart contracts, while Avalanche's X-Chain facilitates the sending and receiving of funds. For further information on how to define this field, please consult the Avalanche (AVAX) specification.
The Type
field lets the user define APIs that have different functionalities depending on their type. the valid types are: GET
and POST
. An example of such API is Cosmos' /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs
API. If it's sent as a GET
request, it fetches transactions by event and if it's sent as a POST
request, it sends a transaction.
The AddOn
field lets you use additional optional APIs like debug, trace etc.
this field defines an extension for the api collection.
type Extension struct {
Name string // name of the extension (archive)
CuMultiplier float32 // cu factor for supporting this extension
Rule *Rule // describes the rules when this extension is active
Api define a specific api in the api collection.
type Api struct {
Enabled bool // enable/disable the api
Name string // api name
ComputeUnits uint64 // the amount of cu of this api (can be defined as the "price" of using this api)
ExtraComputeUnits uint64 // not used
Category SpecCategory // defines the property of the api
BlockParsing BlockParser // specify how to parse the block from the api request
TimeoutMs uint64 // specifies the timeout expected for the api (mseconds)
example of an api definition:
"name": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
"block_parsing": {
"parser_arg": [
"parser_func": "PARSE_BY_ARG"
"compute_units": 20,
"enabled": true,
"category": {
"deterministic": true,
"local": false,
"subscription": false,
"stateful": 0
"extra_compute_units": 0
This struct defines properties of an api.
type SpecCategory struct {
Deterministic bool // if this api have the same response across nodes
Local bool // specific to the local node (like node info query)
Subscription bool // subscription base api
Stateful uint32 // true for transaction APIs
HangingApi bool // marks this api with longer timeout
This struct defines how to extract the block number from the api request.
type BlockParser struct {
ParserArg []string // describes where is the block number in the request
ParserFunc PARSER_FUNC // how to parse the request
DefaultValue string // the expected default value
Encoding string // number encoding (base64|Hex)
ParserFunc instructs how to parse the request to fetch the block number.
const (
ParseDirective is a struct that defines for the provider in a generic way how to fetch specific data from the node (for example: latest block height, block hash, ctv...). it describes for the api collection how to get information from the node.
type ParseDirective struct {
FunctionTag FUNCTION_TAG // defines what the function this serves for
FunctionTemplate string // api template to fill and send to the node
ResultParsing BlockParser // description for parsing the result of the api
ApiName string // the api name
can be one of the following :
const (
FUNCTION_TAG_GET_BLOCKNUM FUNCTION_TAG = 1 // get latest block number
FUNCTION_TAG_GET_BLOCK_BY_NUM FUNCTION_TAG = 2 // get a specific block by block number
The Verification struct defines how to verify a specific property of the API collection. For example, it can be used to verify the chain ID of the node.
type Verification struct {
Name string // verification name
ParseDirective *ParseDirective // ParseDirective to get the the value to verify from the node
Values []*ParseValue // expected value we want from the result
Severity Verification_VerificationSeverity // instructions for what to do if a verification fails
This struct defines for the provider what action to take on the headers of the relayed message.
type Header struct {
Name string // name of the header
Kind Header_HeaderType // what action to take
FunctionTag FUNCTION_TAG // what is the function of the header
Specs can import from other specs, which allows for easy creation and maintenance of specs. Specs import the api collections of the base specs.
A good example of this is the cosmos base specs. All cosmos chains support queries/transactions of the bank module, and these are defined in a cosmos spec (which is disabled since it is a base spec). When creating a cosmos based spec, we can import the cosmos spec and obtain all the APIs of the bank module. This means that specs only need to define the APIs that are unique to the new chain.
- Import cycles of specs are prohibited.
- Specs can override/disable/add APIs from the imported API collection.
- Specs also import the verifications, which can be overridden when necessary (for example, the chain-id value must be overwritten).
The Spec module does not contain parameters.
The Spec module supports the following queries:
Query | Arguments | What it does |
list-spec |
none | shows all the specs |
params |
none | show the params of the module |
show-all-chains |
none | shows all the specs with minimal info |
show-chain-info |
chainid | shows a spec with minimal info |
show-spec |
chainid | shows a full spec |
The Spec module does not support any transactions.
The Spec module provides a proposal to add/overwrite a spec to the chain
lavad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal spec-add <spec_json_1>,<spec_json_2> --from alice <gas-flags>
A valid add_spec_json_1
JSON proposal format:
"proposal": {
"title": "Add Specs: Lava",
"description": "Adding new specification support for relaying Lava data on Lava",
"specs": [
"index": "LAV1",
"name": "lava testnet",
"enabled": true,
"imports": [
"providers_types": 1,
"reliability_threshold": 268435455,
"data_reliability_enabled": true,
"block_distance_for_finalized_data": 0,
"blocks_in_finalization_proof": 1,
"average_block_time": 30000,
"allowed_block_lag_for_qos_sync": 2,
"shares" : 1,
"min_stake_provider": {
"denom": "ulava",
"amount": "50000000000"
"api_collections": [
"enabled": true,
"collection_data": {
"api_interface": "rest",
"internal_path": "",
"type": "GET",
"add_on": ""
"apis": [
"name": "/lavanet/lava/spec/show_all_chains",
"block_parsing": {
"parser_arg": [
"parser_func": "DEFAULT"
"compute_units": 10,
"enabled": true,
"category": {
"deterministic": true,
"local": false,
"subscription": false,
"stateful": 0
"extra_compute_units": 0
"headers": [],
"inheritance_apis": [],
"parse_directives": [],
"verifications": [
"name": "chain-id",
"values": [
"expected_value": "lava-testnet"
"deposit": "10000000ulava"
The plans module has the following events:
Event | When it happens |
spec_add |
a successful addition of a spec |
spec_modify |
a successful modification of an existing spec |
spec_refresh |
a spec was rereshed since it had a imported spec modified |