Weekly meetings on Thursdays at 15:00 UTC. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d_b2o05FfBG37VwlC2Z1ZArnT9-_AEJoQTe7iKaQZ6I/edit?usp=sharing
- Define and drive scalability and performance goals within KubeVirt. This includes documenting, testing, and measuring performance and scalability for a KubeVirt release.
- Analyze KubeVirt component scalability
- Learn how KubeVirt can more efficiently use Kubernetes
- Document, test, and maintain the performance and scalability standards of KubeVirt components and Virtual Machines across KubeVirt releases
- Raise awareness to work focusing on performance and scale
- Build tooling to measure scale and performance
- Meet to discuss new solutions, patterns, and progress
This sig follows the Roles and Organization Management outlined in OWNER_ALIASES file.
SIG chairs:
- rthallisey
- alaypatel07