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Releases: kickstarter/android-oss

Qualtrics survey and Discover a Project events

12 Feb 21:48
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Actual release date

February 12, 2019



[❔] NT-601 Qualtrics survey support (#700)
[🆕] NT-790 Additional Qualtrics properties (#715)
[🎨] NT-792 Updating Qualtrics prompt background color (#723)
[📝] NT-824 Updating Qualtrics survey prompt copy (#726)


[🛁] Adding new tracking session properties (#702)
[🛁] Added new discover properties to TrackingClientType. (#704)
[🛁] Adding new project properties (#705)
[🛁] Adding new tracking user properties (#703)
[⏱️] Adding timestamps to lake events and tests (#706)
[␡] Removing sample Lake events (#707)
[🔍] NT-654 Adding Explore Page Viewed event (#709)
[😅] Adds missing session_os property to session properties (#710)
[🍔] NT-811 Added Hamburger Menu Clicked event (#716)
[🔍] NT-812 Added Explore Sort Clicked event (#717)
[🕵🏾‍♀️] NT-818 Search Button Clicked event (#721)
[🌚] NT-819 Project Page Viewed event (#720)
[🔍] NT-817 Filter Clicked event (#719)
[⚡️] NT-816 Activity Feed Viewed event (#718)
[🔍] NT-820 Search Page Viewed event and NT-821 Search Results Loaded event (#722)
[ℹ️] NT-813 Updating "partition-key" value in Data Lake events (#724)
[🔒] NT-693 Adding client_id param to Lake requests (#725)
[🕷] NT-826 Renaming session_user_logged_in property to session_user_is_logged_in (#728)
[🚮] NT-831 Removing volatile user tracking properties (#727)
[👩‍👧] NT-839 Adding parentName to Category model (#733)
[💧] NT-815 Hitting prod data Lake in prod (#734)
[🔢] NT-850 session_os_version tracking property should only contain numbers (#737)
[🛤] NT-851 Add session_client_platform to session properties (#738)


[💥] Fixes crash when clicking a project update (#711)
[🕷] NT-786 Fixes bug with clicking project URLs from an update (#712)
[🤕] NT-726 Cancel pledge NPE (#713)
[💦] NT-725 Cleaning up some context leaks (#714)
[🎩] NT-825 Changing home sort to magic but for real this time (#729)


[🎉] Updating the readme for 2k20 (#708)
[✅] Fixing add new cards tests (#730)

User education

[♿️] NT-709 Adding accessibility statement to help section of settings (#732)

Release Prep

[🚀] 2.2.0 RC (#742 )

Go Rewardless (again!) and a Webview Mystery™

03 Jan 23:33
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Actual release date

Dec 18, 2019



[🐛] NT-689 Fetching projects by "tag_id" and not "tad_id" (#693)
[😕] NT-713 Handling users clicking on project links in the webviews

Feature flags

[🏴] NT-691 Go rewardless flag, take 2 (#695)


[📱] NT-690 Sending custom User Agent header with graphQL requests (#694)



[💧] NT-653 Set up additional tracking client to hit the Data Lake™ (#692)


[🔄] Refactor of TrackingClient (#697)

Release Prep

[🚀] 2.1.2 RC (#696)
[🚀] 2.1.3 RC (#699)

Go Rewardless

10 Dec 22:03
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[🆕] NT-585 Showing go rewardless tout in Disco (#682)
[🚀] NT-586 Clicking Editorial in disco opens Editorial projects list (#683)
[🔌] NT-619 Error handling when viewing Editorial (#684)
[✨] NT-587 Go rewardless carousel treatment (#685)


[🛤] NT-622 Go rewardless tracking (#687)


[💥] NT-625 No Crash Zone™ (#688)
[🐞] NT-661 Removing secondary ProgressBar in Discovery (#690)


[👷🏾‍♀️] Updating fabric gradle tools and google services to silence obsolete (#686)

Release Prep

[🚀] 2.1.0 RC (#689)
[🚀] 2.1.1 RC (#691)

[💳] Native Checkout

10 Dec 20:50
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(This was released in the Play Store on November 21, 2019)



[🗣] NT-252 Improved a11y on project page (#635)
[💳] NT-416 Improved a11y in Pledge screen (#636)
[💳] NT-414 Improved a11y support for stored cards (#634)
[🗣] NT-457 A11y label for backing payment method (#647)


[🎨] NT-390 Total pledge color is static (#639)
[🎨] NT-487 Customizing 3DS2 style (#662)
[🎨] NT-473 Pledge currency text styles (#668)


[🔁] NT-379 Synchronous createBacking (#637)
[💳] NT-380 Synchronous updateBacking (#649)
[💳] NT-369 createBacking with SCA support (#646)
[🎊] NT-464 UpdateBacking SCA (#654)


Always displaying the pledge minimum. (#640)
[😭] NT-412 Pledge validation (#641)
[💰] NT-441 Showing backer if they used Google Pay or Apple Pay (#642)
[⚠️] NT-448 Displaying deadline warning on pledge screen (#652)
[🙈] NT-442 Pledge summary visibility in the pledge screen (#650)
[🙈] NT-466 Pledge summary visibility in the view/manage pledge screen (#651)
[⛔️] NT-509 Hiding reward CTA for creators on their own project (#660)
[🔙] NT-479 Pledge toolbar navigation (#661)
[ℹ️] NT-511 Showing project launch date when current user is project's creator (#664)
[👀] NT-510 Pledge CTA for creators viewing their own project is "View your rewards" (#665)
[📛] NT-536 Added current user's name and avatar to view/manage pledge (#667)
[📈] NT-512 Added creator dashboard button to project page (#666)
[ℹ️] NT-507 Displaying backing status in BackingFragment (#669)
[👆🏾] NT-566 Pull to refresh support in View/Manage pledge (#670)
[🔜] NT-564 Preauth backing status support (#671)
[🆕] NT-567 Special manage pledge menu for backings in preauth state (#672)
[🙈] Hiding payment method section in BackingFragment when paymentMethod is null (#675)
[👷🏾‍♀️] NT-584 Go rewardless feature flag support (#679)


[🐛] NT-225 NPE when saving card unsuccessfully in settings (#638)
[🐛] NT-455 Fixing bug when viewing rewards of a backed project. (#644)
[🐜] NT-448 Pledge warning rotation bug (#663)
[🐛] NT-467 Fixes bug with pledge text color and max warning (#658)
[🐞] NT-566 Refreshing project page bug (#680)


[👷🏾‍♀️] NT-452 Stripe 11.1.3 -> 12.0.1 (#648)
[🚮] NT-351 Updating Google Wallet library 17.0.0 -> 18.0.0 (#655)
[✅] NT-344 Adds missing tests in ProjectViewModel (#657)
[💥] NT-443 Fixing Crashlytics setup (#659)
[📱] Adding KSRequestInterceptor to graphQL client (#677)
[👷🏾‍♀️] Fixes documentation with signing.gradle credentials (#674)
[👷🏾‍♀️] NT-588 Setting up regression variant (#678)

Release prep

[🏳] NT-344 Using native checkout feature flag in external builds (#656)
[🚀] 2.0.0 RC (#673)
[👯‍♀️] Syncing master and 2.0.0 release branch (#676)
[🚀] 2.0.0 part 3 (#681)


Internal Tools

[🔥] Internal tools redesign and config feature flags display (#643)
Fixes imports from moved files in internal tools (#645)

Q Support 𝐐, RefTags 🏷

08 Oct 16:25
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Included from hot fix releases

[1.17.1] Downgrading Facebook library #601

Sending client_id secret with GraphQL requests


♻️ NT-83 Project reload

Externally, deep linked users will see a ProgressBar and the project action button will animate.

💰🤔 NT-165 Displaying converted reward minimum (#608)


✨Button style update


🆕 NT-253 Stripe SDK 8.3.0 -> 11.1.3


𝐐 NT-336 Targeting SDK 29


RefTag updates

🏷 NT-343 Adding default ref tag to project deep links that don't have one #620
🔗 NT-337 Adding ref tag when sharing projects #621
🔗 NT-342 Adding ref tag when sharing updates #622
🔗 NT-339 Adding ref tag when sharing from Thanks #624


Manage your pledge

[🔁] Manage pledge UI #593
[🍡] View/manage pledge menu #595
[🔁] CancelPledgeFragment redesign #594
[🔥] Update pledge #596
[✨] View/Manage pledge UI #597
[💰] Always showing the total pledge amount in manage pledge summary #598
[💳] Update backing payment method #599
[🌍] Consuming backing.locationName #610
[🚫] NT-247 Pledge can't be canceled warning #615

Reward updates

👣Hiding the rewards count in landscape #604

🔙 Reward buttons copy and style #603

🔙 Reversing reward animation on back press #609

📝 No reward copy, 3 #605

ℹ️NT-236 Reward IA additions #613

[♻️] NT-83 Project reload



[🚧] Removing some repos from gradle to fix the build in CI #606
[🐛] Back button bug #611
[💳] NT-246 Disabling stored cards based on project.availableCardTypes #614
[👋🏾] Remove leak canary #626

Prelaunch 🔜

27 Aug 20:50
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Proper card brand assets


Webview crash take 2!


Prelaunch MVP



Cancel pledge success bug


One time card pledge


Unavailable cards in pledge screen


Adding unavailable card


Native checkout shipping summaries


Native checkout reward button copy


Native checkout no reward title copy


No reward title copy


Reward TalkBack


Manage pledge menu


Adding expandedCountry to location model


Rewards footer



Native checkout, take 2


Crashes aren't Cool™

05 Aug 20:59
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Facebook icon and colors


Mark as received bug


Webview crash


Messages pledge UI



Cancel pledge


Pledge input


Reward sheet titles



Dependency sweep #566
Mini magick security vulnerability #568 #572 #573
Color name #569

Bugs bugs bugs

03 Jul 15:48
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View pledge from reward bug


Round icon support for API 26


GraphQL requests in webviews


Creator by line


HK currency bug


Project landscape bug



No rewards manage pledge decimals


Manage your pledge reward state

#555 #560
device-2019-06-25-144802 2019-06-25 14_48_28

Landscape native checkout



PR template update #556

Messaging creators, sent mailbox, drawer counts, FB SDK update

18 Jun 19:12
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Messaging creators

Sent mailbox and messaging creators from bio #525

Drawer updates

Messages and unread count in drawer #526

Drawer Hamburger animation #527

Unseen activity count in drawer #533

Facebook SDK

Updated Facebook SDK #543


Native Checkout

Shipping Rules #517 #537

Rewards container resize bug #518

Pledge stepper #519 #531

Reward gradient #522

Expand icon #530

No reward shrink animation #532

Disabled rewards #534 #538

View your pledge #536 #545

Native checkout with stored card (!) #541

Reward minimum styling #542


Pagination bug #523
ProjectActivity Behavior Subjects #539
Mock user NPE #540


Currency refactoring #528 #535
Removing KSR10 #529

Payment methods crash fix

01 May 20:11
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1.14.1 hotfix

Fixes crash when saving or deleting payment methods.