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Getting Started - AWS

This guide is a walkthrough for deploying a BOSH director with bbl on AWS. Upon completion, you will have the following:

  1. A BOSH director instance in the availability zone of your choice.
  2. A set of randomly generated BOSH director credentials.
  3. A generated keypair allowing you to SSH into the BOSH director and any instances BOSH deploys.
  4. A copy of the manifest the BOSH director was deployed with
  5. A basic cloud config

Creating an IAM user

In order for bbl to interact with AWS, an IAM user must be created. This user will be issuing API requests to create the infrastructure such as EC2 instances, load balancers, subnets, etc.

The user must have the following policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

To create a user and associated policy with the AWS CLI run the following commands (policy text must be in your clipboard):

$ aws iam create-user --user-name "bbl-user"
$ aws iam put-user-policy --user-name "bbl-user" \
	--policy-name "bbl-policy" \
	--policy-document "$(pbpaste)"
$ aws iam create-access-key --user-name "bbl-user"

The create-access-key command will write an "access key id" and "secret access key" to the terminal. These values are important and should be kept secret. In the next section bbl will use these commands to create infrastructure on AWS.

Creating infrastructure and BOSH director

bbl will create infrastructure and deploy a BOSH director with the following command:

bbl up \
	--aws-access-key-id <INSERT ACCESS KEY ID> \
	--aws-secret-access-key <INSERT SECRET ACCESS KEY> \
	--aws-region us-west-1 \
	--iaas aws

The process takes around 5-8 minutes. When the process is finished a file named bbl-state.json will be created in the current working directory. This file is very important as it contains credentials and other metadata related to your BOSH director and infrastructure. It is highly recommended that you backup this file into version control or another safe location. For more info about the bbl-state.json see the "State management" section.

State management

The bbl-state.json is an important file that contains confidential information about your infrastructure.

The state file allows you to easily upgrade to the newest BOSH director and stemcell versions when new versions of bbl are released. It will allow you to issue a bbl destroy to destroy the many resources that bbl creates in AWS which is much easier and less error prone than manually finding the resources in the AWS console or CLI.

Backing up this file into a safe place is highly recommended. The file should never be modified by hand.

bbl-state.json contains the following:

  • AWS access key ID, secret access key, region
  • Environment ID (unique ID for tag on all resources bbl deploys)
  • BOSH director username and password
  • BOSH director IP
  • BOSH director SSL CA, certificate, private key
  • bosh-init state and manifest (for the currently deployed director)

The best way to extract this info is by issuing commands like

$ bbl director-username
$ bbl director-ca-cert

and so on...

In order to run these commands, the current directory must contain the bbl-state.json.

Connecting to the BOSH director

To setup your BOSH CLI with the new director you'll need the following command to get the credentials:

eval "$(bbl print-env)"

Alternatives to bbl print-env

Separate commands are available for the bbl print-env fields:

$ bbl director-address
$ bbl director-username
$ bbl director-password
$ bbl director-ca-cert

You might save the CA certificate to a file:

$ bbl director-ca-cert > bosh.crt
$ export BOSH_CA_CERT=bosh.crt

To login:

$ export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=$(bbl director-address)
$ bosh alias-env <INSERT TARGET NAME>
$ bosh log-in
Username: user-d3783rk
Password: p-23dah71sk1

Display cloud config to test setup and show configuration mapping:

$ bosh cloud-config

Now you're ready to deploy software with BOSH!