Currently, the tool is not published on nuget, so you have to install it locally
- Download nuget package from realise (in the future it will be available on the nuget)
- Install dotnet tool
dotnet tool install --global --add-source {pathToFolderWithNupkg}
This tool will develop equally with ui, for user which prefers a work from console instead of UI.
In each command which has {PathToFolderWithFsln}, the default value is the current folder. So If you run a command where you have fsln file you don't have to.
Create project create a new project. It's create a new
- fsln file
- sln file
- console app with installed Fiona.Hosting
dotnet Fiona Create {pathToDestinationFolder} {ProjectName}
eg. dotnet Fiona Create E:\100Commitow\ConsoleApp TestFromConsole
This command compiles only one file to csharp. It's created or override exists file {filename}. Fn.cs
dotnet Fiona CompileFile {PathToFile} {PathToFolderWithFsln}
eg. dotnet Fiona
This command will be, compile all fn files from solution to c# file
dotnet Fiona Compile {PathToSolution}
or just dotnet Fiona Compile