Pinot supports consuming data from Apache Pulsar via pinot-pulsar
plugin. You need to enable this plugin so that Pulsar specific libraries are present in the classpath.
You can enable pulsar plugin with the following config at the time of Pinot setup
{% hint style="info" %}
plugin is not part of official 0.10.0 binary. You can download the plugin from our external repository and add it to libs
or plugins
directory in pinot.
{% endhint %}
A sample Pulsar stream config to ingest data should look as follows. You can use the streamConfigs
section from this sample and make changes for your corresponding table.
"tableName": "pulsarTable",
"tableType": "REALTIME",
"segmentsConfig": {
"timeColumnName": "timestamp",
"replicasPerPartition": "1"
"tenants": {},
"tableIndexConfig": {
"loadMode": "MMAP",
"streamConfigs": {
"streamType": "pulsar",
"": "<your pulsar topic name>",
"stream.pulsar.bootstrap.servers": "pulsar://localhost:6650,pulsar://localhost:6651",
"" : "smallest",
"stream.pulsar.consumer.type": "lowlevel",
"stream.pulsar.fetch.timeout.millis": "30000",
"": "org.apache.pinot.plugin.inputformat.json.JSONMessageDecoder",
"": "",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.rows": "1000000",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.time": "6h"
"metadata": {
"customConfigs": {}
You can change the following Pulsar specifc configurations for your tables
Property | Description |
streamType |
This should be set to "pulsar" | |
Your pulsar topic name |
stream.pulsar.bootstrap.servers |
Comma-seperated broker list for Apache Pulsar |
Pinot-Pulsar connector supports authentication using the security tokens. You can generate the token by following the official Pulsar documentaton. Once generated, you can add the following property to streamConfigs
to add auth token for each request
Pinot-pulsar connecor also supports TLS for encrypted connections. You can follow the official pulsar documentation to enable TLS on your pulsar cluster. Once done, you can enable TLS in pulsar connector by providing the trust certificate file location generated in the previous step.
"stream.pulsar.tlsTrustCertsFilePath": "/path/to/ca.cert.pem"
Also, make sure to change the brokers url from pulsar://localhost:6650
to pulsar+ssl://localhost:6650
so that secure connections are used.
For other table and stream configurations, you can headover to Table configuration Reference
PInot currently relies on Pulsar client version 2.7.2. Users should make sure the Pulsar broker is compatible with the this client version.