All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed variable
default fromtrue
2.0.0 - 03-09-2019
- Upgrade to terraform 0.12, Migration directions:
- Ensure you are on vpc 1.5.0.
- Ensure you update Terraform to 0.12.
- Ensure you providers are update to Terraform 0.12 compatible version.
- Migrate your code via
terraform 0.12 upgrade
1.5.0 - 17-07-2019
- Add example using Terraform 0.12.
- Updates to make module Terraform 0.12 compatible.
1.4.0 - 10-07-2019
- Make automatically created (default) resources managed by Terraform (ACL, SG and RT)
- Add tags to all created resources.
1.3.0 - 10-04-2019
- Add S3 VPC endpoint by default so the access to S3 is free from within the VPC.
- Updated terraform versions in example.
- Removed provider from module.
1.2.1 - 20-12-2018
- Rewrite aws_route53_zone resource to remove deprecated vpc_id
1.2.0 - 11-10-2018
- Added condition for the EIP
1.1.0 - 07-07-2018
- Add additional tags to public / private subnets to make them usable in Terraform data objects
- Add extra input variable tags, for tagging resources
- Slack badge in documentation
- Refactored route table creation to support updates of routes. The change requires manually updates. See
- Add output variables for route table ids
- Added availability zone to output
- Support for terraform 0.11
- Fix region defaults
- Initial release, based on