The library to simplify SourceMod plugins development.
For native language reader, you can choose the table below for a better reading.
Language | Link |
en-US | Link |
zh-CN | Link |
Highlights of the library
- Less dependencies (Only requires DHook, but you should install it at first)
- Wide covered (You can find most of the functions what you want to use here)
- Safe to use (You can use it directly without considering any issue about crashing/etc)
Game | Status |
CS:GO | √ |
Others | - |
√: Tested, and OK
×: Not supported
-: Unknown (Further test required)
Before using this library, you must ensure that your SourceMod version satisfies the following condition:
You just need to do something like this...
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#include <smlib2>
You are welcomed for contributing the library, but you need to keep the author of the project.
Author | Project |
@Kxnrl | sourcemod-utils |
@qubka | Zombie-Plague |
@bcserv | smlib |
And any other libraries what have collected for referencing.