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Table of Contents

  1. Structures
  2. Classes
    1. Constructors
    2. Scope Resolution
    3. Namespaces
    4. Initializer Lists
      1. Use initializer lists to set constants
    5. Encapsulation
    6. Accessors
    7. Mutators
    8. Access Modifiers
    9. Abstraction
    10. Static Members
    11. Static Methods
    12. Const Data Members
    13. Polymorphism and Inheritance
      1. Inheritance
        1. Inherited Access Specifiers
      2. Composition
      3. Friends
      4. Polymorphism Overloading
      5. Polymorphism Operator Overloading
      6. Polymorphism Overriding
      7. Virtual Functions
      8. Multiple Inheritance
  3. Generic Programming (Templates)
    1. Template Deduction
    2. Class Templates
  4. System Monitor Project


Allows developers to create their own types to aggregate data relevant to their needs.

struct Date {
  int day{1};
  int month{1};
  int year{0};
// Create an instance of the Date structure
Date date;
// Initialize the attributes of Date = 1;
date.month = 10;
date.year = 2019;

By default members of a struct are public, and you can set them (for example = 1). Can use private: and public: in struct to change user access.

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

struct Date {
  int Day() { return day; }
  void Day(int day) { this->day = day; }
  int Month() { return month; }
  void Month(int month) { this->month = month; }
  int Year() { return year; }
  void Year(int year) { this->year = year; }

  int day{1};
  int month{1};
  int year{0};

int main() {
  Date date;
  assert(date.Day() == 29);
  assert(date.Month() == 8);
  assert(date.Year() == 1981);
  std::cout << date.Day() << "/" << date.Month() << "/" << date.Year() << "\n";

Sometimes accessors are not necessary, or even advisable. The C++ Core Guidelines recommend, "A trivial getter or setter adds no semantic value; the data item could just as well be public."


Classes, like structures, provide a way for C++ programmers to aggregate data together in a way that makes sense in the context of a specific program. By convention, programmers use structures when member variables are independent of each other, and use classes when member variables are related by an "invariant".

  • An "invariant" is a rule that limits the values of member variables. For example, in a Date class, an invariant would specify that the member variable day cannot be less than 0. Another invariant would specify that the value of day cannot exceed 28, 29, 30, or 31, depending on the month and year. Yet another invariant would limit the value of month to the range of 1 to 12.
  • By default struct members are public, but by default, class members are private.
  • As a general rule, member data subject to an invariant should be specified private, in order to enforce the invariant before updating the member's value.


class Date {
  Date(int d, int m, int y) {  // This is a constructor.
  int Day() { return day; }
  void Day(int d) {
    if (d >= 1 && d <= 31) day = d;

  int Month() { return month; }
  void Month(int m) {
    if (m >= 1 && m <= 12) month = m;

  int Year() { return year_; }
  void Year(int y) { year = y; }

  int day{1};
  int month{1};
  int year{0};

Scope Resolution

C++ allows different identifiers (variable and function names) to have the same name, as long as they have different scope. For example, two different functions can each declare the variable int i, because each variable only exists within the scope of its parent function.

In some cases, scopes can overlap, in which case the compiler may need assistance in determining which identifier the programmer means to use. The process of determining which identifier to use is called "scope resolution".

:: is the scope resolution operator. This specifies which namespace or class to search in order to resolve an identifier.

Person::move(); \\ Call the move the function, member of Person class 
std::map m; \\ Initialize the map container from the C++ Standard Library

Each Class provides in own scope. Use scope resolution operator to separate class declaration from class definition.

#include <cassert>
class Date {
  int Day() { return day; }
  void Day(int day);
  int Month() { return month; }
  void Month(int month);
  int Year() { return year; }
  void Year(int year);

  int day{1};
  int month{1};
  int year{0};

void Date::Day(int day) {
    if(day >= 1 && day <= 31)
        Date::day = day;

void Date::Month(int month) {
    if(month >= 1 && month <= 12)
        Date::month = month;

void Date::Year(int year) { Date::year = year; }

// Test in main
int main() {
  Date date;
  assert(date.Day() == 29);
  assert(date.Month() == 8);
  assert(date.Year() == 1981);


Namespaces allow programmers to group logically related variables and functions together. Namespaces also help to avoid conflicts between to variables that have the same name in different parts of a program.

namespace English {
void Hello() { std::cout << "Hello, World!\n"; }
}  // namespace English

namespace Spanish {
void Hello() { std::cout << "Hola, Mundo!\n"; }
}  // namespace Spanish

int main() {

std Namespace

You are already familiar with the std namespace, even if you didn't realize quite what it was. std is the namespace used by the C++ Standard Library.

Classes like std::vector and functions like std::sort are defined within the std namespace.

Initializer Lists

Initializer lists initialize member variables to specific values, just before the class constructor runs. This initialization ensures that class members are automatically initialized when an instance of the class is created.

Date::Date(int day, int month, int year) : year_(y) {

In this example, the member value year is initialized through the initializer list, while day and month are assigned from within the constructor. Assigning day and month allows us to apply the invariants set in the mutator.

In general, prefer initialization to assignment. Initialization sets the value as soon as the object exists, whereas assignment sets the value only after the object comes into being. This means that assignment creates an opportunity to accidentally use a variable before its value is set.

In fact, initialization lists ensure that member variables are initialized before the object is created. This is why class member variables can be declared const, but only if the member variable is initialized through an initialization list. Trying to initialize a const class member within the body of the constructor will not work.

Use initializer lists to set constants

Initializer lists exist for a number of reasons. First, the compiler can optimize initialization faster from an initialization list than from within the constructor.

A second reason is a bit of a technical paradox. If you have a const class attribute, you can only initialize it using an initialization list. Otherwise, you would violate the const keyword simply by initializing the member in the constructor!

The third reason is that attributes defined as references must use initialization lists.

This exercise showcases several advantages of initializer lists.

#include <assert.h>
#include <string>

struct Person {
  Person(std::string name) : name(name) {}
  const std::string name;

// Test
int main() {
  Person alice("Alice");
  Person bob("Bob");
  assert( !=;


Encapsulation is the grouping together of data and logic into a single unit. In object-oriented programming, classes encapsulate data and functions that operate on that data.

This can be a delicate balance, because on the one hand we want to group together relevant data and functions, but on the hand we want to limit member functions to only those functions that need direct access to the representation of a class.

In the context of a Date class, a function Date Tomorrow(Date const & date) probably does not need to be encapsulated as a class member. It can exist outside the Date class.

However, a function that calculates the number of days in a month probably should be encapsulated with the class, because the class needs this function in order to operate correctly.

More Date class example of functions that could be captured in this class:

#include <cassert>

class Date {
  Date(int day, int month, int year);
  int Day() const { return day_; }
  void Day(int day);
  int Month() const { return month_; }
  void Month(int month);
  int Year() const { return year_; }
  void Year(int year);

  bool LeapYear(int year) const;
  int DaysInMonth(int month, int year) const;
  int day_{1};
  int month_{1};
  int year_{0};

Date::Date(int day, int month, int year) {

bool Date::LeapYear(int year) const {
    if(year % 4 != 0)
        return false;
    else if(year % 100 != 0)
        return true;
    else if(year % 400 != 0)
        return false;
        return true;

int Date::DaysInMonth(int month, int year) const {
    if(month == 2)
        return LeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28;
    else if(month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11)
        return 30;
        return 31;

void Date::Day(int day) {
  if (day >= 1 && day <= DaysInMonth(Month(), Year()))
    day_ = day;

void Date::Month(int month) {
  if (month >= 1 && month <= 12)
    month_ = month;

void Date::Year(int year) { year_ = year; }

// Test
int main() {
  Date date(29, 2, 2016);
  assert(date.Day() == 29);
  assert(date.Month() == 2);
  assert(date.Year() == 2016);
  Date date2(29, 2, 2019);
  assert(date2.Day() != 29);
  assert(date2.Month() == 2);
  assert(date2.Year() == 2019);


Accessor functions are public member functions that allow users to access an object's data, albeit indirectly.

Accessors should only retrieve data. They should not change the data stored in the object.

The main role of the const specifier in accessor methods is to protect member data. When you specify a member function as const, the compiler will prohibit that function from changing any of the object's member data.

Using the same Date class from above, the following is an example of a accessor (getter).

int Day() const { return day_; }


A mutator ("setter") function can apply logic ("invariants") when updating member data. Keeps users from setting member data to an invalid state.

Example from Date class above:

void Day(int day);
void Date::Day(int day) {
  if (day >= 1 && day <= DaysInMonth(Month(), Year()))
    day_ = day;

Access Modifiers

  • Public: access to anyone
  • Private: access only within the class
  • Protected: access only within friend classes (and the class)

Learn more here


Abstraction refers to the separation of a class's interface from the details of its implementation. The interface provides a way to interact with an object, while hiding the details and implementation of how the class works.

The String() function within this Date class is an example of abstraction.

class Date {
  std::string String() const;

The user is able to interact with the Date class through the String() function, but the user does not need to know about the implementation of either Date or String().

For example, the user does not know, or need to know, that this object internally contains three int member variables. The user can just call the String() method to get data.

If the designer of this class ever decides to change how the data is stored internally -- using a vector of ints instead of three separate ints, for example -- the user of the Date class will not need to know.

See sphere_class_example for another example of abstraction.

Static Members

Class members can be declared static, which means that the member belongs to the entire class, instead of to a specific instance of the class. More specifically, a static member is created only once and then shared by all instances (i.e. objects) of the class. All instances of that class will refer to the same memory location for that static variable. That means that if the static member gets changed, either by a user of the class or within a member function of the class itself, then all members of the class will see that change the next time they access the static member.

static members are declared within their class (often in a header file) but in most cases they must be defined within the global scope. That's because memory is allocated for static variables immediately when the program begins, at the same time any global variables are initialized.

Here is an example:

#include <iostream>

class Foo {
  static int count;
  Foo() { Foo::count += 1; }

int Foo::count{0};

int main() {
  Foo f;
  std::cout << f.count << std::endl; // 1
  Foo f2;
  std::cout << f.count << ", " << f2.count << std::endl; // 2, 2
  Foo f3;
  std::cout << f.count << ", " << f2.count << ", " << f3.count << std::endl; // 3, 3, 3
  std::cout << &(f.count) << ", " << &(f2.count) << ", " << &(f3.count) << std::endl; // same address!
  std::cout << Foo::count << std::endl; // Can access the static data member without a class instantiation
  std::cout << Foo::count << std::endl; // 3

An exception to the global definition of static members is if such members can be marked as constexpr. In that case, the static member variable can be both declared and defined within the class definition:

struct Kilometer {
  static constexpr int meters{1000};

Static Methods

In addition to static member variables, C++ supports static member functions (or "methods"). Just like static member variables, static member functions are instance-independent: they belong to the class, not to any particular instance of the class.

One corollary to this is that we can method invoke a static member function without ever creating an instance of the class. Static member functions can not access instance member variables. Static member functions are for static member variables only.

#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>

class Sphere {
  static float Volume(int radius) {
    return pi_ * 4/3 * pow(radius,3);

  static float constexpr pi_{3.14159};

// Test
int main(void)
  assert(abs(Sphere::Volume(5) - 523.6) < 1);

Const Data Members

Data that shouldn't be changed should be declared as const.

There are 2 ways to initialize const data members.

  • Initialize in the class
  • From outside the class using an initializer list


#include <iostream>

class Phone
	Phone(std::string str) : phone_name(str) {}
	std::string GetPhoneName() {return phone_name;}
	std::string GetPhoneMake() {return phone_make;}
	const std::string phone_name;
	const std::string phone_make = "Motorola";

int main()
	Phone p1("Moto G4");
	std::cout << p1.getPhoneName() << std::endl;
	std::cout << p1.getPhoneMake() << std::endl;
	return 0;

Polymorphism and Inheritance


  • Top level class is parent class or base class.
  • Class that inherits from it is called derived class or child class.

Syntax Example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::string;

class Vehicle {
    int wheels = 0;
    string color = "blue";
    string make  = "generic";
    void Print() const
        std::cout << "This " << color << " " << make << " vehicle has " << wheels << " wheels!\n";

class Car : public Vehicle {
    bool sunroof = false;

// Example of multi-level inheritance
class Sedan : public Car {
    int doors{4};

class Bicycle : public Vehicle {
    bool kickstand = true;

class Scooter : public Vehicle {
    bool electric = false;

int main() 
    Scooter scooter;
    scooter.wheels = 2;

Inherited Access Specifiers

Just as access specifiers (i.e. publicprotected, and private) define which class members users can access, the same access modifiers also define which class members users of a derived classes can access.

Public inheritance: the public and protected members of the base class listed after the specifier keep their member access in the derived class

Protected inheritance: the public and protected members of the base class listed after the specifier are protected members of the derived class

Private inheritance: the public and protected members of the base class listed after the specifier are private members of the derived class


// This example demonstrates the privacy levels
// between parent and child classes
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::string;

class Vehicle {
    int wheels = 0;
    string color = "blue";
    void Print() const
        std::cout << "This " << color << " vehicle has " << wheels << " wheels!\n";

class Car : public Vehicle {
    bool sunroof = false;

class Bicycle : protected Vehicle {
    bool kickstand = true;

class Scooter : private Vehicle {
    bool electric = false;

int main() 
    Car car;
    car.wheels = 4;
	// The following will produce errors and won't compile
    //Bicycle bicycle;
    //bicycle.wheels = 2;
    //Scooter scooter;
    //scooter.wheels = 1;


Composition is a closely related alternative to inheritance. Composition involves constructing ("composing") classes from other classes, instead of inheriting traits from a parent class.

A common way to distinguish "composition" from "inheritance" is to think about what an object can do, rather than what it is. This is often expressed as "has a" versus "is a".

From the standpoint of composition, a cat "has a" head and "has a" set of paws and "has a" tail.

From the standpoint of inheritance, a cat "is a" mammal.

There is no hard and fast rule about when to prefer composition over inheritance. In general, if a class needs only extend a small amount of functionality beyond what is already offered by another class, it makes sense to inherit from that other class. However, if a class needs to contain functionality from a variety of otherwise unrelated classes, it makes sense to compose the class from those other classes.


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <assert.h>

// Define LineSegment struct
struct LineSegment {
// Define protected attribute length
    double length;

// Define Circle class
    Circle(LineSegment& radius);
    double Area();

    LineSegment& radius_;

// Declare Circle class
Circle::Circle(LineSegment& radius) : radius_(radius) {}

double Circle::Area() 
    return pow(Circle::radius_.length, 2) * M_PI;

// Test in main()
int main() 
    LineSegment radius {3};
    Circle circle(radius);
    assert(int(circle.Area()) == 28);


In C++, friend classes provide an alternative inheritance mechanism to derived classes. The main difference between classical inheritance and friend inheritance is that a friend class can access private members of the base class, which isn't the case for classical inheritance. In classical inheritance, a derived class can only access public and protected members of the base class.


#include <cassert>

class Heart {
	int rate{80};
	friend class Human;

class Human {
	Heart heart;
	void Exercise() {heart.rate = 150;}
	int HeartRate() {return heart.rate;}

int main() {
	Human human;
	assert(human.HeartRate() == 80);
	assert(human.HeartRate() == 150);

Polymorphism Overloading

Polymorphism is means "assuming many forms".

In the context of object-oriented programming, polymorphism describes a paradigm in which a function may behave differently depending on how it is called. In particular, the function will perform differently based on its inputs.

Polymorphism can be achieved in two ways in C++: overloading and overriding. In this exercise we will focus on overloading.

In C++, you can write two (or more) versions of a function with the same name. This is called "overloading". Overloading requires that we leave the function name the same, but we modify the function signature. For example, we might define the same function name with multiple different configurations of input arguments.


#include <cassert>
#include <string>

class Water {};
class Alcohol {};
class Coffee {};

class Human{
	std::string condition{"happy"};
	void Drink(Water water){condition = "hydrated";}
	void Drink(Alcohol alcohol){condition = "impaired";}
	void Drink(Soda soda){condition = "cavities";}

int main() {
	Human david;
	assert(david.condition == "happy");
	assert(david.condition == "hydrated");
	assert(david.condition == "impaired");
	assert(david.condition == "cavities");

Polymorphism Operator Overloading

In this exercise you'll see how to achieve polymorphism with operator overloading. You can choose any operator from the ASCII table and give it your own set of rules!

Operator overloading can be useful for many things. Consider the + operator. We can use it to add ints, doubles, floats, or even std::strings.

Imagine vector addition. You might want to perform vector addition on a pair of points to add their x and y components. The compiler won't recognize this type of operation on its own, because this data is user defined. However, you can overload the + operator so it performs the action that you want to implement.


#include <assert.h>

class Point {
    Point(int x, int y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
    Point operator+(const Point& p2)
        return Point(x_ + p2.x_, y_ + p2.y_);
    int x_;
    int y_;

// Test in main()
int main() {
  Point p1(10, 5), p2(2, 4);
  Point p3 = p1 + p2; // An example call to "operator +";
  assert(p3.x_ == p1.x_ + p2.x_);
  assert(p3.y_ == p1.y_ + p2.y_);

Polymorphism Overriding

Overriding a function occurs when:

  1. A base class declares a virtual function.
  2. A derived class overrides that virtual function by defining its own implementation with an identical function signature.

See example in virtual functions section.

override keyword

This specification tells both the compiler and the human programmer that the purpose of this function is to override a virtual function. The compiler will verify that a function specified as override does indeed override some other virtual function, or otherwise the compiler will generate an error.

Specifying a function as override is good practice, as it empowers the compiler to verify the code, and communicates the intention of the code to future users.

For example:

class Shape {
  virtual double Area() const = 0;
  virtual double Perimeter() const = 0;

class Circle : public Shape {
  Circle(double radius) : radius_(radius) {}
  double Area() const override { return pow(radius_, 2) * PI; } // specified as an override function
  double Perimeter() const override { return 2  *radius_*  PI; } // specified as an override function

  double radius_;

Function Hiding

Function hiding is closely related, but distinct from, overriding.

A derived class hides a base class function, as opposed to overriding it, if the base class function is not specified to be virtual.

class Cat {
  std::string Talk() const { return std::string("Meow"); }

class Lion : public Cat {
  std::string Talk() const { return std::string("Roar"); }

In this example, Cat is the base class and Lion is the derived class. Both Cat and Lion have Talk() member functions.

When an object of type Lion calls Talk(), the object will run Lion::Talk(), not Cat::Talk().

In this situation, Lion::Talk() is hiding Cat::Talk(). If Cat::Talk() were virtual, then Lion::Talk() would override Cat::Talk(), instead of hiding it. Overriding requires a virtual function in the base class.

The distinction between overriding and hiding is subtle and not terribly significant, but in certain situations hiding can lead to bizarre errors, particularly when the two functions have slightly different function signatures.

Virtual Functions

Virtual functions are a polymorphic feature. These functions are declared (and possibly defined) in a base class, and can be overridden by derived classes.

This approach declares an interface at the base level, but delegates the implementation of the interface to the derived classes.

In this exercise, class Shape is the base class. Geometrical shapes possess both an area and a perimeter. Area() and Perimeter() should be virtual functions of the base class interface. Append = 0 to each of these functions in order to declare them to be "pure" virtual functions.

pure virtual function is a virtual function that the base class declares but does not define.

A pure virtual function has the side effect of making its class abstract. This means that the class cannot be instantiated. Instead, only classes that derive from the abstract class and override the pure virtual function can be instantiated.


#include <assert.h>
#include <cmath>

class Shape
    virtual float Area() const = 0;
    virtual float Perimeter() const = 0;

class Rectangle: public Shape
    Rectangle(float width, float height) : width_(width), height_(height) {}
    float Area() const {return width_ * height_;}
    float Perimeter() const{return width_ * 2.0f + height_ * 2.0f;}
    float width_;
    float height_;

class Circle : public Shape
    Circle(float radius) : radius_(radius) {}
    float Area() const {return M_PI * radius_ * radius_;}
    float Perimeter() const {return 2.0f * M_PI * radius_;}
    float radius_;

// Test in main()
int main() {
  double epsilon = 0.1; // useful for floating point equality
  // Test circle
  Circle circle(12.31);
  assert(abs(circle.Perimeter() - 77.35) < epsilon);
  assert(abs(circle.Area() - 476.06) < epsilon);
  // Test rectangle
  Rectangle rectangle(10, 6);
  assert(rectangle.Perimeter() == 32);
  assert(rectangle.Area() == 60);

Multiple Inheritance

The Core Guidelines have some worthwhile recommendations about how and when to use multiple inheritance:


#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

class Car {
	std::string Drive() {return "I'm driving!";}

class Boat {
	std::string Cruise() {return "I'm cruising!";}

class AmphibiousCar : public Boat, public Car {};

int main() {
	Car car;
	Boat boat;
	AmphibiousCar duck;
	assert(duck.Drive() = car.Drive());
	assert(duck.Cruise() == boat.Cruise());

Generic Programming (Templates)

An example of generic programming is the vector class. You can create a vector of any type of object (string, int, custom user defined class, etc.).

Templates enable generic programming by generalizing a function to apply to any class. Specifically, templates use types as parameters so that the same implementation can operate on different data types.

For example, you might need a function to accept many different data types. The function acts on those arguments, perhaps dividing them or sorting them or something else. Rather than writing and maintaining the multiple function declarations, each accepting slightly different arguments, you can write one function and pass the argument types as parameters. At compile time, the compiler then expands the code using the types that are passed as parameters.


template <typename Type> Type Sum(Type a, Type b) { return a + b; }

int main() {
	std::cout << Sum<double>(20.0, 13.7) << "\n";

Because Sum() is defined with a template, when the program calls Sum() with doubles as parameters, the function expands to become:

double Sum(double a, double b) {
    return a+b;

Or in this case:

std::cout << Sum<char>(‘Z’, ’j’) << "\n";

The program expands to become:

char Sum(char a, char b) {
    return a+b;

We use the keyword template to specify which function is generic. Generic code is the term for code that is independent of types. It is mandatory to put the template<> tag before the function signature, to specify and mark that the declaration is generic.

Besides template, the keyword typename (or, alternatively, class) specifies the generic type in the function prototype. The parameters that follow typename (or class) represent generic types in the function declaration.

In order to instantiate a templatized class, use a templatized constructor, for example: Sum<double>(20.0, 13.7). You might recognize this form as the same form used to construct a vector. That's because vectors are indeed a generic class!

See template_example.cpp for more examples of how to use.

Template Deduction

The compiler determines the type for a template automatically without us having to specify it.


template <typename T> 
T Max(T a, T b) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

// These are equivalent
std::cout << Max(5.7, 1.436246) << std::endl;
std::cout << Max<double>(5.7, 1.436246) << std::endl;

Class Templates

Classes are the building blocks of object oriented programming in C++. Templates support the creation of generic classes!

Class templates can declare and implement generic attributes for use by generic methods. These templates can be very useful when building classes that will serve multiple purposes.


#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
class Mapping {
  Mapping(KeyType key, ValueType value) : key(key), value(value) {}
  std::string Print() const {
    std::ostringstream stream;
    stream << key << ": " << value;
    return stream.str();
  KeyType key;
  ValueType value;

// Test
int main() {
  Mapping<std::string, int> mapping("age", 20);
  assert(mapping.Print() == "age: 20");