Investigation on react-native architecture. Found promising resource on github; Also New Architecture is worth checking out. I know custom hook should be used for repeating things but it seems like the most natural way to handle focus mode logic.
Initially I wanted to create a class FocusModeController but hook seems much more simple and readable.
react-hook-form vs formik
user can create project main page displays projects react-hook-form used
next -> timer
refactor of store
next -> create project creates project
editable, removable, stored in mst categories
next: categories dropdown in create project
nnext: list of projects in main view
nnnext: timer when clicked on project in main view
nnnnext: save timer records in database
Today I integrated mobx-state-tree with the app. It took me some time to find out that to utilize useContext
I have to put the provider in the root _layout file. The phrase for google I was searching so long was useContext with expo router
⏭ next steps:
- create categories and projects
- create models for records
- create timer feature
- persist data
⏭⏭ further steps:
- add actions to projects
- allow to plan actions during the week
- for the begining - no exact time - just morning, afternoon, evening and order of action.
- actions appear on the list on main screen according to the plan
- export records to csv
- present nice graph
⭐ nice to have
- fancy tutorial
- bearable graphic design
👁 Vision: When user first time opens the app the tutorial is started. The app is 'live creating' initial data with narrator describing what and why it's doing.
- Creating some basic categories
- Creating projects for these categories
- a
For now it's called categories but I think I'd prefer 'Area'
Expo router
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