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Making an x64 Installer

  • x64 platform should be added to the project using Visual Studio's Configuration Manager
  • when building the project using the new x64 configuration, Visual Studio will send the following arguments to candle.exe
-arch x64

Hypothetical installer requirements

  • we want to have both an x86 and an x64 installer for our product
  • some files are deployed by both installers (e.g. FileToInstall.txt)
  • installers should have different UpgradeCodes (should be possible to upgrade them independently)
  • MSI file name should end with either "(x64)" or "(x86)" based on the platform
  • MSI entry in Windows "Programs and Features" should end with either "(x64)" or "(x86)" based the on platform
  • x86 installer
    • deploys my_x86.dll
    • by default is installed in the 32-bit program files folder
    • writes registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node
  • x64 installer
    • deploys my_x64.dll
    • by default is installed in the 64-bit program files folder
    • writes registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
  • it should be possible to install both installers on the same machine at the same time

Implementation of requirements

  • we get two installers by building one for the x86 platform and another by building for the x64 platform
  • platform info (e.g. "(x64)") is appended to the name of the built installer by manually adding OutputName in the wixproj file
  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64' ">
    <OutputName>02_x86_x64_Installer (x64)</OutputName>
  • different UpgradeCodes, different entries in "Programs and Features" and installation to 32-bit/64-bit program files folder are achieved by using the include file where different values are defined based on the platform
  • these values are then used as variables in the main wxs file
  • preprocessor directives are used to determine which files will be deployed in which MSI (x86/x64)
  <?if $(var.Platform) = x64?>
    <File KeyPath="yes" Source="my_x64.dll" />
    <File KeyPath="yes" Source="my_x86.dll" />
  • registry entries will be automatically saved either to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE (x64) or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node (x86) based on platform